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Subsemigroups: definition and complete_lattice structure #

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This file defines bundled multiplicative and additive subsemigroups. We also define a complete_lattice structure on subsemigroups, and define the closure of a set as the minimal subsemigroup that includes this set.

Main definitions #

For each of the following definitions in the subsemigroup namespace, there is a corresponding definition in the add_subsemigroup namespace.

Implementation notes #

Subsemigroup inclusion is denoted rather than , although is defined as membership of a subsemigroup's underlying set.

Note that subsemigroup M does not actually require semigroup M, instead requiring only the weaker has_mul M.

This file is designed to have very few dependencies. In particular, it should not use natural numbers.

Tags #

subsemigroup, subsemigroups

structure mul_mem_class (S : Type u_4) (M : Type u_5) [has_mul M] [set_like S M] :
  • mul_mem : {s : S} {a b : M}, a s b s a * b s

mul_mem_class S M says S is a type of subsets s ≤ M that are closed under (*)

Instances of this typeclass
structure add_mem_class (S : Type u_4) (M : Type u_5) [has_add M] [set_like S M] :
  • add_mem : {s : S} {a b : M}, a s b s a + b s

add_mem_class S M says S is a type of subsets s ≤ M that are closed under (+)

Instances of this typeclass
structure subsemigroup (M : Type u_4) [has_mul M] :
Type u_4

A subsemigroup of a magma M is a subset closed under multiplication.

Instances for subsemigroup
structure add_subsemigroup (M : Type u_4) [has_add M] :
Type u_4

An additive subsemigroup of an additive magma M is a subset closed under addition.

Instances for add_subsemigroup
@[protected, instance]
def subsemigroup.set_like {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] :
@[protected, instance]
@[protected, instance]
@[protected, instance]
theorem add_subsemigroup.mem_carrier {M : Type u_1} [has_add M] {s : add_subsemigroup M} {x : M} :
x s.carrier x s
theorem subsemigroup.mem_carrier {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] {s : subsemigroup M} {x : M} :
x s.carrier x s
theorem add_subsemigroup.mem_mk {M : Type u_1} [has_add M] {s : set M} {x : M} (h_mul : {a b : M}, a s b s a + b s) :
x {carrier := s, add_mem' := h_mul} x s
theorem subsemigroup.mem_mk {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] {s : set M} {x : M} (h_mul : {a b : M}, a s b s a * b s) :
x {carrier := s, mul_mem' := h_mul} x s
theorem subsemigroup.coe_set_mk {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] {s : set M} (h_mul : {a b : M}, a s b s a * b s) :
{carrier := s, mul_mem' := h_mul} = s
theorem add_subsemigroup.coe_set_mk {M : Type u_1} [has_add M] {s : set M} (h_mul : {a b : M}, a s b s a + b s) :
{carrier := s, add_mem' := h_mul} = s
theorem add_subsemigroup.mk_le_mk {M : Type u_1} [has_add M] {s t : set M} (h_mul : {a b : M}, a s b s a + b s) (h_mul' : {a b : M}, a t b t a + b t) :
{carrier := s, add_mem' := h_mul} {carrier := t, add_mem' := h_mul'} s t
theorem subsemigroup.mk_le_mk {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] {s t : set M} (h_mul : {a b : M}, a s b s a * b s) (h_mul' : {a b : M}, a t b t a * b t) :
{carrier := s, mul_mem' := h_mul} {carrier := t, mul_mem' := h_mul'} s t
theorem add_subsemigroup.ext {M : Type u_1} [has_add M] {S T : add_subsemigroup M} (h : (x : M), x S x T) :
S = T

Two add_subsemigroups are equal if they have the same elements.

theorem subsemigroup.ext {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] {S T : subsemigroup M} (h : (x : M), x S x T) :
S = T

Two subsemigroups are equal if they have the same elements.

def subsemigroup.copy {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] (S : subsemigroup M) (s : set M) (hs : s = S) :

Copy a subsemigroup replacing carrier with a set that is equal to it.

def add_subsemigroup.copy {M : Type u_1} [has_add M] (S : add_subsemigroup M) (s : set M) (hs : s = S) :

Copy an additive subsemigroup replacing carrier with a set that is equal to it.

theorem subsemigroup.coe_copy {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] {S : subsemigroup M} {s : set M} (hs : s = S) :
(S.copy s hs) = s
theorem add_subsemigroup.coe_copy {M : Type u_1} [has_add M] {S : add_subsemigroup M} {s : set M} (hs : s = S) :
(S.copy s hs) = s
theorem subsemigroup.copy_eq {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] {S : subsemigroup M} {s : set M} (hs : s = S) :
S.copy s hs = S
theorem add_subsemigroup.copy_eq {M : Type u_1} [has_add M] {S : add_subsemigroup M} {s : set M} (hs : s = S) :
S.copy s hs = S
theorem subsemigroup.mul_mem {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] (S : subsemigroup M) {x y : M} :
x S y S x * y S

A subsemigroup is closed under multiplication.

theorem add_subsemigroup.add_mem {M : Type u_1} [has_add M] (S : add_subsemigroup M) {x y : M} :
x S y S x + y S

An add_subsemigroup is closed under addition.

@[protected, instance]

The additive subsemigroup M of the magma M.

@[protected, instance]
def subsemigroup.has_top {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] :

The subsemigroup M of the magma M.

@[protected, instance]
def subsemigroup.has_bot {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] :

The trivial subsemigroup of a magma M.

@[protected, instance]

The trivial add_subsemigroup of an additive magma M.

@[protected, instance]
def subsemigroup.inhabited {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] :
@[protected, instance]
theorem add_subsemigroup.not_mem_bot {M : Type u_1} [has_add M] {x : M} :
theorem subsemigroup.not_mem_bot {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] {x : M} :
theorem subsemigroup.mem_top {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] (x : M) :
theorem add_subsemigroup.mem_top {M : Type u_1} [has_add M] (x : M) :
theorem add_subsemigroup.coe_top {M : Type u_1} [has_add M] :
theorem subsemigroup.coe_top {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] :
theorem add_subsemigroup.coe_bot {M : Type u_1} [has_add M] :
theorem subsemigroup.coe_bot {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] :
@[protected, instance]

The inf of two add_subsemigroups is their intersection.

@[protected, instance]
def subsemigroup.has_inf {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] :

The inf of two subsemigroups is their intersection.

theorem add_subsemigroup.coe_inf {M : Type u_1} [has_add M] (p p' : add_subsemigroup M) :
(p p') = p p'
theorem subsemigroup.coe_inf {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] (p p' : subsemigroup M) :
(p p') = p p'
theorem add_subsemigroup.mem_inf {M : Type u_1} [has_add M] {p p' : add_subsemigroup M} {x : M} :
x p p' x p x p'
theorem subsemigroup.mem_inf {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] {p p' : subsemigroup M} {x : M} :
x p p' x p x p'
@[protected, instance]
@[protected, instance]
def subsemigroup.has_Inf {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] :
@[simp, norm_cast]
theorem add_subsemigroup.coe_Inf {M : Type u_1} [has_add M] (S : set (add_subsemigroup M)) :
(has_Inf.Inf S) = (s : add_subsemigroup M) (H : s S), s
@[simp, norm_cast]
theorem subsemigroup.coe_Inf {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] (S : set (subsemigroup M)) :
(has_Inf.Inf S) = (s : subsemigroup M) (H : s S), s
theorem subsemigroup.mem_Inf {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] {S : set (subsemigroup M)} {x : M} :
x has_Inf.Inf S (p : subsemigroup M), p S x p
theorem add_subsemigroup.mem_Inf {M : Type u_1} [has_add M] {S : set (add_subsemigroup M)} {x : M} :
x has_Inf.Inf S (p : add_subsemigroup M), p S x p
theorem subsemigroup.mem_infi {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] {ι : Sort u_2} {S : ι subsemigroup M} {x : M} :
(x (i : ι), S i) (i : ι), x S i
theorem add_subsemigroup.mem_infi {M : Type u_1} [has_add M] {ι : Sort u_2} {S : ι add_subsemigroup M} {x : M} :
(x (i : ι), S i) (i : ι), x S i
@[simp, norm_cast]
theorem add_subsemigroup.coe_infi {M : Type u_1} [has_add M] {ι : Sort u_2} {S : ι add_subsemigroup M} :
( (i : ι), S i) = (i : ι), (S i)
@[simp, norm_cast]
theorem subsemigroup.coe_infi {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] {ι : Sort u_2} {S : ι subsemigroup M} :
( (i : ι), S i) = (i : ι), (S i)
@[protected, instance]

subsemigroups of a monoid form a complete lattice.

@[protected, instance]

The add_subsemigroups of an add_monoid form a complete lattice.

@[protected, instance]
def subsemigroup.nontrivial {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] [hn : nonempty M] :
@[protected, instance]
def subsemigroup.closure {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] (s : set M) :

The subsemigroup generated by a set.

def add_subsemigroup.closure {M : Type u_1} [has_add M] (s : set M) :

The add_subsemigroup generated by a set

theorem subsemigroup.mem_closure {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] {s : set M} {x : M} :
x subsemigroup.closure s (S : subsemigroup M), s S x S
theorem add_subsemigroup.mem_closure {M : Type u_1} [has_add M] {s : set M} {x : M} :
theorem add_subsemigroup.subset_closure {M : Type u_1} [has_add M] {s : set M} :

The add_subsemigroup generated by a set includes the set.

theorem subsemigroup.subset_closure {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] {s : set M} :

The subsemigroup generated by a set includes the set.

theorem add_subsemigroup.not_mem_of_not_mem_closure {M : Type u_1} [has_add M] {s : set M} {P : M} (hP : P add_subsemigroup.closure s) :
P s
theorem subsemigroup.not_mem_of_not_mem_closure {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] {s : set M} {P : M} (hP : P subsemigroup.closure s) :
P s
theorem subsemigroup.closure_le {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] {s : set M} {S : subsemigroup M} :

A subsemigroup S includes closure s if and only if it includes s.

theorem add_subsemigroup.closure_le {M : Type u_1} [has_add M] {s : set M} {S : add_subsemigroup M} :

An additive subsemigroup S includes closure s if and only if it includes s

theorem add_subsemigroup.closure_mono {M : Type u_1} [has_add M] ⦃s t : set M⦄ (h : s t) :

Additive subsemigroup closure of a set is monotone in its argument: if s ⊆ t, then closure s ≤ closure t

theorem subsemigroup.closure_mono {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] ⦃s t : set M⦄ (h : s t) :

subsemigroup closure of a set is monotone in its argument: if s ⊆ t, then closure s ≤ closure t.

theorem add_subsemigroup.closure_eq_of_le {M : Type u_1} [has_add M] {s : set M} {S : add_subsemigroup M} (h₁ : s S) (h₂ : S add_subsemigroup.closure s) :
theorem subsemigroup.closure_eq_of_le {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] {s : set M} {S : subsemigroup M} (h₁ : s S) (h₂ : S subsemigroup.closure s) :
theorem add_subsemigroup.closure_induction {M : Type u_1} [has_add M] {s : set M} {p : M Prop} {x : M} (h : x add_subsemigroup.closure s) (Hs : (x : M), x s p x) (Hmul : (x y : M), p x p y p (x + y)) :
p x

An induction principle for additive closure membership. If p holds for all elements of s, and is preserved under addition, then p holds for all elements of the additive closure of s.

theorem subsemigroup.closure_induction {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] {s : set M} {p : M Prop} {x : M} (h : x subsemigroup.closure s) (Hs : (x : M), x s p x) (Hmul : (x y : M), p x p y p (x * y)) :
p x

An induction principle for closure membership. If p holds for all elements of s, and is preserved under multiplication, then p holds for all elements of the closure of s.

theorem add_subsemigroup.closure_induction' {M : Type u_1} [has_add M] (s : set M) {p : Π (x : M), x add_subsemigroup.closure s Prop} (Hs : (x : M) (h : x s), p x _) (Hmul : (x : M) (hx : x add_subsemigroup.closure s) (y : M) (hy : y add_subsemigroup.closure s), p x hx p y hy p (x + y) _) {x : M} (hx : x add_subsemigroup.closure s) :
p x hx

A dependent version of add_subsemigroup.closure_induction.

theorem subsemigroup.closure_induction' {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] (s : set M) {p : Π (x : M), x subsemigroup.closure s Prop} (Hs : (x : M) (h : x s), p x _) (Hmul : (x : M) (hx : x subsemigroup.closure s) (y : M) (hy : y subsemigroup.closure s), p x hx p y hy p (x * y) _) {x : M} (hx : x subsemigroup.closure s) :
p x hx

A dependent version of subsemigroup.closure_induction.

theorem add_subsemigroup.closure_induction₂ {M : Type u_1} [has_add M] {s : set M} {p : M M Prop} {x y : M} (hx : x add_subsemigroup.closure s) (hy : y add_subsemigroup.closure s) (Hs : (x : M), x s (y : M), y s p x y) (Hmul_left : (x y z : M), p x z p y z p (x + y) z) (Hmul_right : (x y z : M), p z x p z y p z (x + y)) :
p x y

An induction principle for additive closure membership for predicates with two arguments.

theorem subsemigroup.closure_induction₂ {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] {s : set M} {p : M M Prop} {x y : M} (hx : x subsemigroup.closure s) (hy : y subsemigroup.closure s) (Hs : (x : M), x s (y : M), y s p x y) (Hmul_left : (x y z : M), p x z p y z p (x * y) z) (Hmul_right : (x y z : M), p z x p z y p z (x * y)) :
p x y

An induction principle for closure membership for predicates with two arguments.

theorem subsemigroup.dense_induction {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] {p : M Prop} (x : M) {s : set M} (hs : subsemigroup.closure s = ) (Hs : (x : M), x s p x) (Hmul : (x y : M), p x p y p (x * y)) :
p x

If s is a dense set in a magma M, subsemigroup.closure s = ⊤, then in order to prove that some predicate p holds for all x : M it suffices to verify p x for x ∈ s, and verify that p x and p y imply p (x * y).

theorem add_subsemigroup.dense_induction {M : Type u_1} [has_add M] {p : M Prop} (x : M) {s : set M} (hs : add_subsemigroup.closure s = ) (Hs : (x : M), x s p x) (Hmul : (x y : M), p x p y p (x + y)) :
p x

If s is a dense set in an additive monoid M, add_subsemigroup.closure s = ⊤, then in order to prove that some predicate p holds for all x : M it suffices to verify p x for x ∈ s, and verify that p x and p y imply p (x + y).


closure forms a Galois insertion with the coercion to set.


closure forms a Galois insertion with the coercion to set.


Additive closure of an additive subsemigroup S equals S

theorem subsemigroup.closure_eq {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] (S : subsemigroup M) :

Closure of a subsemigroup S equals S.

theorem add_subsemigroup.closure_Union {M : Type u_1} [has_add M] {ι : Sort u_2} (s : ι set M) :
theorem subsemigroup.closure_Union {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] {ι : Sort u_2} (s : ι set M) :
subsemigroup.closure ( (i : ι), s i) = (i : ι), subsemigroup.closure (s i)
theorem subsemigroup.closure_singleton_le_iff_mem {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] (m : M) (p : subsemigroup M) :
theorem add_subsemigroup.mem_supr {M : Type u_1} [has_add M] {ι : Sort u_2} (p : ι add_subsemigroup M) {m : M} :
(m (i : ι), p i) (N : add_subsemigroup M), ( (i : ι), p i N) m N
theorem subsemigroup.mem_supr {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] {ι : Sort u_2} (p : ι subsemigroup M) {m : M} :
(m (i : ι), p i) (N : subsemigroup M), ( (i : ι), p i N) m N
theorem add_subsemigroup.supr_eq_closure {M : Type u_1} [has_add M] {ι : Sort u_2} (p : ι add_subsemigroup M) :
( (i : ι), p i) = add_subsemigroup.closure ( (i : ι), (p i))
theorem subsemigroup.supr_eq_closure {M : Type u_1} [has_mul M] {ι : Sort u_2} (p : ι subsemigroup M) :
( (i : ι), p i) = subsemigroup.closure ( (i : ι), (p i))
def add_hom.eq_mlocus {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [has_add M] [has_add N] (f g : add_hom M N) :

The additive subsemigroup of elements x : M such that f x = g x

def mul_hom.eq_mlocus {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [has_mul M] [has_mul N] (f g : M →ₙ* N) :

The subsemigroup of elements x : M such that f x = g x

theorem add_hom.eq_on_mclosure {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [has_add M] [has_add N] {f g : add_hom M N} {s : set M} (h : set.eq_on f g s) :

If two add homomorphisms are equal on a set, then they are equal on its additive subsemigroup closure.

theorem mul_hom.eq_on_mclosure {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [has_mul M] [has_mul N] {f g : M →ₙ* N} {s : set M} (h : set.eq_on f g s) :

If two mul homomorphisms are equal on a set, then they are equal on its subsemigroup closure.

theorem add_hom.eq_of_eq_on_mtop {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [has_add M] [has_add N] {f g : add_hom M N} (h : set.eq_on f g ) :
f = g
theorem mul_hom.eq_of_eq_on_mtop {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [has_mul M] [has_mul N] {f g : M →ₙ* N} (h : set.eq_on f g ) :
f = g
theorem add_hom.eq_of_eq_on_mdense {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [has_add M] [has_add N] {s : set M} (hs : add_subsemigroup.closure s = ) {f g : add_hom M N} (h : set.eq_on f g s) :
f = g
theorem mul_hom.eq_of_eq_on_mdense {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [has_mul M] [has_mul N] {s : set M} (hs : subsemigroup.closure s = ) {f g : M →ₙ* N} (h : set.eq_on f g s) :
f = g
def mul_hom.of_mdense {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [semigroup M] [semigroup N] {s : set M} (f : M N) (hs : subsemigroup.closure s = ) (hmul : (x y : M), y s f (x * y) = f x * f y) :

Let s be a subset of a semigroup M such that the closure of s is the whole semigroup. Then mul_hom.of_mdense defines a mul homomorphism from M asking for a proof of f (x * y) = f x * f y only for y ∈ s.

def add_hom.of_mdense {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [add_semigroup M] [add_semigroup N] {s : set M} (f : M N) (hs : add_subsemigroup.closure s = ) (hmul : (x y : M), y s f (x + y) = f x + f y) :

Let s be a subset of an additive semigroup M such that the closure of s is the whole semigroup. Then add_hom.of_mdense defines an additive homomorphism from M asking for a proof of f (x + y) = f x + f y only for y ∈ s.

@[simp, norm_cast]
theorem add_hom.coe_of_mdense {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [add_semigroup M] [add_semigroup N] {s : set M} (f : M N) (hs : add_subsemigroup.closure s = ) (hmul : (x y : M), y s f (x + y) = f x + f y) :
(add_hom.of_mdense f hs hmul) = f
@[simp, norm_cast]
theorem mul_hom.coe_of_mdense {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [semigroup M] [semigroup N] {s : set M} (f : M N) (hs : subsemigroup.closure s = ) (hmul : (x y : M), y s f (x * y) = f x * f y) :
(mul_hom.of_mdense f hs hmul) = f