scilib documentation


Dot product of two vectors #

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This file contains some results on the map matrix.dot_product, which maps two vectors v w : n → R to the sum of the entrywise products v i * w i.

Main results #

Tags #

matrix, reindex

theorem matrix.dot_product_std_basis_eq_mul {R : Type v} {n : Type w} [semiring R] [fintype n] [decidable_eq n] (v : n R) (c : R) (i : n) :
matrix.dot_product v ((linear_map.std_basis R (λ (_x : n), R) i) c) = v i * c
theorem matrix.dot_product_std_basis_one {R : Type v} {n : Type w} [semiring R] [fintype n] [decidable_eq n] (v : n R) (i : n) :
matrix.dot_product v ((linear_map.std_basis R (λ (_x : n), R) i) 1) = v i
theorem matrix.dot_product_eq {R : Type v} {n : Type w} [semiring R] [fintype n] (v w : n R) (h : (u : n R), matrix.dot_product v u = matrix.dot_product w u) :
v = w
theorem matrix.dot_product_eq_iff {R : Type v} {n : Type w} [semiring R] [fintype n] {v w : n R} :
( (u : n R), matrix.dot_product v u = matrix.dot_product w u) v = w
theorem matrix.dot_product_eq_zero {R : Type v} {n : Type w} [semiring R] [fintype n] (v : n R) (h : (w : n R), matrix.dot_product v w = 0) :
v = 0
theorem matrix.dot_product_eq_zero_iff {R : Type v} {n : Type w} [semiring R] [fintype n] {v : n R} :
( (w : n R), matrix.dot_product v w = 0) v = 0
theorem matrix.dot_product_self_eq_zero {R : Type v} {n : Type w} [fintype n] [linear_ordered_ring R] {v : n R} :
theorem matrix.dot_product_star_self_eq_zero {R : Type v} {n : Type w} [fintype n] [partial_order R] [non_unital_ring R] [star_ordered_ring R] [no_zero_divisors R] {v : n R} :

Note that this applies to via complex.strict_ordered_comm_ring.

theorem matrix.dot_product_self_star_eq_zero {R : Type v} {n : Type w} [fintype n] [partial_order R] [non_unital_ring R] [star_ordered_ring R] [no_zero_divisors R] {v : n R} :

Note that this applies to via complex.strict_ordered_comm_ring.