Miscellaneous definitions, lemmas, and constructions using finsupp #
THIS FILE IS SYNCHRONIZED WITH MATHLIB4. Any changes to this file require a corresponding PR to mathlib4.
Main declarations #
: the finset of input and output pairs with non-zero outputs.finsupp.map_range.equiv
as an equiv.finsupp.map_domain
: maps the domain of afinsupp
by a function and by summing.finsupp.comap_domain
: postcomposition of afinsupp
with a function injective on the preimage of its support.finsupp.some
: restrict a finitely supported function onoption α
to a finitely supported function onα
:filter p f
is the finitely supported function that isf a
ifp a
is true and 0 otherwise.finsupp.frange
: the image of a finitely supported function on its support.finsupp.subtype_domain
: the restriction of a finitely supported functionf
to a subtype.
Implementation notes #
This file is a noncomputable theory
and uses classical logic throughout.
This file is currently ~1600 lines long and is quite a miscellany of definitions and lemmas, so it should be divided into smaller pieces.
Expand the list of definitions and important lemmas to the module docstring.
Declarations about graph
The graph of a finitely supported function over its support, i.e. the finset of input and output pairs with non-zero outputs.
Declarations about map_range
as an equiv.
- finsupp.map_range.equiv f hf hf' = {to_fun := finsupp.map_range ⇑f hf, inv_fun := finsupp.map_range ⇑(f.symm) hf', left_inv := _, right_inv := _}
Composition with a fixed zero-preserving homomorphism is itself an zero-preserving homomorphism on functions.
- finsupp.map_range.zero_hom f = {to_fun := finsupp.map_range ⇑f _, map_zero' := _}
Composition with a fixed additive homomorphism is itself an additive homomorphism on functions.
- finsupp.map_range.add_monoid_hom f = {to_fun := finsupp.map_range ⇑f _, map_zero' := _, map_add' := _}
as an equiv.
- finsupp.map_range.add_equiv f = {to_fun := finsupp.map_range ⇑f _, inv_fun := finsupp.map_range ⇑(f.symm) _, left_inv := _, right_inv := _, map_add' := _}
Declarations about equiv_congr_left
Given f : α ≃ β
, we can map l : α →₀ M
to equiv_map_domain f l : β →₀ M
by mapping the support forwards and the function backwards.
- finsupp.equiv_map_domain f l = {support := finset.map f.to_embedding l.support, to_fun := λ (a : β), ⇑l (⇑(f.symm) a), mem_support_to_fun := _}
Given f : α ≃ β
, the finitely supported function spaces are also in bijection:
(α →₀ M) ≃ (β →₀ M)
This is the finitely-supported version of equiv.Pi_congr_left
- finsupp.equiv_congr_left f = {to_fun := finsupp.equiv_map_domain f, inv_fun := finsupp.equiv_map_domain f.symm, left_inv := _, right_inv := _}
Declarations about map_domain
Given f : α → β
and v : α →₀ M
, map_domain f v : β →₀ M
is the finitely supported function whose value at a : β
is the sum
of v x
over all x
such that f x = a
- finsupp.map_domain f v = v.sum (λ (a : α), finsupp.single (f a))
is an add_monoid_hom
- finsupp.map_domain.add_monoid_hom f = {to_fun := finsupp.map_domain f, map_zero' := _, map_add' := _}
A version of sum_map_domain_index
that takes a bundled add_monoid_hom
rather than separate linearity hypotheses.
When f
is an embedding we have an embedding (α →₀ ℕ) ↪ (β →₀ ℕ)
given by map_domain
- finsupp.map_domain_embedding f = {to_fun := finsupp.map_domain ⇑f, inj' := _}
When g
preserves addition, map_range
and map_domain
Declarations about comap_domain
Given f : α → β
, l : β →₀ M
and a proof hf
that f
is injective on
the preimage of l.support
, comap_domain f l hf
is the finitely supported function
from α
to M
given by composing l
with f
- finsupp.comap_domain f l hf = {support := l.support.preimage f hf, to_fun := λ (a : α), ⇑l (f a), mem_support_to_fun := _}
Note the hif
argument is needed for this to work in rw
A version of finsupp.comap_domain_add
that's easier to use.
is an add_monoid_hom
- finsupp.comap_domain.add_monoid_hom hf = {to_fun := λ (x : β →₀ M), finsupp.comap_domain f x _, map_zero' := _, map_add' := _}
Restrict a finitely supported function on option α
to a finitely supported function on α
- f.some = finsupp.comap_domain option.some f _
filter p f
is the finitely supported function that is f a
if p a
is true and 0 otherwise.
- finsupp.filter p f = {support := finset.filter (λ (a : α), p a) f.support, to_fun := λ (a : α), ite (p a) (⇑f a) 0, mem_support_to_fun := _}
Declarations about frange
frange f
is the image of f
on the support of f
- f.frange = finset.image ⇑f f.support
Declarations about subtype_domain
subtype_domain p f
is the restriction of the finitely supported function f
to subtype p
- finsupp.subtype_domain p f = {support := finset.subtype p f.support, to_fun := ⇑f ∘ coe, mem_support_to_fun := _}
but as an add_monoid_hom
- finsupp.subtype_domain_add_monoid_hom = {to_fun := finsupp.subtype_domain p, map_zero' := _, map_add' := _}
as an add_monoid_hom
- finsupp.filter_add_hom p = {to_fun := finsupp.filter p, map_zero' := _, map_add' := _}
Declarations about curry
and uncurry
Given a finitely supported function f
from a product type α × β
to γ
curry f
is the "curried" finitely supported function from α
to the type of
finitely supported functions from β
to γ
- f.curry = f.sum (λ (p : α × β) (c : M), finsupp.single p.fst (finsupp.single p.snd c))
Given a finitely supported function f
from α
to the type of
finitely supported functions from β
to M
uncurry f
is the "uncurried" finitely supported function from α × β
to M
defines the equiv
between ((α × β) →₀ M)
and (α →₀ (β →₀ M))
given by
currying and uncurrying.
- finsupp.finsupp_prod_equiv = {to_fun := finsupp.curry _inst_1, inv_fun := finsupp.uncurry _inst_1, left_inv := _, right_inv := _}
finsupp.sum_elim f g
maps inl x
to f x
and inr y
to g y
The equivalence between (α ⊕ β) →₀ γ
and (α →₀ γ) × (β →₀ γ)
This is the finsupp
version of equiv.sum_arrow_equiv_prod_arrow
The additive equivalence between (α ⊕ β) →₀ M
and (α →₀ M) × (β →₀ M)
This is the finsupp
version of equiv.sum_arrow_equiv_prod_arrow
Declarations about scalar multiplication #
Scalar multiplication acting on the domain.
This is not an instance as it would conflict with the action on the range.
See the instance_diamonds
test for examples of such conflicts.
- finsupp.comap_has_smul = {smul := λ (g : G), finsupp.map_domain (has_smul.smul g)}
is multiplicative
- finsupp.comap_mul_action = {to_has_smul := finsupp.comap_has_smul _inst_3, one_smul := _, mul_smul := _}
is distributive
- finsupp.comap_distrib_mul_action = {to_mul_action := finsupp.comap_mul_action _inst_3, smul_zero := _, smul_add := _}
When G
is a group, finsupp.comap_has_smul
acts by precomposition with the action of g⁻¹
- finsupp.smul_zero_class = {to_has_smul := {smul := λ (a : R) (v : α →₀ M), finsupp.map_range (has_smul.smul a) _ v}, smul_zero := _}
Throughout this section, some monoid
and semiring
arguments are specified with {}
instead of
. See note [implicit instance arguments].
- finsupp.distrib_smul α M = {to_smul_zero_class := {to_has_smul := {smul := has_smul.smul smul_zero_class.to_has_smul}, smul_zero := _}, smul_add := _}
- finsupp.distrib_mul_action α M = {to_mul_action := {to_has_smul := {smul := has_smul.smul smul_zero_class.to_has_smul}, one_smul := _, mul_smul := _}, smul_zero := _, smul_add := _}
- finsupp.module α M = {to_distrib_mul_action := {to_mul_action := {to_has_smul := {smul := has_smul.smul smul_zero_class.to_has_smul}, one_smul := _, mul_smul := _}, smul_zero := _, smul_add := _}, add_smul := _, zero_smul := _}
A version of finsupp.comap_domain_smul
that's easier to use.
A version of finsupp.sum_smul_index'
for bundled additive maps.
as a distrib_mul_action_hom
See also finsupp.lsingle
for the version as a linear map.
- finsupp.distrib_mul_action_hom.single a = {to_fun := (finsupp.single_add_hom a).to_fun, map_smul' := _, map_zero' := _, map_add' := _}
The finsupp
version of pi.unique
- finsupp.unique_of_right = finsupp.unique_of_right._proof_2.unique
The finsupp
version of pi.unique_of_is_empty
- finsupp.unique_of_left = finsupp.unique_of_left._proof_2.unique
Given an add_comm_monoid M
and s : set α
, restrict_support_equiv s M
is the equiv
between the subtype of finitely supported functions with support contained in s
the type of finitely supported functions from s
- finsupp.restrict_support_equiv s M = {to_fun := λ (f : {f // ↑(f.support) ⊆ s}), finsupp.subtype_domain (λ (x : α), x ∈ s) f.val, inv_fun := λ (f : ↥s →₀ M), ⟨finsupp.map_domain subtype.val f, _⟩, left_inv := _, right_inv := _}
Given add_comm_monoid M
and e : α ≃ β
, dom_congr e
is the corresponding equiv
α →₀ M
and β →₀ M
This is finsupp.equiv_congr_left
as an add_equiv
- finsupp.dom_congr e = {to_fun := finsupp.equiv_map_domain e, inv_fun := finsupp.equiv_map_domain e.symm, left_inv := _, right_inv := _, map_add' := _}
Declarations about sigma types #
Given l
, a finitely supported function from the sigma type Σ (i : ι), αs i
to M
an index element i : ι
, split l i
is the i
th component of l
a finitely supported function from as i
to M
This is the finsupp
version of sigma.curry
- l.split i = finsupp.comap_domain (sigma.mk i) l _
Given l
, a finitely supported function from the sigma type Σ (i : ι), αs i
to β
split_support l
is the finset of indices in ι
that appear in the support of l
Given l
, a finitely supported function from the sigma type Σ i, αs i
to β
an ι
-indexed family g
of functions from (αs i →₀ β)
to γ
, split_comp
defines a
finitely supported function from the index type ι
to γ
given by composing g i
split l i
- l.split_comp g hg = {support := l.split_support, to_fun := λ (i : ι), g i (l.split i), mem_support_to_fun := _}
On a fintype η
, finsupp.split
is an equivalence between (Σ (j : η), ιs j) →₀ α
and Π j, (ιs j →₀ α)
This is the finsupp
version of equiv.Pi_curry
- finsupp.sigma_finsupp_equiv_pi_finsupp = {to_fun := finsupp.split _inst_3, inv_fun := λ (f : Π (j : η), ιs j →₀ α), finsupp.on_finset (finset.univ.sigma (λ (j : η), (f j).support)) (λ (ji : Σ (j : η), ιs j), ⇑(f ji.fst) ji.snd) _, left_inv := _, right_inv := _}
On a fintype η
, finsupp.split
is an additive equivalence between
(Σ (j : η), ιs j) →₀ α
and Π j, (ιs j →₀ α)
This is the add_equiv
version of finsupp.sigma_finsupp_equiv_pi_finsupp