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Recursive cases (rcases) tactic and related tactics #

rcases is a tactic that will perform cases recursively, according to a pattern. It is used to destructure hypotheses or expressions composed of inductive types like h1 : a ∧ b ∧ c ∨ d or h2 : ∃ x y, trans_rel R x y. Usual usage might be rcases h1 with ⟨ha, hb, hc⟩ | hd or rcases h2 with ⟨x, y, _ | ⟨z, hxz, hzy⟩⟩ for these examples.

Each element of an rcases pattern is matched against a particular local hypothesis (most of which are generated during the execution of rcases and represent individual elements destructured from the input expression). An rcases pattern has the following grammar:

The patterns are fairly liberal about the exact shape of the constructors, and will insert additional alternation branches and tuple arguments if there are not enough arguments provided, and reuse the tail for further matches if there are too many arguments provided to alternation and tuple patterns.

This file also contains the obtain and rintro tactics, which use the same syntax of rcases patterns but with a slightly different use case:

Tags #

rcases, rintro, obtain, destructuring, cases, pattern matching, match

These synonyms for list are used to clarify the meanings of the many usages of lists in this module.

These are merely type synonyms, and so are not checked for consistency by the compiler.

The def/local notation combination makes Lean retain these annotations in reported types.

def tactic.list_Sigma (T : Type u_1) :
Type u_1

A list, with a disjunctive meaning (like a list of inductive constructors, or subgoals)

def tactic.list_Pi (T : Type u_1) :
Type u_1

A list, with a conjunctive meaning (like a list of constructor arguments, or hypotheses)

meta def tactic.uncleared_goal  :

A metavariable representing a subgoal, together with a list of local constants to clear.

meta inductive tactic.rcases_patt  :

An rcases pattern can be one of the following, in a nested combination:

  • A name like foo
  • The special keyword rfl (for pattern matching on equality using subst)
  • A hyphen -, which clears the active hypothesis and any dependents.
  • A type ascription like pat : ty (parentheses are optional)
  • A tuple constructor like ⟨p1, p2, p3⟩
  • An alternation / variant pattern p1 | p2 | p3

Parentheses can be used for grouping; alternation is higher precedence than type ascription, so p1 | p2 | p3 : ty means (p1 | p2 | p3) : ty.

N-ary alternations are treated as a group, so p1 | p2 | p3 is not the same as p1 | (p2 | p3), and similarly for tuples. However, note that an n-ary alternation or tuple can match an n-ary conjunction or disjunction, because if the number of patterns exceeds the number of constructors in the type being destructed, the extra patterns will match on the last element, meaning that p1 | p2 | p3 will act like p1 | (p2 | p3) when matching a1 ∨ a2 ∨ a3. If matching against a type with 3 constructors, p1 | (p2 | p3) will act like p1 | (p2 | p3) | _ instead.

Instances for tactic.rcases_patt
@[protected, instance]

Get the name from a pattern, if provided

Interpret an rcases pattern as a tuple, where p becomes ⟨p⟩ if p is not already a tuple.

Interpret an rcases pattern as an alternation, where non-alternations are treated as one alternative.

Convert a list of patterns to a tuple pattern, but mapping [p] to p instead of ⟨p⟩.

Convert a list of patterns to an alternation pattern, but mapping [p] to p instead of a unary alternation |p.

This function is used for producing rcases patterns based on a case tree. Suppose that we have a list of patterns ps that will match correctly against the branches of the case tree for one constructor. This function will merge tuples at the end of the list, so that [a, b, ⟨c, d⟩] becomes ⟨a, b, c, d⟩ instead of ⟨a, b, ⟨c, d⟩⟩.

We must be careful to turn [a, ⟨⟩] into ⟨a, ⟨⟩⟩ instead of ⟨a⟩ (which will not perform the nested match).

This function is used for producing rcases patterns based on a case tree. This is like tuple₁_core but it produces a pattern instead of a tuple pattern list, converting [n] to n instead of ⟨n⟩ and [] to _, and otherwise just converting [a, b, c] to ⟨a, b, c⟩.

This function is used for producing rcases patterns based on a case tree. Here we are given the list of patterns to apply to each argument of each constructor after the main case, and must produce a list of alternatives with the same effect. This function calls tuple₁ to make the individual alternatives, and handles merging [a, b, c | d] to a | b | c | d instead of a | b | (c | d).

This function is used for producing rcases patterns based on a case tree. This is like alts₁_core, but it produces a cases pattern directly instead of a list of alternatives. We specially translate the empty alternation to ⟨⟩, and translate |(a | b) to ⟨a | b⟩ (because we don't have any syntax for unary alternation). Otherwise we can use the regular merging of alternations at the last argument so that a | b | (c | d) becomes a | b | c | d.


Formats an rcases pattern. If the bracket argument is true, then it will be printed at high precedence, i.e. it will have parentheses around it if it is not already a tuple or atomic name.

Takes the number of fields of a single constructor and patterns to match its fields against (not necessarily the same number). The returned lists each contain one element per field of the constructor. The name is the name which will be used in the top-level cases tactic, and the rcases_patt is the pattern which the field will be matched against by subsequent cases tactics.

Compute the arity of the given (Pi-)type

Compute the arity of the given function

Takes a list of constructor names, and an (alternation) list of patterns, and matches each pattern against its constructor. It returns the list of names that will be passed to cases, and the list of (constructor name, patterns) for each constructor, where patterns is the (conjunctive) list of patterns to apply to each constructor argument.

  • rcases_core p e will match a pattern p against a local hypothesis e. It returns the list of subgoals that were produced.
  • rcases.continue pes will match a (conjunctive) list of (p, e) pairs which refer to patterns and local hypotheses to match against, and applies all of them. Note that this can involve matching later arguments multiple times given earlier arguments, for example ⟨a | b, ⟨c, d⟩⟩ performs the ⟨c, d⟩ match twice, once on the a branch and once on b.
  • rcases_core p e will match a pattern p against a local hypothesis e. It returns the list of subgoals that were produced.
  • rcases.continue pes will match a (conjunctive) list of (p, e) pairs which refer to patterns and local hypotheses to match against, and applies all of them. Note that this can involve matching later arguments multiple times given earlier arguments, for example ⟨a | b, ⟨c, d⟩⟩ performs the ⟨c, d⟩ match twice, once on the a branch and once on b.

Given a list of uncleared_goals, each of which is a goal metavariable and a list of variables to clear, actually perform the clear and set the goals with the result.

meta def tactic.rcases (h : option name) (p : pexpr) (pat : tactic.rcases_patt) :

rcases h e pat performs case distinction on e using pat to name the arising new variables and assumptions. If h is some name, a new assumption h : e = pat will relate the expression e with the current pattern. See the module comment for the syntax of pat.

rcases_many es pats performs case distinction on the es using pat to name the arising new variables and assumptions. See the module comment for the syntax of pat.

rintro pat₁ pat₂ ... patₙ introduces n arguments, then pattern matches on the patᵢ using the same syntax as rcases.

def tactic.merge_list {α : Type u_1} (m : α α α) :
list α list α list α

Like zip_with, but if the lists don't match in length, the excess elements will be put at the end of the result.


Merge two rcases patterns. This is used to underapproximate a case tree by an rcases pattern. The two patterns come from cases in two branches, that due to the syntax of rcases patterns are forced to overlap. The rule here is that we take only the case splits that are in common between both branches. For example if one branch does ⟨a, b⟩ and the other does c, then we return c because we don't know that a case on c would be safe to do.

  • rcases_hint_core depth e does the same as rcases p e, except the pattern p is an output instead of an input, controlled only by the case depth argument depth. We use cases to depth depth and then reconstruct an rcases pattern p that would, if passed to rcases, perform the same thing as the case tree we just constructed (or at least, the nearest expressible approximation to this.)
  • rcases_hint.process_constructors depth cs l takes a list of constructor names cs and a matching list l of elements (g, c', hs, _) where c' is a constructor name (used for alignment with cs), g is the subgoal, and hs is the list of local hypotheses created by cases in that subgoal. It matches on all of them, and then produces a ΣΠ-list of rcases patterns describing the result, and the list of generated subgoals.
  • rcases_hint.continue depth es does the same as rcases.continue ( es), except the patterns ps are an output instead of an input, created by matching on everything to depth depth and recording the successful cases. It returns ps, and the list of generated subgoals.
  • rcases_hint_core depth e does the same as rcases p e, except the pattern p is an output instead of an input, controlled only by the case depth argument depth. We use cases to depth depth and then reconstruct an rcases pattern p that would, if passed to rcases, perform the same thing as the case tree we just constructed (or at least, the nearest expressible approximation to this.)
  • rcases_hint.process_constructors depth cs l takes a list of constructor names cs and a matching list l of elements (g, c', hs, _) where c' is a constructor name (used for alignment with cs), g is the subgoal, and hs is the list of local hypotheses created by cases in that subgoal. It matches on all of them, and then produces a ΣΠ-list of rcases patterns describing the result, and the list of generated subgoals.
  • rcases_hint.continue depth es does the same as rcases.continue ( es), except the patterns ps are an output instead of an input, created by matching on everything to depth depth and recording the successful cases. It returns ps, and the list of generated subgoals.
  • rcases_hint_core depth e does the same as rcases p e, except the pattern p is an output instead of an input, controlled only by the case depth argument depth. We use cases to depth depth and then reconstruct an rcases pattern p that would, if passed to rcases, perform the same thing as the case tree we just constructed (or at least, the nearest expressible approximation to this.)
  • rcases_hint.process_constructors depth cs l takes a list of constructor names cs and a matching list l of elements (g, c', hs, _) where c' is a constructor name (used for alignment with cs), g is the subgoal, and hs is the list of local hypotheses created by cases in that subgoal. It matches on all of them, and then produces a ΣΠ-list of rcases patterns describing the result, and the list of generated subgoals.
  • rcases_hint.continue depth es does the same as rcases.continue ( es), except the patterns ps are an output instead of an input, created by matching on everything to depth depth and recording the successful cases. It returns ps, and the list of generated subgoals.
meta def tactic.rcases_hint (p : pexpr) (depth : ) :
  • rcases? e is like rcases e with ..., except it generates ... by matching on everything it can, and it outputs an rcases invocation that should have the same effect.
  • rcases? e : n can be used to control the depth of case splits (especially important for recursive types like nat, which can be cased as many times as you like).
  • rcases? ⟨e1, e2, e3⟩ is like rcases ⟨e1, e2, e3⟩ with ..., except it generates ... by matching on everything it can, and it outputs an rcases invocation that should have the same effect.
  • rcases? ⟨e1, e2, e3⟩ : n can be used to control the depth of case splits (especially important for recursive types like nat, which can be cased as many times as you like).
  • rintro? is like rintro ..., except it generates ... by introducing and matching on everything it can, and it outputs an rintro invocation that should have the same effect.
  • rintro? : n can be used to control the depth of case splits (especially important for recursive types like nat, which can be cased as many times as you like).
  • rcases_patt_parse_hi will parse a high precedence rcases pattern, patt_hi. This means only tuples and identifiers are allowed; alternations and type ascriptions require (...) instead, which switches to patt.
  • rcases_patt_parse will parse a low precedence rcases pattern, patt. This consists of a patt_med (which deals with alternations), optionally followed by a : ty type ascription. The expression ty is at texpr precedence because it can appear at the end of a tactic, for example in rcases e with x : ty <|> skip.
  • rcases_patt_parse_list will parse an alternation list, patt_med, one or more patt patterns separated by |. It does not parse a : at the end, so that a | b : ty parses as (a | b) : ty where a | b is the patt_med part.
  • rcases_patt_parse_list_rest a parses an alternation list after the initial pattern, | b | c.
patt ::= patt_med (":" expr)?
patt_med ::= (patt_hi "|")* patt_hi
patt_hi ::= id | "rfl" | "_" | "@" patt_hi | "⟨" (patt ",")* patt "⟩" | "(" patt ")"
  • rcases_patt_parse_hi will parse a high precedence rcases pattern, patt_hi. This means only tuples and identifiers are allowed; alternations and type ascriptions require (...) instead, which switches to patt.
  • rcases_patt_parse will parse a low precedence rcases pattern, patt. This consists of a patt_med (which deals with alternations), optionally followed by a : ty type ascription. The expression ty is at texpr precedence because it can appear at the end of a tactic, for example in rcases e with x : ty <|> skip.
  • rcases_patt_parse_list will parse an alternation list, patt_med, one or more patt patterns separated by |. It does not parse a : at the end, so that a | b : ty parses as (a | b) : ty where a | b is the patt_med part.
  • rcases_patt_parse_list_rest a parses an alternation list after the initial pattern, | b | c.
patt ::= patt_med (":" expr)?
patt_med ::= (patt_hi "|")* patt_hi
patt_hi ::= id | "rfl" | "_" | "@" patt_hi | "⟨" (patt ",")* patt "⟩" | "(" patt ")"
  • rcases_patt_parse_hi will parse a high precedence rcases pattern, patt_hi. This means only tuples and identifiers are allowed; alternations and type ascriptions require (...) instead, which switches to patt.
  • rcases_patt_parse will parse a low precedence rcases pattern, patt. This consists of a patt_med (which deals with alternations), optionally followed by a : ty type ascription. The expression ty is at texpr precedence because it can appear at the end of a tactic, for example in rcases e with x : ty <|> skip.
  • rcases_patt_parse_list will parse an alternation list, patt_med, one or more patt patterns separated by |. It does not parse a : at the end, so that a | b : ty parses as (a | b) : ty where a | b is the patt_med part.
  • rcases_patt_parse_list_rest a parses an alternation list after the initial pattern, | b | c.
patt ::= patt_med (":" expr)?
patt_med ::= (patt_hi "|")* patt_hi
patt_hi ::= id | "rfl" | "_" | "@" patt_hi | "⟨" (patt ",")* patt "⟩" | "(" patt ")"
  • rcases_patt_parse_hi will parse a high precedence rcases pattern, patt_hi. This means only tuples and identifiers are allowed; alternations and type ascriptions require (...) instead, which switches to patt.
  • rcases_patt_parse will parse a low precedence rcases pattern, patt. This consists of a patt_med (which deals with alternations), optionally followed by a : ty type ascription. The expression ty is at texpr precedence because it can appear at the end of a tactic, for example in rcases e with x : ty <|> skip.
  • rcases_patt_parse_list will parse an alternation list, patt_med, one or more patt patterns separated by |. It does not parse a : at the end, so that a | b : ty parses as (a | b) : ty where a | b is the patt_med part.
  • rcases_patt_parse_list_rest a parses an alternation list after the initial pattern, | b | c.
patt ::= patt_med (":" expr)?
patt_med ::= (patt_hi "|")* patt_hi
patt_hi ::= id | "rfl" | "_" | "@" patt_hi | "⟨" (patt ",")* patt "⟩" | "(" patt ")"

rcases_patt_parse_hi will parse a high precedence rcases pattern, patt_hi. This means only tuples and identifiers are allowed; alternations and type ascriptions require (...) instead, which switches to patt.

patt_hi ::= id | "rfl" | "_" | "@" patt_hi | "⟨" (patt ",")* patt "⟩" | "(" patt ")"

rcases_patt_parse will parse a low precedence rcases pattern, patt. This consists of a patt_med (which deals with alternations), optionally followed by a : ty type ascription. The expression ty is at texpr precedence because it can appear at the end of a tactic, for example in rcases e with x : ty <|> skip.

patt ::= patt_med (":" expr)?

rcases_patt_parse_list will parse an alternation list, patt_med, one or more patt patterns separated by |. It does not parse a : at the end, so that a | b : ty parses as (a | b) : ty where a | b is the patt_med part.

patt_med ::= (patt_hi "|")* patt_hi

Parse the optional depth argument (: n)? of rcases? and rintro?, with default depth 5.

meta inductive tactic.rcases_args  :

The arguments to rcases, which in fact dispatch to several other tactics.

  • rcases? expr (: n)? or rcases? ⟨expr, ...⟩ (: n)? calls rcases_hint
  • rcases? ⟨expr, ...⟩ (: n)? calls rcases_hint_many
  • rcases (h :)? expr (with patt)? calls rcases
  • rcases ⟨expr, ...⟩ (with patt)? calls rcases_many
Instances for tactic.rcases_args

Syntax for a rcases pattern:

  • rcases? expr (: n)?
  • rcases (h :)? expr (with patt_list (: expr)?)?.

rintro_patt_parse_hi and rintro_patt_parse are like rcases_patt_parse, but is used for parsing top level rintro patterns, which allow sequences like (x y : t) in addition to simple rcases patterns.

  • rintro_patt_parse_hi will parse a high precedence rcases pattern, rintro_patt_hi below. This means only tuples and identifiers are allowed; alternations and type ascriptions require (...) instead, which switches to patt.
  • rintro_patt_parse will parse a low precedence rcases pattern, rintro_patt below. This consists of either a sequence of patterns p1 p2 p3 or an alternation list p1 | p2 | p3 treated as a single pattern, optionally followed by a : ty type ascription, which applies to every pattern in the list.
  • rintro_patt_parse_low parses rintro_patt_low, which is the same as rintro_patt_parse tt but it does not permit an unparenthesized alternation list, it must have the form p1 p2 p3 (: ty)?.
rintro_patt ::= (rintro_patt_hi+ | patt_med) (":" expr)?
rintro_patt_low ::= rintro_patt_hi* (":" expr)?
rintro_patt_hi ::= patt_hi | "(" rintro_patt ")"

rintro_patt_parse_hi and rintro_patt_parse are like rcases_patt_parse, but is used for parsing top level rintro patterns, which allow sequences like (x y : t) in addition to simple rcases patterns.

  • rintro_patt_parse_hi will parse a high precedence rcases pattern, rintro_patt_hi below. This means only tuples and identifiers are allowed; alternations and type ascriptions require (...) instead, which switches to patt.
  • rintro_patt_parse will parse a low precedence rcases pattern, rintro_patt below. This consists of either a sequence of patterns p1 p2 p3 or an alternation list p1 | p2 | p3 treated as a single pattern, optionally followed by a : ty type ascription, which applies to every pattern in the list.
  • rintro_patt_parse_low parses rintro_patt_low, which is the same as rintro_patt_parse tt but it does not permit an unparenthesized alternation list, it must have the form p1 p2 p3 (: ty)?.
rintro_patt ::= (rintro_patt_hi+ | patt_med) (":" expr)?
rintro_patt_low ::= rintro_patt_hi* (":" expr)?
rintro_patt_hi ::= patt_hi | "(" rintro_patt ")"

rintro_patt_parse_hi will parse a high precedence rcases pattern, rintro_patt_hi below. This means only tuples and identifiers are allowed; alternations and type ascriptions require (...) instead, which switches to patt.

rintro_patt_hi ::= patt_hi | "(" rintro_patt ")"

rintro_patt_parse will parse a low precedence rcases pattern, rintro_patt below. This consists of either a sequence of patterns p1 p2 p3 or an alternation list p1 | p2 | p3 treated as a single pattern, optionally followed by a : ty type ascription, which applies to every pattern in the list.

rintro_patt ::= (rintro_patt_hi+ | patt_med) (":" expr)?

rintro_patt_parse_low parses rintro_patt_low, which is the same as rintro_patt_parse tt but it does not permit an unparenthesized alternation list, it must have the form p1 p2 p3 (: ty)?.

rintro_patt_low ::= rintro_patt_hi* (":" expr)?

Syntax for a rintro pattern: ('?' (: n)?) | rintro_patt.

rcases is a tactic that will perform cases recursively, according to a pattern. It is used to destructure hypotheses or expressions composed of inductive types like h1 : a ∧ b ∧ c ∨ d or h2 : ∃ x y, trans_rel R x y. Usual usage might be rcases h1 with ⟨ha, hb, hc⟩ | hd or rcases h2 with ⟨x, y, _ | ⟨z, hxz, hzy⟩⟩ for these examples.

Each element of an rcases pattern is matched against a particular local hypothesis (most of which are generated during the execution of rcases and represent individual elements destructured from the input expression). An rcases pattern has the following grammar:

  • A name like x, which names the active hypothesis as x.
  • A blank _, which does nothing (letting the automatic naming system used by cases name the hypothesis).
  • A hyphen -, which clears the active hypothesis and any dependents.
  • The keyword rfl, which expects the hypothesis to be h : a = b, and calls subst on the hypothesis (which has the effect of replacing b with a everywhere or vice versa).
  • A type ascription p : ty, which sets the type of the hypothesis to ty and then matches it against p. (Of course, ty must unify with the actual type of h for this to work.)
  • A tuple pattern ⟨p1, p2, p3⟩, which matches a constructor with many arguments, or a series of nested conjunctions or existentials. For example if the active hypothesis is a ∧ b ∧ c, then the conjunction will be destructured, and p1 will be matched against a, p2 against b and so on.
  • A @ before a tuple pattern as in @⟨p1, p2, p3⟩ will bind all arguments in the constructor, while leaving the @ off will only use the patterns on the explicit arguments.
  • An alteration pattern p1 | p2 | p3, which matches an inductive type with multiple constructors, or a nested disjunction like a ∨ b ∨ c.

A pattern like ⟨a, b, c⟩ | ⟨d, e⟩ will do a split over the inductive datatype, naming the first three parameters of the first constructor as a,b,c and the first two of the second constructor d,e. If the list is not as long as the number of arguments to the constructor or the number of constructors, the remaining variables will be automatically named. If there are nested brackets such as ⟨⟨a⟩, b | c⟩ | d then these will cause more case splits as necessary. If there are too many arguments, such as ⟨a, b, c⟩ for splitting on ∃ x, ∃ y, p x, then it will be treated as ⟨a, ⟨b, c⟩⟩, splitting the last parameter as necessary.

rcases also has special support for quotient types: quotient induction into Prop works like matching on the constructor

rcases h : e with PAT will do the same as rcases e with PAT with the exception that an assumption h : e = PAT will be added to the context.

rcases? e will perform case splits on e in the same way as rcases e, but rather than accepting a pattern, it does a maximal cases and prints the pattern that would produce this case splitting. The default maximum depth is 5, but this can be modified with rcases? e : n.

rcases is a tactic that will perform cases recursively, according to a pattern. It is used to destructure hypotheses or expressions composed of inductive types like h1 : a ∧ b ∧ c ∨ d or h2 : ∃ x y, trans_rel R x y. Usual usage might be rcases h1 with ⟨ha, hb, hc⟩ | hd or rcases h2 with ⟨x, y, _ | ⟨z, hxz, hzy⟩⟩ for these examples.

Each element of an rcases pattern is matched against a particular local hypothesis (most of which are generated during the execution of rcases and represent individual elements destructured from the input expression). An rcases pattern has the following grammar:

  • A name like x, which names the active hypothesis as x.
  • A blank _, which does nothing (letting the automatic naming system used by cases name the hypothesis).
  • A hyphen -, which clears the active hypothesis and any dependents.
  • The keyword rfl, which expects the hypothesis to be h : a = b, and calls subst on the hypothesis (which has the effect of replacing b with a everywhere or vice versa).
  • A type ascription p : ty, which sets the type of the hypothesis to ty and then matches it against p. (Of course, ty must unify with the actual type of h for this to work.)
  • A tuple pattern ⟨p1, p2, p3⟩, which matches a constructor with many arguments, or a series of nested conjunctions or existentials. For example if the active hypothesis is a ∧ b ∧ c, then the conjunction will be destructured, and p1 will be matched against a, p2 against b and so on.
  • A @ before a tuple pattern as in @⟨p1, p2, p3⟩ will bind all arguments in the constructor, while leaving the @ off will only use the patterns on the explicit arguments.
  • An alteration pattern p1 | p2 | p3, which matches an inductive type with multiple constructors, or a nested disjunction like a ∨ b ∨ c.

A pattern like ⟨a, b, c⟩ | ⟨d, e⟩ will do a split over the inductive datatype, naming the first three parameters of the first constructor as a,b,c and the first two of the second constructor d,e. If the list is not as long as the number of arguments to the constructor or the number of constructors, the remaining variables will be automatically named. If there are nested brackets such as ⟨⟨a⟩, b | c⟩ | d then these will cause more case splits as necessary. If there are too many arguments, such as ⟨a, b, c⟩ for splitting on ∃ x, ∃ y, p x, then it will be treated as ⟨a, ⟨b, c⟩⟩, splitting the last parameter as necessary.

rcases also has special support for quotient types: quotient induction into Prop works like matching on the constructor

rcases h : e with PAT will do the same as rcases e with PAT with the exception that an assumption h : e = PAT will be added to the context.

rcases? e will perform case splits on e in the same way as rcases e, but rather than accepting a pattern, it does a maximal cases and prints the pattern that would produce this case splitting. The default maximum depth is 5, but this can be modified with rcases? e : n.

The rintro tactic is a combination of the intros tactic with rcases to allow for destructuring patterns while introducing variables. See rcases for a description of supported patterns. For example, rintro (a | ⟨b, c⟩) ⟨d, e⟩ will introduce two variables, and then do case splits on both of them producing two subgoals, one with variables a d e and the other with b c d e.

rintro, unlike rcases, also supports the form (x y : ty) for introducing and type-ascripting multiple variables at once, similar to binders.

rintro? will introduce and case split on variables in the same way as rintro, but will also print the rintro invocation that would have the same result. Like rcases?, rintro? : n allows for modifying the depth of splitting; the default is 5.

rintros is an alias for rintro.

The rintro tactic is a combination of the intros tactic with rcases to allow for destructuring patterns while introducing variables. See rcases for a description of supported patterns. For example, rintro (a | ⟨b, c⟩) ⟨d, e⟩ will introduce two variables, and then do case splits on both of them producing two subgoals, one with variables a d e and the other with b c d e.

rintro, unlike rcases, also supports the form (x y : ty) for introducing and type-ascripting multiple variables at once, similar to binders.

rintro? will introduce and case split on variables in the same way as rintro, but will also print the rintro invocation that would have the same result. Like rcases?, rintro? : n allows for modifying the depth of splitting; the default is 5.

rintros is an alias for rintro.

Parses patt? (: expr)? (:= expr)?, the arguments for obtain. (This is almost the same as rcases_patt_parse, but it allows the pattern part to be empty.)

The obtain tactic is a combination of have and rcases. See rcases for a description of supported patterns.

obtain patt : type,
{ ... }

is equivalent to

have h : type,
{ ... },
rcases h with patt

The syntax obtain ⟨patt⟩ : type := proof is also supported.

If ⟨patt⟩ is omitted, rcases will try to infer the pattern.

If type is omitted, := proof is required.

The obtain tactic is a combination of have and rcases. See rcases for a description of supported patterns.

obtain patt : type,
{ ... }

is equivalent to

have h : type,
{ ... },
rcases h with patt

The syntax obtain ⟨patt⟩ : type := proof is also supported.

If ⟨patt⟩ is omitted, rcases will try to infer the pattern.

If type is omitted, := proof is required.

The rsuffices tactic is an alternative version of suffices, that allows the usage of any syntax that would be valid in an obtain block. This tactic just calls obtain on the expression, and then rotate 1.

The rsuffices tactic is an alternative version of suffices, that allows the usage of any syntax that would be valid in an obtain block. This tactic just calls obtain on the expression, and then rotate 1.

The rsufficesI tactic is an instance-cache aware version of rsuffices; it resets the instance cache on the resulting goals.

The rsufficesI tactic is an instance-cache aware version of rsuffices; it resets the instance cache on the resulting goals.