partial equivalences for matrices #
THIS FILE IS SYNCHRONIZED WITH MATHLIB4. Any changes to this file require a corresponding PR to mathlib4.
Using partial equivalences to represent matrices.
This file introduces the function pequiv.to_matrix
, which returns a matrix containing ones and
zeros. For any partial equivalence f
, f.to_matrix i j = 1 ↔ f i = some j
The following important properties of this function are proved
to_matrix_trans : (f.trans g).to_matrix = f.to_matrix ⬝ g.to_matrix
to_matrix_symm : f.symm.to_matrix = f.to_matrixᵀ
to_matrix_refl : (pequiv.refl n).to_matrix = 1
to_matrix_bot : ⊥.to_matrix = 0
This theory gives the matrix representation of projection linear maps, and their right inverses.
For example, the matrix (single (0 : fin 1) (i : fin n)).to_matrix
corresponds to the ith
projection map from R^n to R.
Any injective function fin m → fin n
gives rise to a pequiv
, whose matrix is the projection
map from R^m → R^n represented by the same function. The transpose of this matrix is the right
inverse of this map, sending anything not in the image to zero.
notations #
This file uses the notation ⬝
for matrix.mul
and ᵀ
for matrix.transpose
returns a matrix containing ones and zeros. f.to_matrix i j
is 1
f i = some j
and 0
Restatement of single_mul_single
, which will simplify expressions in simp
normal form,
when associativity may otherwise need to be carefully applied.
We can also define permutation matrices by permuting the rows of the identity matrix.