scilib documentation

Ordered groups #

THIS FILE IS SYNCHRONIZED WITH MATHLIB4. Any changes to this file require a corresponding PR to mathlib4.

This file develops the basics of ordered groups.

Implementation details #

Unfortunately, the number of ' appended to lemmas in this file may differ between the multiplicative and the additive version of a lemma. The reason is that we did not want to change existing names in the library.

structure ordered_add_comm_group (α : Type u) :
Type u

An ordered additive commutative group is an additive commutative group with a partial order in which addition is strictly monotone.

Instances of this typeclass
Instances of other typeclasses for ordered_add_comm_group
  • ordered_add_comm_group.has_sizeof_inst
def ordered_comm_group.to_comm_group (α : Type u) [self : ordered_comm_group α] :
structure ordered_comm_group (α : Type u) :
Type u

An ordered commutative group is an commutative group with a partial order in which multiplication is strictly monotone.

Instances of this typeclass
Instances of other typeclasses for ordered_comm_group
  • ordered_comm_group.has_sizeof_inst

A choice-free shortcut instance.

theorem left.neg_nonpos_iff {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a : α} :
-a 0 0 a

Uses left co(ntra)variant.

theorem left.inv_le_one_iff {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] {a : α} :
a⁻¹ 1 1 a

Uses left co(ntra)variant.

theorem left.nonneg_neg_iff {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a : α} :
0 -a a 0

Uses left co(ntra)variant.

theorem left.one_le_inv_iff {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] {a : α} :
1 a⁻¹ a 1

Uses left co(ntra)variant.

theorem le_neg_add_iff_add_le {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
b -a + c a + b c
theorem le_inv_mul_iff_mul_le {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
b a⁻¹ * c a * b c
theorem inv_mul_le_iff_le_mul {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
b⁻¹ * a c a b * c
theorem neg_add_le_iff_le_add {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
-b + a c a b + c
theorem inv_le_iff_one_le_mul' {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] {a b : α} :
a⁻¹ b 1 a * b
theorem neg_le_iff_add_nonneg' {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a b : α} :
-a b 0 a + b
theorem le_inv_iff_mul_le_one_left {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] {a b : α} :
a b⁻¹ b * a 1
theorem le_neg_iff_add_nonpos_left {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a b : α} :
a -b b + a 0
theorem le_neg_add_iff_le {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a b : α} :
0 -b + a b a
theorem le_inv_mul_iff_le {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] {a b : α} :
1 b⁻¹ * a b a
theorem neg_add_nonpos_iff {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a b : α} :
-a + b 0 b a
theorem inv_mul_le_one_iff {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] {a b : α} :
a⁻¹ * b 1 b a
theorem left.one_lt_inv_iff {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] {a : α} :
1 < a⁻¹ a < 1

Uses left co(ntra)variant.

theorem left.neg_pos_iff {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a : α} :
0 < -a a < 0

Uses left co(ntra)variant.

theorem left.neg_neg_iff {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a : α} :
-a < 0 0 < a

Uses left co(ntra)variant.

theorem left.inv_lt_one_iff {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] {a : α} :
a⁻¹ < 1 1 < a

Uses left co(ntra)variant.

theorem lt_inv_mul_iff_mul_lt {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] {a b c : α} :
b < a⁻¹ * c a * b < c
theorem lt_neg_add_iff_add_lt {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a b c : α} :
b < -a + c a + b < c
theorem inv_mul_lt_iff_lt_mul {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] {a b c : α} :
b⁻¹ * a < c a < b * c
theorem neg_add_lt_iff_lt_add {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a b c : α} :
-b + a < c a < b + c
theorem inv_lt_iff_one_lt_mul' {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] {a b : α} :
a⁻¹ < b 1 < a * b
theorem neg_lt_iff_pos_add' {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a b : α} :
-a < b 0 < a + b
theorem lt_inv_iff_mul_lt_one' {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] {a b : α} :
a < b⁻¹ b * a < 1
theorem lt_neg_iff_add_neg' {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a b : α} :
a < -b b + a < 0
theorem lt_inv_mul_iff_lt {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] {a b : α} :
1 < b⁻¹ * a b < a
theorem lt_neg_add_iff_lt {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a b : α} :
0 < -b + a b < a
theorem inv_mul_lt_one_iff {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] {a b : α} :
a⁻¹ * b < 1 b < a
theorem neg_add_neg_iff {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a b : α} :
-a + b < 0 b < a
theorem right.neg_nonpos_iff {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] {a : α} :
-a 0 0 a

Uses right co(ntra)variant.

theorem right.inv_le_one_iff {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul) has_le.le] {a : α} :
a⁻¹ 1 1 a

Uses right co(ntra)variant.

theorem right.nonneg_neg_iff {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] {a : α} :
0 -a a 0

Uses right co(ntra)variant.

theorem right.one_le_inv_iff {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul) has_le.le] {a : α} :
1 a⁻¹ a 1

Uses right co(ntra)variant.

theorem inv_le_iff_one_le_mul {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul) has_le.le] {a b : α} :
a⁻¹ b 1 b * a
theorem neg_le_iff_add_nonneg {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] {a b : α} :
-a b 0 b + a
theorem le_neg_iff_add_nonpos_right {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] {a b : α} :
a -b a + b 0
theorem le_inv_iff_mul_le_one_right {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul) has_le.le] {a b : α} :
a b⁻¹ a * b 1
theorem mul_inv_le_iff_le_mul {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul) has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
a * b⁻¹ c a c * b
theorem add_neg_le_iff_le_add {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
a + -b c a c + b
theorem le_mul_inv_iff_mul_le {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul) has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
c a * b⁻¹ c * b a
theorem le_add_neg_iff_add_le {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
c a + -b c + b a
theorem mul_inv_le_one_iff_le {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul) has_le.le] {a b : α} :
a * b⁻¹ 1 a b
theorem add_neg_nonpos_iff_le {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] {a b : α} :
a + -b 0 a b
theorem le_add_neg_iff_le {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] {a b : α} :
0 a + -b b a
theorem le_mul_inv_iff_le {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul) has_le.le] {a b : α} :
1 a * b⁻¹ b a
theorem mul_inv_le_one_iff {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul) has_le.le] {a b : α} :
b * a⁻¹ 1 b a
theorem add_neg_nonpos_iff {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] {a b : α} :
b + -a 0 b a
theorem right.neg_neg_iff {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {a : α} :
-a < 0 0 < a

Uses right co(ntra)variant.

theorem right.inv_lt_one_iff {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul)] {a : α} :
a⁻¹ < 1 1 < a

Uses right co(ntra)variant.

theorem right.one_lt_inv_iff {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul)] {a : α} :
1 < a⁻¹ a < 1

Uses right co(ntra)variant.

theorem right.neg_pos_iff {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {a : α} :
0 < -a a < 0

Uses right co(ntra)variant.

theorem neg_lt_iff_pos_add {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {a b : α} :
-a < b 0 < b + a
theorem inv_lt_iff_one_lt_mul {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul)] {a b : α} :
a⁻¹ < b 1 < b * a
theorem lt_inv_iff_mul_lt_one {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul)] {a b : α} :
a < b⁻¹ a * b < 1
theorem lt_neg_iff_add_neg {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {a b : α} :
a < -b a + b < 0
theorem mul_inv_lt_iff_lt_mul {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul)] {a b c : α} :
a * b⁻¹ < c a < c * b
theorem add_neg_lt_iff_lt_add {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {a b c : α} :
a + -b < c a < c + b
theorem lt_add_neg_iff_add_lt {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {a b c : α} :
c < a + -b c + b < a
theorem lt_mul_inv_iff_mul_lt {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul)] {a b c : α} :
c < a * b⁻¹ c * b < a
theorem neg_add_neg_iff_lt {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {a b : α} :
a + -b < 0 a < b
theorem inv_mul_lt_one_iff_lt {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul)] {a b : α} :
a * b⁻¹ < 1 a < b
theorem lt_mul_inv_iff_lt {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul)] {a b : α} :
1 < a * b⁻¹ b < a
theorem lt_add_neg_iff_lt {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {a b : α} :
0 < a + -b b < a
theorem add_neg_neg_iff {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {a b : α} :
b + -a < 0 b < a
theorem mul_inv_lt_one_iff {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul)] {a b : α} :
b * a⁻¹ < 1 b < a
theorem neg_le_neg_iff {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] {a b : α} :
-a -b b a
theorem inv_le_inv_iff {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul) has_le.le] {a b : α} :
theorem le_of_neg_le_neg {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] {a b : α} :
-a -b b a

Alias of the forward direction of neg_le_neg_iff.

theorem mul_inv_le_inv_mul_iff {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul) has_le.le] {a b c d : α} :
a * b⁻¹ d⁻¹ * c d * a c * b
theorem add_neg_le_neg_add_iff {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] {a b c d : α} :
a + -b -d + c d + a c + b
theorem sub_le_self_iff {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] (a : α) {b : α} :
a - b a 0 b
theorem div_le_self_iff {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul) has_le.le] (a : α) {b : α} :
a / b a 1 b
theorem le_sub_self_iff {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] (a : α) {b : α} :
a a - b b 0
theorem le_div_self_iff {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul) has_le.le] (a : α) {b : α} :
a a / b b 1
theorem sub_le_self {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] (a : α) {b : α} :
0 b a - b a

Alias of the reverse direction of sub_le_self_iff.

theorem inv_lt_inv_iff {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul)] {a b : α} :
a⁻¹ < b⁻¹ b < a
theorem neg_lt_neg_iff {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {a b : α} :
-a < -b b < a
theorem neg_lt {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {a b : α} :
-a < b -b < a
theorem inv_lt' {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul)] {a b : α} :
a⁻¹ < b b⁻¹ < a
theorem lt_inv' {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul)] {a b : α} :
a < b⁻¹ b < a⁻¹
theorem lt_neg {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {a b : α} :
a < -b b < -a
theorem lt_inv_of_lt_inv {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul)] {a b : α} :
a < b⁻¹ b < a⁻¹

Alias of the forward direction of lt_inv'.

theorem lt_neg_of_lt_neg {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {a b : α} :
a < -b b < -a

Alias of the forward direction of lt_inv'.

theorem inv_lt_of_inv_lt' {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul)] {a b : α} :
a⁻¹ < b b⁻¹ < a

Alias of the forward direction of inv_lt'.

theorem neg_lt_of_neg_lt {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {a b : α} :
-a < b -b < a

Alias of the forward direction of inv_lt'.

theorem mul_inv_lt_inv_mul_iff {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul)] {a b c d : α} :
a * b⁻¹ < d⁻¹ * c d * a < c * b
theorem add_neg_lt_neg_add_iff {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {a b c d : α} :
a + -b < -d + c d + a < c + b
theorem div_lt_self_iff {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul)] (a : α) {b : α} :
a / b < a 1 < b
theorem sub_lt_self_iff {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] (a : α) {b : α} :
a - b < a 0 < b
theorem sub_lt_self {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] (a : α) {b : α} :
0 < b a - b < a

Alias of the reverse direction of sub_lt_self_iff.

theorem left.neg_le_self {α : Type u} [add_group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a : α} (h : 0 a) :
-a a
theorem left.inv_le_self {α : Type u} [group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] {a : α} (h : 1 a) :
theorem neg_le_self {α : Type u} [add_group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a : α} (h : 0 a) :
-a a

Alias of left.neg_le_self.

theorem left.self_le_neg {α : Type u} [add_group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a : α} (h : a 0) :
a -a
theorem left.self_le_inv {α : Type u} [group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] {a : α} (h : a 1) :
theorem left.inv_lt_self {α : Type u} [group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] {a : α} (h : 1 < a) :
a⁻¹ < a
theorem left.neg_lt_self {α : Type u} [add_group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a : α} (h : 0 < a) :
-a < a
theorem neg_lt_self {α : Type u} [add_group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a : α} (h : 0 < a) :
-a < a

Alias of left.neg_lt_self.

theorem left.self_lt_neg {α : Type u} [add_group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a : α} (h : a < 0) :
a < -a
theorem left.self_lt_inv {α : Type u} [group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] {a : α} (h : a < 1) :
a < a⁻¹
theorem right.neg_le_self {α : Type u} [add_group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] {a : α} (h : 0 a) :
-a a
theorem right.inv_le_self {α : Type u} [group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul) has_le.le] {a : α} (h : 1 a) :
theorem right.self_le_neg {α : Type u} [add_group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] {a : α} (h : a 0) :
a -a
theorem right.self_le_inv {α : Type u} [group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul) has_le.le] {a : α} (h : a 1) :
theorem right.neg_lt_self {α : Type u} [add_group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {a : α} (h : 0 < a) :
-a < a
theorem right.inv_lt_self {α : Type u} [group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul)] {a : α} (h : 1 < a) :
a⁻¹ < a
theorem right.self_lt_inv {α : Type u} [group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul)] {a : α} (h : a < 1) :
a < a⁻¹
theorem right.self_lt_neg {α : Type u} [add_group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {a : α} (h : a < 0) :
a < -a
theorem inv_mul_le_iff_le_mul' {α : Type u} [comm_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
c⁻¹ * a b a b * c
theorem neg_add_le_iff_le_add' {α : Type u} [add_comm_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
-c + a b a b + c
theorem mul_inv_le_iff_le_mul' {α : Type u} [comm_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
a * b⁻¹ c a b * c
theorem add_neg_le_iff_le_add' {α : Type u} [add_comm_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
a + -b c a b + c
theorem add_neg_le_add_neg_iff {α : Type u} [add_comm_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a b c d : α} :
a + -b c + -d a + d c + b
theorem mul_inv_le_mul_inv_iff' {α : Type u} [comm_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] {a b c d : α} :
a * b⁻¹ c * d⁻¹ a * d c * b
theorem neg_add_lt_iff_lt_add' {α : Type u} [add_comm_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a b c : α} :
-c + a < b a < b + c
theorem inv_mul_lt_iff_lt_mul' {α : Type u} [comm_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] {a b c : α} :
c⁻¹ * a < b a < b * c
theorem mul_inv_lt_iff_le_mul' {α : Type u} [comm_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] {a b c : α} :
a * b⁻¹ < c a < b * c
theorem add_neg_lt_iff_le_add' {α : Type u} [add_comm_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a b c : α} :
a + -b < c a < b + c
theorem add_neg_lt_add_neg_iff {α : Type u} [add_comm_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a b c d : α} :
a + -b < c + -d a + d < c + b
theorem mul_inv_lt_mul_inv_iff' {α : Type u} [comm_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] {a b c d : α} :
a * b⁻¹ < c * d⁻¹ a * d < c * b
theorem one_le_of_inv_le_one {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] {a : α} :
a⁻¹ 1 1 a

Alias of the forward direction of left.inv_le_one_iff.

theorem nonneg_of_neg_nonpos {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a : α} :
-a 0 0 a

Alias of the forward direction of left.inv_le_one_iff.

theorem le_one_of_one_le_inv {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] {a : α} :
1 a⁻¹ a 1

Alias of the forward direction of left.one_le_inv_iff.

theorem nonpos_of_neg_nonneg {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a : α} :
0 -a a 0

Alias of the forward direction of left.one_le_inv_iff.

theorem lt_of_inv_lt_inv {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul)] {a b : α} :
a⁻¹ < b⁻¹ b < a

Alias of the forward direction of inv_lt_inv_iff.

theorem lt_of_neg_lt_neg {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {a b : α} :
-a < -b b < a

Alias of the forward direction of inv_lt_inv_iff.

theorem one_lt_of_inv_lt_one {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] {a : α} :
a⁻¹ < 1 1 < a

Alias of the forward direction of left.inv_lt_one_iff.

theorem pos_of_neg_neg {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a : α} :
-a < 0 0 < a

Alias of the forward direction of left.inv_lt_one_iff.

theorem inv_lt_one_iff_one_lt {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] {a : α} :
a⁻¹ < 1 1 < a

Alias of left.inv_lt_one_iff.

theorem neg_neg_iff_pos {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a : α} :
-a < 0 0 < a

Alias of left.inv_lt_one_iff.

theorem inv_lt_one' {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] {a : α} :
a⁻¹ < 1 1 < a

Alias of left.inv_lt_one_iff.

theorem neg_lt_zero {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a : α} :
-a < 0 0 < a

Alias of left.inv_lt_one_iff.

theorem inv_of_one_lt_inv {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] {a : α} :
1 < a⁻¹ a < 1

Alias of the forward direction of left.one_lt_inv_iff.

theorem neg_of_neg_pos {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a : α} :
0 < -a a < 0

Alias of the forward direction of left.one_lt_inv_iff.

theorem one_lt_inv_of_inv {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] {a : α} :
a < 1 1 < a⁻¹

Alias of the reverse direction of left.one_lt_inv_iff.

theorem neg_pos_of_neg {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a : α} :
a < 0 0 < -a

Alias of the reverse direction of left.one_lt_inv_iff.

theorem mul_le_of_le_inv_mul {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
b a⁻¹ * c a * b c

Alias of the forward direction of le_inv_mul_iff_mul_le.

theorem add_le_of_le_neg_add {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
b -a + c a + b c

Alias of the forward direction of le_inv_mul_iff_mul_le.

theorem le_inv_mul_of_mul_le {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
a * b c b a⁻¹ * c

Alias of the reverse direction of le_inv_mul_iff_mul_le.

theorem le_neg_add_of_add_le {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
a + b c b -a + c

Alias of the reverse direction of le_inv_mul_iff_mul_le.

theorem inv_mul_le_of_le_mul {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
a b * c b⁻¹ * a c

Alias of the reverse direction of inv_mul_le_iff_le_mul.

theorem mul_lt_of_lt_inv_mul {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] {a b c : α} :
b < a⁻¹ * c a * b < c

Alias of the forward direction of lt_inv_mul_iff_mul_lt.

theorem add_lt_of_lt_neg_add {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a b c : α} :
b < -a + c a + b < c

Alias of the forward direction of lt_inv_mul_iff_mul_lt.

theorem lt_inv_mul_of_mul_lt {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] {a b c : α} :
a * b < c b < a⁻¹ * c

Alias of the reverse direction of lt_inv_mul_iff_mul_lt.

theorem lt_neg_add_of_add_lt {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a b c : α} :
a + b < c b < -a + c

Alias of the reverse direction of lt_inv_mul_iff_mul_lt.

theorem inv_mul_lt_of_lt_mul {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] {a b c : α} :
a < b * c b⁻¹ * a < c

Alias of the reverse direction of inv_mul_lt_iff_lt_mul.

theorem lt_mul_of_inv_mul_lt {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] {a b c : α} :
b⁻¹ * a < c a < b * c

Alias of the forward direction of inv_mul_lt_iff_lt_mul.

theorem lt_add_of_neg_add_lt {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a b c : α} :
-b + a < c a < b + c

Alias of the forward direction of inv_mul_lt_iff_lt_mul.

theorem neg_add_lt_of_lt_add {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a b c : α} :
a < b + c -b + a < c

Alias of the reverse direction of inv_mul_lt_iff_lt_mul.

theorem lt_mul_of_inv_mul_lt_left {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] {a b c : α} :
b⁻¹ * a < c a < b * c

Alias of lt_mul_of_inv_mul_lt.

theorem lt_add_of_neg_add_lt_left {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a b c : α} :
-b + a < c a < b + c

Alias of lt_mul_of_inv_mul_lt.

theorem inv_le_one' {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] {a : α} :
a⁻¹ 1 1 a

Alias of left.inv_le_one_iff.

theorem neg_nonpos {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a : α} :
-a 0 0 a

Alias of left.inv_le_one_iff.

theorem one_le_inv' {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] {a : α} :
1 a⁻¹ a 1

Alias of left.one_le_inv_iff.

theorem neg_nonneg {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a : α} :
0 -a a 0

Alias of left.one_le_inv_iff.

theorem one_lt_inv' {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] {a : α} :
1 < a⁻¹ a < 1

Alias of left.one_lt_inv_iff.

theorem neg_pos {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a : α} :
0 < -a a < 0

Alias of left.one_lt_inv_iff.

theorem ordered_comm_group.mul_lt_mul_left' {α : Type u_1} [has_mul α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] {b c : α} (bc : b < c) (a : α) :
a * b < a * c

Alias of mul_lt_mul_left'.

theorem ordered_add_comm_group.add_lt_add_left {α : Type u_1} [has_add α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {b c : α} (bc : b < c) (a : α) :
a + b < a + c

Alias of mul_lt_mul_left'.

theorem ordered_comm_group.le_of_mul_le_mul_left {α : Type u_1} [has_mul α] [has_le α] [contravariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] {a b c : α} (bc : a * b a * c) :
b c

Alias of le_of_mul_le_mul_left'.

theorem ordered_add_comm_group.le_of_add_le_add_left {α : Type u_1} [has_add α] [has_le α] [contravariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a b c : α} (bc : a + b a + c) :
b c

Alias of le_of_mul_le_mul_left'.

theorem ordered_comm_group.lt_of_mul_lt_mul_left {α : Type u_1} [has_mul α] [has_lt α] [contravariant_class α α has_mul.mul] {a b c : α} (bc : a * b < a * c) :
b < c

Alias of lt_of_mul_lt_mul_left'.

theorem ordered_add_comm_group.lt_of_add_lt_add_left {α : Type u_1} [has_add α] [has_lt α] [contravariant_class α α has_add.add] {a b c : α} (bc : a + b < a + c) :
b < c

Alias of lt_of_mul_lt_mul_left'.

theorem div_le_div_iff_right {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul) has_le.le] {a b : α} (c : α) :
a / c b / c a b
theorem sub_le_sub_iff_right {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] {a b : α} (c : α) :
a - c b - c a b
theorem sub_le_sub_right {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] {a b : α} (h : a b) (c : α) :
a - c b - c
theorem div_le_div_right' {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul) has_le.le] {a b : α} (h : a b) (c : α) :
a / c b / c
theorem sub_nonneg {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] {a b : α} :
0 a - b b a
theorem one_le_div' {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul) has_le.le] {a b : α} :
1 a / b b a
theorem le_of_sub_nonneg {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] {a b : α} :
0 a - b b a

Alias of the forward direction of sub_nonneg.

theorem sub_nonneg_of_le {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] {a b : α} :
b a 0 a - b

Alias of the reverse direction of sub_nonneg.

theorem div_le_one' {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul) has_le.le] {a b : α} :
a / b 1 a b
theorem sub_nonpos {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] {a b : α} :
a - b 0 a b
theorem sub_nonpos_of_le {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] {a b : α} :
a b a - b 0

Alias of the reverse direction of sub_nonpos.

theorem le_of_sub_nonpos {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] {a b : α} :
a - b 0 a b

Alias of the forward direction of sub_nonpos.

theorem le_div_iff_mul_le {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul) has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
a c / b a * b c
theorem le_sub_iff_add_le {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
a c - b a + b c
theorem add_le_of_le_sub_right {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
a c - b a + b c

Alias of the forward direction of le_sub_iff_add_le.

theorem le_sub_right_of_add_le {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
a + b c a c - b

Alias of the reverse direction of le_sub_iff_add_le.

theorem sub_le_iff_le_add {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
a - c b a b + c
theorem div_le_iff_le_mul {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul) has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
a / c b a b * c
@[protected, instance]
theorem div_le_div_iff_left {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul) has_le.le] {b c : α} (a : α) :
a / b a / c c b
theorem sub_le_sub_iff_left {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] {b c : α} (a : α) :
a - b a - c c b
theorem div_le_div_left' {α : Type u} [group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul) has_le.le] {a b : α} (h : a b) (c : α) :
c / b c / a
theorem sub_le_sub_left {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] {a b : α} (h : a b) (c : α) :
c - b c - a
theorem sub_le_sub_iff {α : Type u} [add_comm_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a b c d : α} :
a - b c - d a + d c + b
theorem div_le_div_iff' {α : Type u} [comm_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] {a b c d : α} :
a / b c / d a * d c * b
theorem le_sub_iff_add_le' {α : Type u} [add_comm_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
b c - a a + b c
theorem le_div_iff_mul_le' {α : Type u} [comm_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
b c / a a * b c
theorem add_le_of_le_sub_left {α : Type u} [add_comm_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
b c - a a + b c

Alias of the forward direction of le_sub_iff_add_le'.

theorem le_sub_left_of_add_le {α : Type u} [add_comm_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
a + b c b c - a

Alias of the reverse direction of le_sub_iff_add_le'.

theorem sub_le_iff_le_add' {α : Type u} [add_comm_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
a - b c a b + c
theorem div_le_iff_le_mul' {α : Type u} [comm_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
a / b c a b * c
theorem le_add_of_sub_left_le {α : Type u} [add_comm_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
a - b c a b + c

Alias of the forward direction of sub_le_iff_le_add'.

theorem sub_left_le_of_le_add {α : Type u} [add_comm_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
a b + c a - b c

Alias of the reverse direction of sub_le_iff_le_add'.

theorem neg_le_sub_iff_le_add {α : Type u} [add_comm_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
-b a - c c a + b
theorem inv_le_div_iff_le_mul {α : Type u} [comm_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
b⁻¹ a / c c a * b
theorem inv_le_div_iff_le_mul' {α : Type u} [comm_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
a⁻¹ b / c c a * b
theorem neg_le_sub_iff_le_add' {α : Type u} [add_comm_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
-a b - c c a + b
theorem sub_le_comm {α : Type u} [add_comm_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
a - b c a - c b
theorem div_le_comm {α : Type u} [comm_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
a / b c a / c b
theorem le_div_comm {α : Type u} [comm_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
a b / c c b / a
theorem le_sub_comm {α : Type u} [add_comm_group α] [has_le α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a b c : α} :
a b - c c b - a
theorem div_le_div'' {α : Type u} [comm_group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] {a b c d : α} (hab : a b) (hcd : c d) :
a / d b / c
theorem sub_le_sub {α : Type u} [add_comm_group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a b c d : α} (hab : a b) (hcd : c d) :
a - d b - c
theorem sub_lt_sub_iff_right {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {a b : α} (c : α) :
a - c < b - c a < b
theorem div_lt_div_iff_right {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul)] {a b : α} (c : α) :
a / c < b / c a < b
theorem div_lt_div_right' {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul)] {a b : α} (h : a < b) (c : α) :
a / c < b / c
theorem sub_lt_sub_right {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {a b : α} (h : a < b) (c : α) :
a - c < b - c
theorem sub_pos {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {a b : α} :
0 < a - b b < a
theorem one_lt_div' {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul)] {a b : α} :
1 < a / b b < a
theorem lt_of_sub_pos {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {a b : α} :
0 < a - b b < a

Alias of the forward direction of sub_pos.

theorem sub_pos_of_lt {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {a b : α} :
b < a 0 < a - b

Alias of the reverse direction of sub_pos.

theorem div_lt_one' {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul)] {a b : α} :
a / b < 1 a < b
theorem sub_neg {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {a b : α} :
a - b < 0 a < b
theorem lt_of_sub_neg {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {a b : α} :
a - b < 0 a < b

Alias of the forward direction of sub_neg.

theorem sub_neg_of_lt {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {a b : α} :
a < b a - b < 0

Alias of the reverse direction of sub_neg.

theorem sub_lt_zero {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {a b : α} :
a - b < 0 a < b

Alias of sub_neg.

theorem lt_sub_iff_add_lt {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {a b c : α} :
a < c - b a + b < c
theorem lt_div_iff_mul_lt {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul)] {a b c : α} :
a < c / b a * b < c
theorem add_lt_of_lt_sub_right {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {a b c : α} :
a < c - b a + b < c

Alias of the forward direction of lt_sub_iff_add_lt.

theorem lt_sub_right_of_add_lt {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {a b c : α} :
a + b < c a < c - b

Alias of the reverse direction of lt_sub_iff_add_lt.

theorem sub_lt_iff_lt_add {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {a b c : α} :
a - c < b a < b + c
theorem div_lt_iff_lt_mul {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul)] {a b c : α} :
a / c < b a < b * c
theorem lt_add_of_sub_right_lt {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {a b c : α} :
a - c < b a < b + c

Alias of the forward direction of sub_lt_iff_lt_add.

theorem sub_right_lt_of_lt_add {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {a b c : α} :
a < b + c a - c < b

Alias of the reverse direction of sub_lt_iff_lt_add.

theorem div_lt_div_iff_left {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul)] {b c : α} (a : α) :
a / b < a / c c < b
theorem sub_lt_sub_iff_left {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {b c : α} (a : α) :
a - b < a - c c < b
theorem neg_lt_sub_iff_lt_add {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {a b c : α} :
-a < b - c c < a + b
theorem inv_lt_div_iff_lt_mul {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul)] {a b c : α} :
a⁻¹ < b / c c < a * b
theorem sub_lt_sub_left {α : Type u} [add_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] {a b : α} (h : a < b) (c : α) :
c - b < c - a
theorem div_lt_div_left' {α : Type u} [group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul)] {a b : α} (h : a < b) (c : α) :
c / b < c / a
theorem div_lt_div_iff' {α : Type u} [comm_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] {a b c d : α} :
a / b < c / d a * d < c * b
theorem sub_lt_sub_iff {α : Type u} [add_comm_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a b c d : α} :
a - b < c - d a + d < c + b
theorem lt_div_iff_mul_lt' {α : Type u} [comm_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] {a b c : α} :
b < c / a a * b < c
theorem lt_sub_iff_add_lt' {α : Type u} [add_comm_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a b c : α} :
b < c - a a + b < c
theorem add_lt_of_lt_sub_left {α : Type u} [add_comm_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a b c : α} :
b < c - a a + b < c

Alias of the forward direction of lt_sub_iff_add_lt'.

theorem lt_sub_left_of_add_lt {α : Type u} [add_comm_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a b c : α} :
a + b < c b < c - a

Alias of the reverse direction of lt_sub_iff_add_lt'.

theorem div_lt_iff_lt_mul' {α : Type u} [comm_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] {a b c : α} :
a / b < c a < b * c
theorem sub_lt_iff_lt_add' {α : Type u} [add_comm_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a b c : α} :
a - b < c a < b + c
theorem sub_left_lt_of_lt_add {α : Type u} [add_comm_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a b c : α} :
a < b + c a - b < c

Alias of the reverse direction of sub_lt_iff_lt_add'.

theorem lt_add_of_sub_left_lt {α : Type u} [add_comm_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a b c : α} :
a - b < c a < b + c

Alias of the forward direction of sub_lt_iff_lt_add'.

theorem inv_lt_div_iff_lt_mul' {α : Type u} [comm_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] {a b c : α} :
b⁻¹ < a / c c < a * b
theorem neg_lt_sub_iff_lt_add' {α : Type u} [add_comm_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a b c : α} :
-b < a - c c < a + b
theorem div_lt_comm {α : Type u} [comm_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] {a b c : α} :
a / b < c a / c < b
theorem sub_lt_comm {α : Type u} [add_comm_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a b c : α} :
a - b < c a - c < b
theorem lt_div_comm {α : Type u} [comm_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] {a b c : α} :
a < b / c c < b / a
theorem lt_sub_comm {α : Type u} [add_comm_group α] [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a b c : α} :
a < b - c c < b - a
theorem div_lt_div'' {α : Type u} [comm_group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] {a b c d : α} (hab : a < b) (hcd : c < d) :
a / d < b / c
theorem sub_lt_sub {α : Type u} [add_comm_group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] {a b c d : α} (hab : a < b) (hcd : c < d) :
a - d < b - c
theorem cmp_sub_zero {α : Type u} [add_group α] [linear_order α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] (a b : α) :
cmp (a - b) 0 = cmp a b
theorem cmp_div_one' {α : Type u} [group α] [linear_order α] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul) has_le.le] (a b : α) :
cmp (a / b) 1 = cmp a b
theorem le_of_forall_one_lt_lt_mul {α : Type u} [group α] [linear_order α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] {a b : α} (h : (ε : α), 1 < ε a < b * ε) :
a b
theorem le_of_forall_pos_lt_add {α : Type u} [add_group α] [linear_order α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a b : α} (h : (ε : α), 0 < ε a < b + ε) :
a b
theorem le_iff_forall_pos_lt_add {α : Type u} [add_group α] [linear_order α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a b : α} :
a b (ε : α), 0 < ε a < b + ε
theorem le_iff_forall_one_lt_lt_mul {α : Type u} [group α] [linear_order α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] {a b : α} :
a b (ε : α), 1 < ε a < b * ε
theorem sub_le_sub_flip {α : Type u_1} [add_comm_group α] [linear_order α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] {a b : α} :
a - b b - a a b
theorem div_le_div_flip {α : Type u_1} [comm_group α] [linear_order α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] {a b : α} :
a / b b / a a b

Linearly ordered commutative groups #

structure linear_ordered_add_comm_group (α : Type u) :
Type u

A linearly ordered additive commutative group is an additive commutative group with a linear order in which addition is monotone.

Instances of this typeclass
Instances of other typeclasses for linear_ordered_add_comm_group
  • linear_ordered_add_comm_group.has_sizeof_inst
structure linear_ordered_add_comm_group_with_top (α : Type u_1) :
Type u_1

A linearly ordered commutative monoid with an additively absorbing element. Instances should include number systems with an infinite element adjoined.`

Instances of this typeclass
Instances of other typeclasses for linear_ordered_add_comm_group_with_top
  • linear_ordered_add_comm_group_with_top.has_sizeof_inst
structure linear_ordered_comm_group (α : Type u) :
Type u

A linearly ordered commutative group is a commutative group with a linear order in which multiplication is monotone.

Instances of this typeclass
Instances of other typeclasses for linear_ordered_comm_group
  • linear_ordered_comm_group.has_sizeof_inst
theorem linear_ordered_comm_group.mul_lt_mul_left' {α : Type u} [linear_ordered_comm_group α] (a b : α) (h : a < b) (c : α) :
c * a < c * b
theorem linear_ordered_add_comm_group.add_lt_add_left {α : Type u} [linear_ordered_add_comm_group α] (a b : α) (h : a < b) (c : α) :
c + a < c + b
theorem eq_zero_of_neg_eq {α : Type u} [linear_ordered_add_comm_group α] {a : α} (h : -a = a) :
a = 0
theorem eq_one_of_inv_eq' {α : Type u} [linear_ordered_comm_group α] {a : α} (h : a⁻¹ = a) :
a = 1
theorem exists_one_lt' {α : Type u} [linear_ordered_comm_group α] [nontrivial α] :
(a : α), 1 < a
theorem exists_zero_lt {α : Type u} [linear_ordered_add_comm_group α] [nontrivial α] :
(a : α), 0 < a
@[protected, instance]
@[protected, instance]
structure add_comm_group.positive_cone (α : Type u_1) [add_comm_group α] :
Type u_1
  • nonneg : α Prop
  • pos : α Prop
  • pos_iff : ( (a : α), self.pos a self.nonneg a ¬self.nonneg (-a)) . "order_laws_tac"
  • zero_nonneg : self.nonneg 0
  • add_nonneg : {a b : α}, self.nonneg a self.nonneg b self.nonneg (a + b)
  • nonneg_antisymm : {a : α}, self.nonneg a self.nonneg (-a) a = 0

A collection of elements in an add_comm_group designated as "non-negative". This is useful for constructing an ordered_add_commm_group by choosing a positive cone in an exisiting add_comm_group.

Instances for add_comm_group.positive_cone
  • add_comm_group.positive_cone.has_sizeof_inst

Forget that a total_positive_cone is total.

structure add_comm_group.total_positive_cone (α : Type u_1) [add_comm_group α] :
Type u_1

A positive cone in an add_comm_group induces a linear order if for every a, either a or -a is non-negative.

Instances for add_comm_group.total_positive_cone
  • add_comm_group.total_positive_cone.has_sizeof_inst

Construct an ordered_add_comm_group by designating a positive cone in an existing add_comm_group.


Construct a linear_ordered_add_comm_group by designating a positive cone in an existing add_comm_group such that for every a, either a or -a is non-negative.

theorem neg_le_neg {α : Type u} [ordered_add_comm_group α] {a b : α} :
a b -b -a
theorem inv_le_inv' {α : Type u} [ordered_comm_group α] {a b : α} :
a b b⁻¹ a⁻¹
theorem neg_lt_neg {α : Type u} [ordered_add_comm_group α] {a b : α} :
a < b -b < -a
theorem inv_lt_inv' {α : Type u} [ordered_comm_group α] {a b : α} :
a < b b⁻¹ < a⁻¹
theorem inv_lt_one_of_one_lt {α : Type u} [ordered_comm_group α] {a : α} :
1 < a a⁻¹ < 1
theorem neg_neg_of_pos {α : Type u} [ordered_add_comm_group α] {a : α} :
0 < a -a < 0
theorem inv_le_one_of_one_le {α : Type u} [ordered_comm_group α] {a : α} :
1 a a⁻¹ 1
theorem neg_nonpos_of_nonneg {α : Type u} [ordered_add_comm_group α] {a : α} :
0 a -a 0
theorem one_le_inv_of_le_one {α : Type u} [ordered_comm_group α] {a : α} :
a 1 1 a⁻¹
theorem neg_nonneg_of_nonpos {α : Type u} [ordered_add_comm_group α] {a : α} :
a 0 0 -a
theorem monotone.neg {α : Type u} {β : Type u_1} [add_group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] [preorder β] {f : β α} (hf : monotone f) :
antitone (λ (x : β), -f x)
theorem monotone.inv {α : Type u} {β : Type u_1} [group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul) has_le.le] [preorder β] {f : β α} (hf : monotone f) :
antitone (λ (x : β), (f x)⁻¹)
theorem antitone.inv {α : Type u} {β : Type u_1} [group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul) has_le.le] [preorder β] {f : β α} (hf : antitone f) :
monotone (λ (x : β), (f x)⁻¹)
theorem antitone.neg {α : Type u} {β : Type u_1} [add_group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] [preorder β] {f : β α} (hf : antitone f) :
monotone (λ (x : β), -f x)
theorem monotone_on.inv {α : Type u} {β : Type u_1} [group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul) has_le.le] [preorder β] {f : β α} {s : set β} (hf : monotone_on f s) :
antitone_on (λ (x : β), (f x)⁻¹) s
theorem monotone_on.neg {α : Type u} {β : Type u_1} [add_group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] [preorder β] {f : β α} {s : set β} (hf : monotone_on f s) :
antitone_on (λ (x : β), -f x) s
theorem antitone_on.neg {α : Type u} {β : Type u_1} [add_group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add has_le.le] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add) has_le.le] [preorder β] {f : β α} {s : set β} (hf : antitone_on f s) :
monotone_on (λ (x : β), -f x) s
theorem antitone_on.inv {α : Type u} {β : Type u_1} [group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul has_le.le] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul) has_le.le] [preorder β] {f : β α} {s : set β} (hf : antitone_on f s) :
monotone_on (λ (x : β), (f x)⁻¹) s
theorem strict_mono.inv {α : Type u} {β : Type u_1} [group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul)] [preorder β] {f : β α} (hf : strict_mono f) :
strict_anti (λ (x : β), (f x)⁻¹)
theorem strict_mono.neg {α : Type u} {β : Type u_1} [add_group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] [preorder β] {f : β α} (hf : strict_mono f) :
strict_anti (λ (x : β), -f x)
theorem strict_anti.neg {α : Type u} {β : Type u_1} [add_group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] [preorder β] {f : β α} (hf : strict_anti f) :
strict_mono (λ (x : β), -f x)
theorem strict_anti.inv {α : Type u} {β : Type u_1} [group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul)] [preorder β] {f : β α} (hf : strict_anti f) :
strict_mono (λ (x : β), (f x)⁻¹)
theorem strict_mono_on.neg {α : Type u} {β : Type u_1} [add_group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] [preorder β] {f : β α} {s : set β} (hf : strict_mono_on f s) :
strict_anti_on (λ (x : β), -f x) s
theorem strict_mono_on.inv {α : Type u} {β : Type u_1} [group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul)] [preorder β] {f : β α} {s : set β} (hf : strict_mono_on f s) :
strict_anti_on (λ (x : β), (f x)⁻¹) s
theorem strict_anti_on.inv {α : Type u} {β : Type u_1} [group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α has_mul.mul] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_mul.mul)] [preorder β] {f : β α} {s : set β} (hf : strict_anti_on f s) :
strict_mono_on (λ (x : β), (f x)⁻¹) s
theorem strict_anti_on.neg {α : Type u} {β : Type u_1} [add_group α] [preorder α] [covariant_class α α has_add.add] [covariant_class α α (function.swap has_add.add)] [preorder β] {f : β α} {s : set β} (hf : strict_anti_on f s) :
strict_mono_on (λ (x : β), -f x) s