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LeanChemicalTheories / molecular_mechanics.lennard_jones

Lennard-Jones potential function #

We define the properties of Lennard-Jonnes potential function that describes intermolecular pair potentials in molecular simulations. The commonly used expression is:
$$ E = 4ε [(\frac{σ}{r})^{12} - (\frac{σ}{r})^6] $$ where:

Here we use our own proof of deriv defined in math.deriv to show that Lennard-Jones potential has its minimum at a distance of r = r_min = 2^1/6 σ, where the potential energy has the value

noncomputable def LJ (ε minRadius r : ) :
theorem two_pow_one_div_six_pow_six_eq_two  :
(2 ^ (1 / 6)) ^ 6 = 2
theorem two_pow_one_div_six_pow_twelve_eq_four  :
(2 ^ (1 / 6)) ^ 12 = 4
theorem one_lt_six  :
1 < 6
theorem one_lt_twelve  :
1 < 12
theorem LJ.minRadius_rpow_div_const_pos (minRadius r y : ) :
0 < minRadius 0 < r 0 < y 0 < minRadius ^ y / r
theorem LJ.const_mul_minRadius_rpow_pos (minRadius r y : ) :
0 < minRadius 0 < r 0 < y 0 < r * minRadius ^ y
theorem LJ.repulsive_2 (minRadius : ) (hminRadius : 0 < minRadius) :
(λ (r : ), |minRadius / (2 ^ (1 / 6) * r)| ^ 12) = λ (r : ), |minRadius ^ 12 / 4| / |r ^ 12|
theorem LJ.repulsive_3 (minRadius : ) (hminRadius : 0 < minRadius) :
(λ (r : ), (|minRadius| / (|2 ^ (1 / 6)| * |r|)) ^ 12) = λ (r : ), |minRadius ^ 12 / 4| / |r ^ 12|
theorem LJ.repulsive_4 (minRadius : ) (hminRaiuds : 0 < minRadius) :
(λ (r : ), minRadius ^ 12 / (2 ^ (1 / 6) * r) ^ 12) = λ (r : ), minRadius ^ 12 / 4 / r ^ 12
theorem LJ.attractive_2 (minRadius : ) (hminRadius : 0 < minRadius) :
(λ (r : ), |minRadius / (2 ^ (1 / 6) * r)| ^ 6) = λ (r : ), |minRadius ^ 6 / 2| / |r ^ 6|
theorem LJ.attractive_3 (minRadius : ) (hminRadius : 0 < minRadius) :
(λ (r : ), (|minRadius| / (|2 ^ (1 / 6)| * |r|)) ^ 6) = λ (r : ), |minRadius ^ 6 / 2| / |r ^ 6|
theorem LJ.attractive_4 (minRadius : ) (hminRadius : 0 < minRadius) :
(λ (r : ), minRadius ^ 6 / (2 ^ (1 / 6) * r) ^ 6) = λ (r : ), minRadius ^ 6 / 2 / r ^ 6
theorem LJ.deriv_of_LJ (ε minRadius : ) (hminRadius : 0 < minRadius) :
set.eq_on (deriv (λ (r : ), LJ ε minRadius r)) (λ (r : ), 4 * ε * ((-3) * minRadius ^ 12 / r ^ 13 - (-3) * minRadius ^ 6 / r ^ 7)) {r : | r = 0}
theorem LJ.has_deriv_at_of_LJ (ε minRadius : ) {r : } (hminRadius : 0 < minRadius) (hr : r 0) :
has_deriv_at (λ (r : ), LJ ε minRadius r) (4 * ε * ((-3) * minRadius ^ 12 / r ^ 13 - (-3) * minRadius ^ 6 / r ^ 7)) r
theorem LJ.has_deriv_at_of_LJ' (minRadius : ) {r : } :
has_deriv_at (λ (x : ), 2 * x ^ 6 / minRadius ^ 6 - 4 * x ^ 12 / minRadius ^ 12) (6 * r ^ 5 * (2 / minRadius ^ 6) - 12 * r ^ 11 * (4 / minRadius ^ 12)) r
theorem LJ.sub_to_div {f g : } (hf : (x : ), f x 0) (hg : (x : ), g x 0) :
(λ (x : ), f x - g x) = λ (x : ), (1 / g x - 1 / f x) / (1 / (f x * g x))
theorem LJ.sub_eq_mul_one_sub_div {f g : } (s : set ) (hf : (x : ), x s f x 0) :
set.eq_on (λ (x : ), f x - g x) (λ (x : ), f x * (1 - g x / f x)) s
theorem LJ.fun_sub {f g : } :
(λ (x : ), f x - g x) = (λ (x : ), f x) - λ (x : ), g x
theorem LJ.inv_of_pow_eq_neg_pow {x : } (n : ) :
(x ^ n)⁻¹ = x ^ -n
theorem LJ.inv_of_zpow_eq_neg_pow {x : } (z : ) :
(x ^ z)⁻¹ = x ^ -z
theorem LJ.sub_to_div' (minRadius : ) (hm : 0 < minRadius) :
set.eq_on (λ (x : ), minRadius ^ 12 / (2 ^ 6⁻¹) ^ 12 / x ^ 12 - minRadius ^ 6 / (2 ^ 6⁻¹) ^ 6 / x ^ 6) (λ (x : ), minRadius ^ 12 / (2 ^ 6⁻¹) ^ 12 / x ^ 12 * (1 - minRadius ^ 6 / (2 ^ 6⁻¹) ^ 6 / x ^ 6 / (minRadius ^ 12 / (2 ^ 6⁻¹) ^ 12 / x ^ 12))) {r : | r 0}
theorem LJ.sub_to_div'' (minRadius : ) (hm : 0 < minRadius) (hx : (x : ), x {r : | r 0}) :
(λ (x : ), minRadius ^ 12 / (2 ^ 6⁻¹) ^ 12 / x ^ 12 - minRadius ^ 6 / (2 ^ 6⁻¹) ^ 6 / x ^ 6) = λ (x : ), minRadius ^ 12 / (2 ^ 6⁻¹) ^ 12 / x ^ 12 * (1 - minRadius ^ 6 / (2 ^ 6⁻¹) ^ 6 / x ^ 6 / (minRadius ^ 12 / (2 ^ 6⁻¹) ^ 12 / x ^ 12))