scilib documentation

Least upper bound and greatest lower bound properties for integers #

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In this file we prove that a bounded above nonempty set of integers has the greatest element, and a counterpart of this statement for the least element.

Main definitions #

Main statements #

Tags #

integer numbers, least element, greatest element

def int.least_of_bdd {P : Prop} [decidable_pred P] (b : ) (Hb : (z : ), P z b z) (Hinh : (z : ), P z) :
{lb // P lb (z : ), P z lb z}

A computable version of exists_least_of_bdd: given a decidable predicate on the integers, with an explicit lower bound and a proof that it is somewhere true, return the least value for which the predicate is true.

theorem int.exists_least_of_bdd {P : Prop} (Hbdd : (b : ), (z : ), P z b z) (Hinh : (z : ), P z) :
(lb : ), P lb (z : ), P z lb z

If P : ℤ → Prop is a predicate such that the set {m : P m} is bounded below and nonempty, then this set has the least element. This lemma uses classical logic to avoid assumption [decidable_pred P]. See int.least_of_bdd for a constructive counterpart.

theorem int.coe_least_of_bdd_eq {P : Prop} [decidable_pred P] {b b' : } (Hb : (z : ), P z b z) (Hb' : (z : ), P z b' z) (Hinh : (z : ), P z) :
(b.least_of_bdd Hb Hinh) = (b'.least_of_bdd Hb' Hinh)
def int.greatest_of_bdd {P : Prop} [decidable_pred P] (b : ) (Hb : (z : ), P z z b) (Hinh : (z : ), P z) :
{ub // P ub (z : ), P z z ub}

A computable version of exists_greatest_of_bdd: given a decidable predicate on the integers, with an explicit upper bound and a proof that it is somewhere true, return the greatest value for which the predicate is true.

theorem int.exists_greatest_of_bdd {P : Prop} (Hbdd : (b : ), (z : ), P z z b) (Hinh : (z : ), P z) :
(ub : ), P ub (z : ), P z z ub

If P : ℤ → Prop is a predicate such that the set {m : P m} is bounded above and nonempty, then this set has the greatest element. This lemma uses classical logic to avoid assumption [decidable_pred P]. See int.greatest_of_bdd for a constructive counterpart.

theorem int.coe_greatest_of_bdd_eq {P : Prop} [decidable_pred P] {b b' : } (Hb : (z : ), P z z b) (Hb' : (z : ), P z z b') (Hinh : (z : ), P z) :
(b.greatest_of_bdd Hb Hinh) = (b'.greatest_of_bdd Hb' Hinh)