Definitions on lists #
THIS FILE IS SYNCHRONIZED WITH MATHLIB4. Any changes to this file require a corresponding PR to mathlib4.
This file contains various definitions on lists. It does not contain
proofs about these definitions, those are contained in other files in data/list
- list.has_sdiff = {sdiff := list.diff (λ (a b : α), _inst_1 a b)}
Create a list of n
copies of a
. Same as function.swap list.repeat
- list.replicate n.succ a = a :: list.replicate n a
- list.replicate 0 _x = list.nil
Split a list at an index.
split_at 2 [a, b, c] = ([a, b], [c])
- list.split_at n.succ (x :: xs) = list.split_at._match_1 x (list.split_at n xs)
- list.split_at n.succ list.nil = (list.nil α, list.nil α)
- list.split_at 0 a = (list.nil α, a)
- list.split_at._match_1 x (l, r) = (x :: l, r)
An auxiliary function for split_on_p
- list.split_on_p_aux P (h :: t) f = ite (P h) (f list.nil :: list.split_on_p_aux P t id) (list.split_on_p_aux P t (λ (l : list α), f (h :: l)))
- list.split_on_p_aux P list.nil f = [f list.nil]
Split a list at every element satisfying a predicate.
- list.split_on_p P l = list.split_on_p_aux P l id
Split a list at every occurrence of an element.
[1,1,2,3,2,4,4].split_on 2 = [[1,1],[3],[4,4]]
- list.split_on a as = list.split_on_p (λ (_x : α), _x = a) as
head' xs
returns the first element of xs
if xs
is non-empty;
it returns none
- (a :: l).head' = option.some a
- list.nil.head' = option.none
Apply a function to the nth tail of l
. Returns the input without
using f
if the index is larger than the length of the list.
modify_nth_tail f 2 [a, b, c] = [a, b] ++ f [c]
- list.modify_nth_tail f (n + 1) (a :: l) = a :: list.modify_nth_tail f n l
- list.modify_nth_tail f (n + 1) list.nil = list.nil
- list.modify_nth_tail f 0 l = f l
Apply f
to the head of the list, if it exists.
- list.modify_head f (a :: l) = f a :: l
- list.modify_head f list.nil = list.nil
Apply f
to the nth element of the list, if it exists.
Apply f
to the last element of l
, if it exists.
- list.modify_last f (x :: hd :: tl) = x :: list.modify_last f (hd :: tl)
- list.modify_last f [x] = [f x]
- list.modify_last f list.nil = list.nil
insert_nth n a l
inserts a
into the list l
after the first n
elements of l
insert_nth 2 1 [1, 2, 3, 4] = [1, 2, 1, 3, 4]
- list.insert_nth n a = list.modify_nth_tail (list.cons a) n
Take n
elements from a list l
. If l
has less than n
elements, append n - length l
elements default
- list.take' (n + 1) l = l.head :: list.take' n l.tail
- list.take' 0 l = list.nil
Get the longest initial segment of the list whose members all satisfy p
take_while (λ x, x < 3) [0, 2, 5, 1] = [0, 2]
- list.take_while p (a :: l) = ite (p a) (a :: list.take_while p l) list.nil
- list.take_while p list.nil = list.nil
Fold a function f
over the list from the left, returning the list
of partial results.
scanl (+) 0 [1, 2, 3] = [0, 1, 3, 6]
- list.scanl f a (b :: l) = a :: list.scanl f (f a b) l
- list.scanl f a list.nil = [a]
Auxiliary definition used to define scanr
. If scanr_aux f b l = (b', l')
then scanr f b l = b' :: l'
- list.scanr_aux f b (a :: l) = list.scanr_aux._match_1 f a (list.scanr_aux f b l)
- list.scanr_aux f b list.nil = (b, list.nil β)
- list.scanr_aux._match_1 f a (b', l') = (f a b', b' :: l')
Fold a function f
over the list from the right, returning the list
of partial results.
scanr (+) 0 [1, 2, 3] = [6, 5, 3, 0]
- list.scanr f b l = list.scanr._match_1 (list.scanr_aux f b l)
- list.scanr._match_1 (b', l') = b' :: l'
The alternating sum of a list.
- (g :: h :: t).alternating_sum = g + -h + t.alternating_sum
- [g].alternating_sum = g
- list.nil.alternating_sum = 0
The alternating product of a list.
- (g :: h :: t).alternating_prod = g * h⁻¹ * t.alternating_prod
- [g].alternating_prod = g
- list.nil.alternating_prod = 1
Given a function f : α → β ⊕ γ
, partition_map f l
maps the list by f
whilst partitioning the result it into a pair of lists, list β × list γ
partitioning the sum.inl _
into the left list, and the sum.inr _
into the right list.
partition_map (id : ℕ ⊕ ℕ → ℕ ⊕ ℕ) [inl 0, inr 1, inl 2] = ([0,2], [1])
- list.partition_map f (x :: xs) = list.partition_map._match_1 (list.partition_map f xs) (list.partition_map f xs) (f x)
- list.partition_map f list.nil = (list.nil β, list.nil γ)
- list.partition_map._match_1 _f_1 _f_2 (sum.inr r) = id (list.cons r) _f_1
- list.partition_map._match_1 _f_1 _f_2 (sum.inl l) = (list.cons l) id _f_2
find p l
is the first element of l
satisfying p
, or none
if no such
element exists.
- list.find p (a :: l) = ite (p a) (option.some a) (list.find p l)
- list.find p list.nil = option.none
mfind tac l
returns the first element of l
on which tac
succeeds, and
fails otherwise.
- list.mfind tac = list.mfirst (λ (a : α), tac a $> a)
mbfind' p l
returns the first element a
of l
for which p a
true. mbfind'
short-circuits, so p
is not necessarily run on every a
. This is a monadic version of list.find
- list.mbfind' p (x :: xs) = p x >>= λ (_p : ulift bool), list.mbfind'._match_1 x (list.mbfind' p xs) _p
- list.mbfind' p list.nil = has_pure.pure option.none
- list.mbfind'._match_1 x _f_1 {down := px} = ite ↥px (has_pure.pure (option.some x)) _f_1
A variant of mbfind'
with more restrictive universe levels.
- list.mbfind p xs = list.mbfind' ( ulift.up ∘ p) xs
many p as
returns true iff p
returns true for any element of l
short-circuits, so if p
returns true for any element of l
, later
elements are not checked. This is a monadic version of list.any
mall p as
returns true iff p
returns true for all elements of l
short-circuits, so if p
returns false for any element of l
, later
elements are not checked. This is a monadic version of list.all
mbor xs
runs the actions in xs
, returning true if any of them returns
true. mbor
short-circuits, so if an action returns true, later actions are
not run. This is a monadic version of list.bor
mband xs
runs the actions in xs
, returning true if all of them return
true. mband
short-circuits, so if an action returns false, later actions are
not run. This is a monadic version of
Auxiliary definition for foldl_with_index
- list.foldl_with_index_aux f i a (b :: l) = list.foldl_with_index_aux f (i + 1) (f i a b) l
- list.foldl_with_index_aux f _x a list.nil = a
Fold a list from left to right as with foldl
, but the combining function
also receives each element's index.
- list.foldl_with_index f a l = list.foldl_with_index_aux f 0 a l
Auxiliary definition for foldr_with_index
- list.foldr_with_index_aux f i b (a :: l) = f i a (list.foldr_with_index_aux f (i + 1) b l)
- list.foldr_with_index_aux f _x b list.nil = b
Fold a list from right to left as with foldr
, but the combining function
also receives each element's index.
- list.foldr_with_index f b l = list.foldr_with_index_aux f 0 b l
find_indexes p l
is the list of indexes of elements of l
that satisfy p
- list.find_indexes p l = list.foldr_with_index (λ (i : ℕ) (a : α) (is : list ℕ), ite (p a) (i :: is) is) list.nil l
Returns the elements of l
that satisfy p
together with their indexes in
. The returned list is ordered by index.
- list.indexes_values p l = list.foldr_with_index (λ (i : ℕ) (a : α) (l : list (ℕ × α)), ite (p a) ((i, a) :: l) l) list.nil l
indexes_of a l
is the list of all indexes of a
in l
. For example:
indexes_of a [a, b, a, a] = [0, 2, 3]
- list.indexes_of a = list.find_indexes (eq a)
Monadic variant of foldl_with_index
- list.mfoldl_with_index f b as = list.foldl_with_index (λ (i : ℕ) (ma : m β) (b : α), ma >>= λ (a : β), f i a b) (has_pure.pure b) as
Monadic variant of foldr_with_index
- list.mfoldr_with_index f b as = list.foldr_with_index (λ (i : ℕ) (a : α) (mb : m β), mb >>= λ (b : β), f i a b) (has_pure.pure b) as
Auxiliary definition for mmap_with_index
- list.mmap_with_index_aux f i (a :: as) = list.cons <$> f i a <*> list.mmap_with_index_aux f (i + 1) as
- list.mmap_with_index_aux f _x list.nil = has_pure.pure list.nil
Applicative variant of map_with_index
- list.mmap_with_index f as = list.mmap_with_index_aux f 0 as
Auxiliary definition for mmap_with_index'
- list.mmap_with_index'_aux f i (a :: as) = f i a *> list.mmap_with_index'_aux f (i + 1) as
- list.mmap_with_index'_aux f _x list.nil = has_pure.pure
A variant of mmap_with_index
specialised to applicative actions which
return unit
- list.mmap_with_index' f as = list.mmap_with_index'_aux f 0 as
is a combination of lookup
and filter_map
lookmap f l
will apply f : α → option α
to each element of the list,
replacing a → b
at the first value a
in the list such that f a = some b
- list.lookmap f (a :: l) = list.lookmap._match_1 a l (list.lookmap f l) (f a)
- list.lookmap f list.nil = list.nil
- list.lookmap._match_1 a l _f_1 (option.some b) = b :: l
- list.lookmap._match_1 a l _f_1 option.none = a :: _f_1
countp p l
is the number of elements of l
that satisfy p
- list.countp p (x :: xs) = ite (p x) (list.countp p xs).succ (list.countp p xs)
- list.countp p list.nil = 0
count a l
is the number of occurrences of a
in l
- list.count a = list.countp (eq a)
is_prefix l₁ l₂
, or l₁ <+: l₂
, means that l₁
is a prefix of l₂
that is, l₂
has the form l₁ ++ t
for some t
Instances for list.is_prefix
is_suffix l₁ l₂
, or l₁ <:+ l₂
, means that l₁
is a suffix of l₂
that is, l₂
has the form t ++ l₁
for some t
Instances for list.is_suffix
is_infix l₁ l₂
, or l₁ <:+: l₂
, means that l₁
is a contiguous
substring of l₂
, that is, l₂
has the form s ++ l₁ ++ t
for some s, t
Instances for list.is_infix
- (a :: l).sublists'_aux f r = l.sublists'_aux f (l.sublists'_aux (f ∘ list.cons a) r)
- list.nil.sublists'_aux f r = f list.nil :: r
sublists' l
is the list of all (non-contiguous) sublists of l
It differs from sublists
only in the order of appearance of the sublists;
uses the first element of the list as the MSB,
uses the first element of the list as the LSB.
sublists' [1, 2, 3] = [[], [3], [2], [2, 3], [1], [1, 3], [1, 2], [1, 2, 3]]
- (a :: l).sublists_aux f = f [a] (l.sublists_aux (λ (ys : list α) (r : list β), f ys (f (a :: ys) r)))
- list.nil.sublists_aux f = list.nil
sublists l
is the list of all (non-contiguous) sublists of l
; cf. sublists'
for a different ordering.
sublists [1, 2, 3] = [[], [1], [2], [1, 2], [3], [1, 3], [2, 3], [1, 2, 3]]
- (a :: l).sublists_aux₁ f = f [a] ++ l.sublists_aux₁ (λ (ys : list α), f ys ++ f (a :: ys))
- list.nil.sublists_aux₁ f = list.nil
- nil : ∀ {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} {R : α → β → Prop}, list.forall₂ R list.nil list.nil
- cons : ∀ {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} {R : α → β → Prop} {a : α} {b : β} {l₁ : list α} {l₂ : list β}, R a b → list.forall₂ R l₁ l₂ → list.forall₂ R (a :: l₁) (b :: l₂)
forall₂ R l₁ l₂
means that l₁
and l₂
have the same length,
and whenever a
is the nth element of l₁
, and b
is the nth element of l₂
then R a b
is satisfied.
l.all₂ p
is equivalent to ∀ a ∈ l, p a
, but unfolds directly to a conjunction, i.e.
list.all₂ p [0, 1, 2] = p 0 ∧ p 1 ∧ p 2
Instances for list.all₂
Auxiliary definition used to define transpose
transpose_aux l L
takes each element of l
and appends it to the start of
each element of L
transpose_aux [a, b, c] [l₁, l₂, l₃] = [a::l₁, b::l₂, c::l₃]
- (a :: i).transpose_aux (l :: ls) = (a :: l) :: i.transpose_aux ls
- (a :: i).transpose_aux list.nil = [a] :: i.transpose_aux list.nil
- list.nil.transpose_aux ls = ls
List of all sections through a list of lists. A section
of [L₁, L₂, ..., Lₙ]
is a list whose first element comes from
, whose second element comes from L₂
, and so on.
An auxiliary function for defining permutations
. permutations_aux2 t ts r ys f
is equal to
(ys ++ ts, (insert_left ys t ts).map f ++ r)
, where insert_left ys t ts
(not explicitly
defined) is the list of lists of the form insert_nth n t (ys ++ ts)
for 0 ≤ n < length ys
permutations_aux2 10 [4, 5, 6] [] [1, 2, 3] id =
([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
[[10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
[1, 10, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
[1, 2, 10, 3, 4, 5, 6]])
- list.permutations_aux2 t ts r (y :: ys) f = list.permutations_aux2._match_1 t y f (list.permutations_aux2 t ts r ys (λ (x : list α), f (y :: x)))
- list.permutations_aux2 t ts r list.nil f = (ts, r)
- list.permutations_aux2._match_1 t y f (us, zs) = (y :: us, f (t :: y :: us) :: zs)
A recursor for pairs of lists. To have C l₁ l₂
for all l₁
, l₂
, it suffices to have it for
l₂ = []
and to be able to pour the elements of l₁
into l₂
- list.permutations_aux.rec H0 H1 (t :: ts) is = H1 t ts is (list.permutations_aux.rec H0 H1 ts (t :: is)) (list.permutations_aux.rec H0 H1 is list.nil)
- list.permutations_aux.rec H0 H1 list.nil is = H0 is
An auxiliary function for defining permutations
. permutations_aux ts is
is the set of all
permutations of is ++ ts
that do not fix ts
- list.permutations_aux = list.permutations_aux.rec (λ (is : list α), list.nil) (λ (t : α) (ts is : list α) (IH1 : (λ (_x _x : list α), list (list α)) ts (t :: is)) (IH2 : (λ (_x _x : list α), list (list α)) is list.nil), list.foldr (λ (y : list α) (r : (λ (_x _x : list α), list (list α)) (t :: ts) is), (list.permutations_aux2 t ts r y id).snd) IH1 (is :: IH2))
List of all permutations of l
permutations [1, 2, 3] =
[[1, 2, 3], [2, 1, 3], [3, 2, 1],
[2, 3, 1], [3, 1, 2], [1, 3, 2]]
- l.permutations = l :: l.permutations_aux list.nil
permutations'_aux t ts
inserts t
into every position in ts
, including the last.
This function is intended for use in specifications, so it is simpler than permutations_aux2
which plays roughly the same role in permutations
Note that (permutations_aux2 t [] [] ts id).2
is similar to this function, but skips the last
permutations'_aux 10 [1, 2, 3] =
[[10, 1, 2, 3], [1, 10, 2, 3], [1, 2, 10, 3], [1, 2, 3, 10]]
(permutations_aux2 10 [] [] [1, 2, 3] id).2 =
[[10, 1, 2, 3], [1, 10, 2, 3], [1, 2, 10, 3]]
- list.permutations'_aux t (y :: ys) = (t :: y :: ys) :: (list.cons y) (list.permutations'_aux t ys)
- list.permutations'_aux t list.nil = [[t]]
List of all permutations of l
. This version of permutations
is less efficient but has
simpler definitional equations. The permutations are in a different order,
but are equal up to permutation, as shown by list.permutations_perm_permutations'
permutations [1, 2, 3] =
[[1, 2, 3], [2, 1, 3], [2, 3, 1],
[1, 3, 2], [3, 1, 2], [3, 2, 1]]
- (t :: ts).permutations' = ts.permutations'.bind (list.permutations'_aux t)
- list.nil.permutations' = [list.nil]
erasep p l
removes the first element of l
satisfying the predicate p
- list.erasep p (a :: l) = ite (p a) l (a :: list.erasep p l)
- list.erasep p list.nil = list.nil
extractp p l
returns a pair of an element a
of l
satisfying the predicate
, and l
, with a
removed. If there is no such element a
it returns (none, l)
- list.extractp p (a :: l) = ite (p a) (option.some a, l) (list.extractp._match_1 a (list.extractp p l))
- list.extractp p list.nil = (option.none α, list.nil α)
- list.extractp._match_1 a (a', l') = (a', a :: l')
sigma l₁ l₂
is the list of dependent pairs (a, b)
where a ∈ l₁
and b ∈ l₂ a
sigma [1, 2] (λ_, [(5 : ℕ), 6]) = [(1, 5), (1, 6), (2, 5), (2, 6)]
Auxliary definition used to define of_fn
of_fn_aux f m h l
returns the first m
elements of of_fn f
appended to l
- list.of_fn_aux f m.succ h l = list.of_fn_aux f m _ (f ⟨m, h⟩ :: l)
- list.of_fn_aux f 0 h l = l
of_fn f
with f : fin n → α
returns the list whose ith element is f i
of_fun f = [f 0, f 1, ... , f(n - 1)]
- list.of_fn f = list.of_fn_aux f n list.of_fn._proof_1 list.nil
of_fn_nth_val f i
returns some (f i)
if i < n
and none
- list.of_fn_nth_val f i = dite (i < n) (λ (h : i < n), option.some (f ⟨i, h⟩)) (λ (h : ¬i < n), option.none)
- nil : ∀ {α : Type u_1} {R : α → α → Prop}, list.pairwise R list.nil
- cons : ∀ {α : Type u_1} {R : α → α → Prop} {a : α} {l : list α}, (∀ (a' : α), a' ∈ l → R a a') → list.pairwise R l → list.pairwise R (a :: l)
pairwise R l
means that all the elements with earlier indexes are
-related to all the elements with later indexes.
pairwise R [1, 2, 3] ↔ R 1 2 ∧ R 1 3 ∧ R 2 3
For example if R = (≠)
then it asserts l
has no duplicates,
and if R = (<)
then it asserts that l
is (strictly) sorted.
Instances for list.pairwise
- l.decidable_pairwise = list.rec (decidable.is_true list.pairwise.nil) (λ (hd : α) (tl : list α) (ih : decidable (list.pairwise R tl)), decidable_of_iff' ((∀ (a' : α), a' ∈ tl → R hd a') ∧ list.pairwise R tl) list.pairwise_cons) l
pw_filter R l
is a maximal sublist of l
which is pairwise R
pw_filter (≠)
is the erase duplicates function (cf. dedup
), and pw_filter (<)
a maximal increasing subsequence in l
. For example,
pw_filter (<) [0, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 4] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- list.pw_filter R (x :: xs) = let IH : list α := list.pw_filter R xs in ite (∀ (y : α), y ∈ IH → R x y) (x :: IH) IH
- list.pw_filter R list.nil = list.nil
- nil : ∀ {α : Type u_1} {R : α → α → Prop} {a : α}, list.chain R a list.nil
- cons : ∀ {α : Type u_1} {R : α → α → Prop} {a b : α} {l : list α}, R a b → list.chain R b l → list.chain R a (b :: l)
chain R a l
means that R
holds between adjacent elements of a::l
chain R a [b, c, d] ↔ R a b ∧ R b c ∧ R c d
Instances for list.chain
chain' R l
means that R
holds between adjacent elements of l
chain' R [a, b, c, d] ↔ R a b ∧ R b c ∧ R c d
- list.chain' R (a :: l) = list.chain R a l
- list.chain' R list.nil = true
Instances for list.chain'
- list.decidable_chain a l = list.rec (λ (a : α), _.mpr decidable.true) (λ (l_hd : α) (l_tl : list α) (l_ih : Π (a : α), decidable (list.chain R a l_tl)) (a : α), _.mpr and.decidable) l a
- l.decidable_chain' = l.cases_on (id decidable.true) (λ (l_hd : α) (l_tl : list α), id (list.decidable_chain l_hd l_tl))
nodup l
means that l
has no duplicates, that is, any element appears at most
once in the list. It is defined as pairwise (≠)
Instances for list.nodup
Greedily create a sublist of a :: l
such that, for every two adjacent elements a, b
R a b
holds. Mostly used with ≠; for example, destutter' (≠) 1 [2, 2, 1, 1] = [1, 2, 1]
destutter' (≠) 1, [2, 3, 3] = [1, 2, 3]
, destutter' (<) 1 [2, 5, 2, 3, 4, 9] = [1, 2, 5, 9]
- list.destutter' R a (h :: l) = ite (R a h) (a :: list.destutter' R h l) (list.destutter' R a l)
- list.destutter' R a list.nil = [a]
Greedily create a sublist of l
such that, for every two adjacent elements a, b ∈ l
R a b
holds. Mostly used with ≠; for example, destutter (≠) [1, 2, 2, 1, 1] = [1, 2, 1]
destutter (≠) [1, 2, 3, 3] = [1, 2, 3]
, destutter (<) [1, 2, 5, 2, 3, 4, 9] = [1, 2, 5, 9]
- list.destutter R (h :: l) = list.destutter' R h l
- list.destutter R list.nil = list.nil
range' s n
is the list of numbers [s, s+1, ..., s+n-1]
It is intended mainly for proving properties of range
and iota
- list.range' s (n + 1) = s :: list.range' (s + 1) n
- list.range' s 0 = list.nil
Drop none
s from a list, and replace each remaining some a
with a
ilast' x xs
returns the last element of xs
if xs
is non-empty;
it returns x
- list.ilast' a (b :: l) = list.ilast' b l
- list.ilast' a list.nil = a
Given a decidable predicate p
and a proof of existence of a ∈ l
such that p a
choose the first element with this property. This version returns both a
and proofs
of a ∈ l
and p a
- list.choose_x p (l :: ls) hp = dite (p l) (λ (pl : p l), ⟨l, _⟩) (λ (pl : ¬p l), list.choose_x._match_2 p l ls (list.choose_x p ls _))
- list.choose_x p list.nil hp = _.elim
- list.choose_x._match_2 p l ls ⟨a, _⟩ = ⟨a, _⟩
Given a decidable predicate p
and a proof of existence of a ∈ l
such that p a
choose the first element with this property. This version returns a : α
, and properties
are given by choose_mem
and choose_property
- list.choose p l hp = ↑(list.choose_x p l hp)
Filters and maps elements of a list
- list.mmap_filter f (h :: t) = f h >>= λ (b : option β), list.mmap_filter f t >>= λ (t' : list β), return (list.mmap_filter._match_1 t' b)
- list.mmap_filter f list.nil = return list.nil
- list.mmap_filter._match_1 t' (option.some x) = x :: t'
- list.mmap_filter._match_1 t' option.none = t'
mmap_upper_triangle f l
calls f
on all elements in the upper triangular part of l × l
That is, for each e ∈ l
, it will run f e e
and then f e e'
for each e'
that appears after e
in l
Example: suppose l = [1, 2, 3]
. mmap_upper_triangle f l
will produce the list
[f 1 1, f 1 2, f 1 3, f 2 2, f 2 3, f 3 3]
mmap'_diag f l
calls f
on all elements in the upper triangular part of l × l
That is, for each e ∈ l
, it will run f e e
and then f e e'
for each e'
that appears after e
in l
Example: suppose l = [1, 2, 3]
. mmap'_diag f l
will evaluate, in this order,
f 1 1
, f 1 2
, f 1 3
, f 2 2
, f 2 3
, f 3 3
- list.mmap'_diag f (h :: t) = f h h >> list.mmap' (f h) t >> list.mmap'_diag f t
- list.mmap'_diag f list.nil = return
- list.traverse f (x :: xs) = list.cons <$> f x <*> list.traverse f xs
- list.traverse f list.nil = has_pure.pure list.nil
get_rest l l₁
returns some l₂
if l = l₁ ++ l₂
If l₁
is not a prefix of l
, returns none
list.slice n m xs
removes a slice of length m
at index n
in list xs
- list.slice n.succ m (x :: xs) = x :: list.slice n m xs
- list.slice n.succ m list.nil = list.nil
- list.slice 0 n xs = list.drop n xs
Left-biased version of list.map₂
. map₂_left' f as bs
applies f
to each
pair of elements aᵢ ∈ as
and bᵢ ∈ bs
. If bs
is shorter than as
, f
applied to none
for the remaining aᵢ
. Returns the results of the f
applications and the remaining bs
map₂_left' [1, 2] ['a'] = ([(1, some 'a'), (2, none)], [])
map₂_left' [1] ['a', 'b'] = ([(1, some 'a')], ['b'])
- list.map₂_left' f (a :: as) (b :: bs) = let rec : list γ × list β := list.map₂_left' f as bs in (f a (option.some b) :: rec.fst, rec.snd)
- list.map₂_left' f (a :: as) list.nil = ( (λ (a : α), f a option.none) (a :: as), list.nil β)
- list.map₂_left' f list.nil bs = (list.nil γ, bs)
Right-biased version of list.map₂
. map₂_right' f as bs
applies f
to each
pair of elements aᵢ ∈ as
and bᵢ ∈ bs
. If as
is shorter than bs
, f
applied to none
for the remaining bᵢ
. Returns the results of the f
applications and the remaining as
map₂_right' [1] ['a', 'b'] = ([(some 1, 'a'), (none, 'b')], [])
map₂_right' [1, 2] ['a'] = ([(some 1, 'a')], [2])
- list.map₂_right' f as bs = list.map₂_left' (flip f) bs as
Left-biased version of
. zip_left' as bs
returns the list of
pairs (aᵢ, bᵢ)
for aᵢ ∈ as
and bᵢ ∈ bs
. If bs
is shorter than as
, the
remaining aᵢ
are paired with none
. Also returns the remaining bs
zip_left' [1, 2] ['a'] = ([(1, some 'a'), (2, none)], [])
zip_left' [1] ['a', 'b'] = ([(1, some 'a')], ['b'])
zip_left' = map₂_left'
Right-biased version of
. zip_right' as bs
returns the list of
pairs (aᵢ, bᵢ)
for aᵢ ∈ as
and bᵢ ∈ bs
. If as
is shorter than bs
, the
remaining bᵢ
are paired with none
. Also returns the remaining as
zip_right' [1] ['a', 'b'] = ([(some 1, 'a'), (none, 'b')], [])
zip_right' [1, 2] ['a'] = ([(some 1, 'a')], [2])
zip_right' = map₂_right'
Left-biased version of list.map₂
. map₂_left f as bs
applies f
to each pair
aᵢ ∈ as
and bᵢ ∈ bs
. If bs
is shorter than as
, f
is applied to none
for the remaining aᵢ
map₂_left [1, 2] ['a'] = [(1, some 'a'), (2, none)]
map₂_left [1] ['a', 'b'] = [(1, some 'a')]
map₂_left f as bs = (map₂_left' f as bs).fst
- list.map₂_left f (a :: as) (b :: bs) = f a (option.some b) :: list.map₂_left f as bs
- list.map₂_left f (a :: as) list.nil = (λ (a : α), f a option.none) (a :: as)
- list.map₂_left f list.nil _x = list.nil
Right-biased version of list.map₂
. map₂_right f as bs
applies f
to each
pair aᵢ ∈ as
and bᵢ ∈ bs
. If as
is shorter than bs
, f
is applied to
for the remaining bᵢ
map₂_right [1, 2] ['a'] = [(some 1, 'a')]
map₂_right [1] ['a', 'b'] = [(some 1, 'a'), (none, 'b')]
map₂_right f as bs = (map₂_right' f as bs).fst
- list.map₂_right f as bs = list.map₂_left (flip f) bs as
Left-biased version of
. zip_left as bs
returns the list of pairs
(aᵢ, bᵢ)
for aᵢ ∈ as
and bᵢ ∈ bs
. If bs
is shorter than as
, the
remaining aᵢ
are paired with none
zip_left [1, 2] ['a'] = [(1, some 'a'), (2, none)]
zip_left [1] ['a', 'b'] = [(1, some 'a')]
zip_left = map₂_left
Right-biased version of
. zip_right as bs
returns the list of pairs
(aᵢ, bᵢ)
for aᵢ ∈ as
and bᵢ ∈ bs
. If as
is shorter than bs
, the
remaining bᵢ
are paired with none
zip_right [1, 2] ['a'] = [(some 1, 'a')]
zip_right [1] ['a', 'b'] = [(some 1, 'a'), (none, 'b')]
zip_right = map₂_right
If all elements of xs
are some xᵢ
, all_some xs
returns the xᵢ
. Otherwise
it returns none
all_some [some 1, some 2] = some [1, 2]
all_some [some 1, none ] = none
- (option.some a :: as).all_some = list.cons a <$> as.all_some
- (option.none :: as).all_some = option.none
- list.nil.all_some = option.some list.nil
fill_nones xs ys
replaces the none
s in xs
with elements of ys
. If there
are not enough ys
to replace all the none
s, the remaining none
s are
dropped from xs
fill_nones [none, some 1, none, none] [2, 3] = [2, 1, 3]
- (option.some a :: as).fill_nones as' = a :: as.fill_nones as'
- (option.none :: as).fill_nones (a :: as') = a :: as.fill_nones as'
- (option.none :: as).fill_nones list.nil = as.reduce_option
- list.nil.fill_nones _x = list.nil
take_list as ns
extracts successive sublists from as
. For ns = n₁ ... nₘ
it first takes the n₁
initial elements from as
, then the next n₂
etc. It returns the sublists of as
-- one for each nᵢ
-- and the remaining
elements of as
. If as
does not have at least as many elements as the sum of
the nᵢ
, the corresponding sublists will have less than nᵢ
take_list ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] [2, 1, 1] = ([['a', 'b'], ['c'], ['d']], ['e'])
take_list ['a', 'b'] [3, 1] = ([['a', 'b'], []], [])
to_rbmap as
is the map that associates each index i
of as
with the
corresponding element of as
to_rbmap ['a', 'b', 'c'] = rbmap_of [(0, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'c')]
Auxliary definition used to define to_chunks
to_chunks_aux n xs i
returns (xs.take i, (xs.drop i).to_chunks (n+1))
that is, the first i
elements of xs
, and the remaining elements chunked into
sublists of length n+1
- list.to_chunks_aux n (x :: xs) (i + 1) = list.to_chunks_aux._match_2 x (list.to_chunks_aux n xs i)
- list.to_chunks_aux n (x :: xs) 0 = list.to_chunks_aux._match_1 x (list.to_chunks_aux n xs n)
- list.to_chunks_aux n list.nil i = (list.nil α, list.nil (list α))
- list.to_chunks_aux._match_2 x (l, L) = (x :: l, L)
- list.to_chunks_aux._match_1 x (l, L) = (list.nil α, (x :: l) :: L)
xs.to_chunks n
splits the list into sublists of size at most n
such that (xs.to_chunks n).join = xs
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8].to_chunks 10 = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8].to_chunks 3 = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8]]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8].to_chunks 2 = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8].to_chunks 0 = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]
- list.to_chunks (n + 1) (x :: xs) = list.to_chunks._match_1 x (list.to_chunks_aux n xs n)
- list.to_chunks n.succ list.nil = list.nil
- list.to_chunks 0 (hd :: tl) = [hd :: tl]
- list.to_chunks 0 list.nil = list.nil
- list.to_chunks._match_1 x (l, L) = (x :: l) :: L
We add some n-ary versions of list.zip_with
for functions with more than two arguments.
These can also be written in terms of
or list.zip_with
For example, zip_with3 f xs ys zs
could also be written as
zip_with id (zip_with f xs ys) zs
or as
(zip xs $ zip ys zs).map $ λ ⟨x, y, z⟩, f x y z
Ternary version of list.zip_with
- list.zip_with3 f (x :: xs) (y :: ys) (z :: zs) = f x y z :: list.zip_with3 f xs ys zs
- list.zip_with3 f (hd :: tl) (hd_1 :: tl_1) list.nil = list.nil
- list.zip_with3 f (hd :: tl) list.nil _x = list.nil
- list.zip_with3 f list.nil _x _x_1 = list.nil
Quaternary version of list.zip_with
- list.zip_with4 f (x :: xs) (y :: ys) (z :: zs) (u :: us) = f x y z u :: list.zip_with4 f xs ys zs us
- list.zip_with4 f (hd :: tl) (hd_1 :: tl_1) (hd_2 :: tl_2) list.nil = list.nil
- list.zip_with4 f (hd :: tl) (hd_1 :: tl_1) list.nil _x = list.nil
- list.zip_with4 f (hd :: tl) list.nil _x _x_1 = list.nil
- list.zip_with4 f list.nil _x _x_1 _x_2 = list.nil
Quinary version of list.zip_with
- list.zip_with5 f (x :: xs) (y :: ys) (z :: zs) (u :: us) (v :: vs) = f x y z u v :: list.zip_with5 f xs ys zs us vs
- list.zip_with5 f (hd :: tl) (hd_1 :: tl_1) (hd_2 :: tl_2) (hd_3 :: tl_3) list.nil = list.nil
- list.zip_with5 f (hd :: tl) (hd_1 :: tl_1) (hd_2 :: tl_2) list.nil _x = list.nil
- list.zip_with5 f (hd :: tl) (hd_1 :: tl_1) list.nil _x _x_1 = list.nil
- list.zip_with5 f (hd :: tl) list.nil _x _x_1 _x_2 = list.nil
- list.zip_with5 f list.nil _x _x_1 _x_2 _x_3 = list.nil
Given a starting list old
, a list of booleans and a replacement list new
read the items in old
in succession and either replace them with the next element of new
not, according as to whether the corresponding boolean is tt
or ff
- (n :: ns).replace_if (tf :: bs) (c :: cs) = ite ↥tf (c :: ns.replace_if bs cs) (n :: ns.replace_if bs (c :: cs))
- (hd :: tl).replace_if (hd_1 :: tl_1) list.nil = hd :: tl
- (hd :: tl).replace_if list.nil (hd_1 :: tl_1) = hd :: tl
- (hd :: tl).replace_if list.nil list.nil = hd :: tl
- list.nil.replace_if (hd :: tl) (hd_1 :: tl_1) = list.nil
- list.nil.replace_if (hd :: tl) list.nil = list.nil
- list.nil.replace_if list.nil (hd :: tl) = list.nil
- list.nil.replace_if list.nil list.nil = list.nil
An auxiliary function for list.map_with_prefix_suffix
- list.map_with_prefix_suffix_aux f prev (h :: t) = f prev h t :: list.map_with_prefix_suffix_aux f (prev.concat h) t
- list.map_with_prefix_suffix_aux f prev list.nil = list.nil
list.map_with_prefix_suffix f l
maps f
across a list l
For each a ∈ l
with l = pref ++ [a] ++ suff
, a
is mapped to f pref a suff
Example: if f : list ℕ → ℕ → list ℕ → β
list.map_with_prefix_suffix f [1, 2, 3]
will produce the list
[f [] 1 [2, 3], f [1] 2 [3], f [1, 2] 3 []]
list.map_with_complement f l
is a variant of list.map_with_prefix_suffix
that maps f
across a list l
For each a ∈ l
with l = pref ++ [a] ++ suff
, a
is mapped to f a (pref ++ suff)
i.e., the list input to f
is l
with a
Example: if f : ℕ → list ℕ → β
, list.map_with_complement f [1, 2, 3]
will produce the list
[f 1 [2, 3], f 2 [1, 3], f 3 [1, 2]]
- list.map_with_complement f = list.map_with_prefix_suffix (λ (pref : list α) (a : α) (suff : list α), f a (pref ++ suff))