scilib documentation

LeanChemicalTheories / adsorption.langmuir_kinetics

Langmuir adsorption model #

This section defines Langmuir adsorption model from kinetics for a single adsorbate on a single site:
$$ θ = \frac{K Pₐ}{1 + K Pₐ} $$ where:

Assumption #

The model assumes the rate of adsorption r_ad = k_ad * Pₐ * S and
the rate of desorption r_d = k_d * A are equal at equilibrium conditions where:

Constraints generated by Lean #

To-Do #

theorem Langmuir_single_site_old (Pₐ k_ad k_d A S : ) (hreaction : let r_ad : := k_ad * Pₐ * S, r_d : := k_d * A in r_ad = r_d) (hS : S 0) (hk_d : k_d 0) :
let θ : := A / (S + A), K : := k_ad / k_d in θ = K * Pₐ / (1 + K * Pₐ)
noncomputable def langmuir_single_site_model (equilibrium_constant : ) :
def hernys_law_model (equilibrium_constant : ) :
theorem langmuir_single_site_kinetic_derivation {Pₐ k_ad k_d A S : } (hreaction : let r_ad : := k_ad * Pₐ * S, r_d : := k_d * A in r_ad = r_d) (hS : S 0) (hk_d : k_d 0) :
let θ : := A / (S + A), K : := k_ad / k_d in θ = langmuir_single_site_model K Pₐ