Submodules of a module #
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In this file we define
submodule R M
: a subset of amodule
that contains zero and is closed with respect to addition and scalar multiplication. -
subspace k M
: an abbreviation forsubmodule
assuming thatk
is afield
Tags #
submodule, subspace, linear map
Reinterpret a submodule
as an add_submonoid
- carrier : set M
- add_mem' : ∀ {a b : M}, a ∈ self.carrier → b ∈ self.carrier → a + b ∈ self.carrier
- zero_mem' : 0 ∈ self.carrier
- smul_mem' : ∀ (c : R) {x : M}, x ∈ self.carrier → c • x ∈ self.carrier
A submodule of a module is one which is closed under vector operations. This is a sufficient condition for the subset of vectors in the submodule to themselves form a module.
Instances for submodule
- submodule.has_sizeof_inst
- submodule.set_like
- submodule.add_submonoid_class
- submodule.smul_mem_class
- submodule.add_subgroup_class
- submodule.has_bot
- submodule.inhabited'
- submodule.order_bot
- submodule.has_top
- submodule.order_top
- submodule.has_Inf
- submodule.has_inf
- submodule.complete_lattice
- submodule.unique
- submodule.unique'
- submodule.nontrivial
- submodule.is_compactly_generated
- submodule.is_modular_lattice
- submodule.pointwise_add_comm_monoid
- submodule.canonically_ordered_add_monoid
- submodule.pointwise_central_scalar
- submodule.has_one
- submodule.has_mul
- submodule.idem_semiring
- submodule.idem_comm_semiring
- submodule.module_set
- submodule.has_div
- submodule.has_quotient
- submodule.is_atomistic
- module.submodule.complemented_lattice
- ideal.is_coatomic
- ideal.nontrivial
- ideal.is_simple_order
- submodule.has_smul'
- ideal.has_mul
- ideal.no_zero_divisors
- ideal.idem_comm_semiring
- submodule.module_submodule
- ideal.has_quotient
- is_semisimple_module.is_semisimple_submodule
- jordan_holder_module
Reinterpret a submodule
as an sub_mul_action
- submodule.set_like = {coe := submodule.carrier _inst_3, coe_injective' := _}
Copy of a submodule with a new carrier
equal to the old one. Useful to fix definitional
A submodule of a module
is a module
The natural R
-linear map from a submodule of an R
-module M
to M
- smul_mem_class.subtype S' = {to_fun := coe coe_to_lift, map_add' := _, map_smul' := _}
- p.add_comm_monoid = {add := has_add.add p.has_add, add_assoc := _, zero := 0, zero_add := _, add_zero := _, nsmul := add_comm_monoid.nsmul p.to_add_submonoid.to_add_comm_monoid, nsmul_zero' := _, nsmul_succ' := _, add_comm := _}
- p.module' = {to_distrib_mul_action := {to_mul_action := {to_has_smul := {smul := has_smul.smul p.has_smul}, one_smul := _, mul_smul := _}, smul_zero := _, smul_add := _}, add_smul := _, zero_smul := _}
Note the add_submonoid
version of this lemma is called add_submonoid.coe_finset_sum
Additive actions by submodule
s #
These instances transfer the action by an element m : M
of a R
-module M
written as m +ᵥ a
onto the action by an element s : S
of a submodule S : submodule R M
such that
s +ᵥ a = (s : M) +ᵥ a
These instances work particularly well in conjunction with add_group.to_add_action
, enabling
s +ᵥ m
as an alias for ↑s + m
The action by a submodule is the action by the underlying module.
V.restrict_scalars S
is the S
-submodule of the S
-module given by restriction of scalars,
corresponding to V
, an R
-submodule of the original R
Instances for ↥submodule.restrict_scalars
Even though p.restrict_scalars S
has type submodule S M
, it is still an R
- submodule.restrict_scalars.orig_module S R M p = p.module
restrict_scalars S
is an embedding of the lattice of R
-submodules into
the lattice of S
- submodule.restrict_scalars_embedding S R M = {to_embedding := {to_fun := submodule.restrict_scalars S _inst_7, inj' := _}, map_rel_iff' := _}
Turning p : submodule R M
into an S
-submodule gives the same module structure
as turning it into a type and adding a module structure.
Reinterpret a submodule as an additive subgroup.
- p.to_add_subgroup = {carrier := p.to_add_submonoid.carrier, add_mem' := _, zero_mem' := _, neg_mem' := _}
- p.add_comm_group = {add := has_add.add p.has_add, add_assoc := _, zero := 0, zero_add := _, add_zero := _, nsmul := add_comm_group.nsmul p.to_add_subgroup.to_add_comm_group, nsmul_zero' := _, nsmul_succ' := _, neg := has_neg.neg add_subgroup_class.has_neg, sub := add_comm_group.sub p.to_add_subgroup.to_add_comm_group, sub_eq_add_neg := _, zsmul := add_comm_group.zsmul p.to_add_subgroup.to_add_comm_group, zsmul_zero' := _, zsmul_succ' := _, zsmul_neg' := _, add_left_neg := _, add_comm := _}
A submodule of an ordered_add_comm_monoid
is an ordered_add_comm_monoid
A submodule of a linear_ordered_add_comm_monoid
is a linear_ordered_add_comm_monoid
A submodule of an ordered_cancel_add_comm_monoid
is an ordered_cancel_add_comm_monoid
A submodule of a linear_ordered_cancel_add_comm_monoid
is a
A submodule of an ordered_add_comm_group
is an ordered_add_comm_group
- S.to_ordered_add_comm_group = function.injective.ordered_add_comm_group coe _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A submodule of a linear_ordered_add_comm_group
is a
- S.to_linear_ordered_add_comm_group = function.injective.linear_ordered_add_comm_group coe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Subspace of a vector space. Defined to equal submodule