Bitwise operations on natural numbers #
THIS FILE IS SYNCHRONIZED WITH MATHLIB4. Any changes to this file require a corresponding PR to mathlib4.
In the first half of this file, we provide theorems for reasoning about natural numbers from their
bitwise properties. In the second half of this file, we show properties of the bitwise operations
, land
and lxor
, which are defined in core.
Main results #
: two natural numbers are equal if they have equal bits at every position.exists_most_significant_bit
: ifn ≠ 0
, then there is some positioni
that contains the most significant1
-bit ofn
: ifn
are numbers andi
is a position such that thei
-th bit of ofn
is zero, thei
-th bit ofm
is one, and all more significant bits are equal, thenn < m
Future work #
There is another way to express bitwise properties of natural number: digits 2
. The two ways
should be connected.
Keywords #
bitwise, and, or, xor
{f : bool → bool → bool}
(hf : ∀ (b b' : bool), f b b' = f b' b)
(hf' : f bool.ff bool.ff = bool.ff)
(n m : ℕ) :
nat.bitwise f n m = nat.bitwise f m n
If f
is a commutative operation on bools such that f ff ff = ff
, then bitwise f
is also