Circular order hierarchy #
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This file defines circular preorders, circular partial orders and circular orders.
Hierarchy #
- A ternary "betweenness" relation
btw : α → α → α → Prop
forms acircular_order
if it is- reflexive:
btw a a a
- cyclic:
btw a b c → btw b c a
- antisymmetric:
btw a b c → btw c b a → a = b ∨ b = c ∨ c = a
- total:
btw a b c ∨ btw c b a
along with a strict betweenness relationsbtw : α → α → α → Prop
which respectssbtw a b c ↔ btw a b c ∧ ¬ btw c b a
, analogously to how<
are related, and is - transitive:
sbtw a b c → sbtw b d c → sbtw a d c
- reflexive:
- A
drops totality. - A
further drops antisymmetry.
The intuition is that a circular order is a circle and btw a b c
means that going around
clockwise from a
you reach b
before c
is between a
and c
is meaningless on an
unoriented circle). A circular partial order is several, potentially intersecting, circles. A
circular preorder is like a circular partial order, but several points can coexist.
Note that the relations between circular_preorder
, circular_partial_order
and circular_order
are subtler than between preorder
, partial_order
, linear_order
. In particular, one cannot
simply extend the btw
of a circular_partial_order
to make it a circular_order
One can translate from usual orders to circular ones by "closing the necklace at infinity". See
and has_lt.to_has_sbtw
. Going the other way involves "cutting the necklace" or
"rolling the necklace open".
Examples #
Some concrete circular orders one encounters in the wild are zmod n
for 0 < n
, circle
Main definitions #
Notes #
There's an unsolved diamond on order_dual α
here. The instances has_le α → has_btw αᵒᵈ
has_lt α → has_sbtw αᵒᵈ
can each be inferred in two ways:
has_le α
→has_btw α
→has_btw αᵒᵈ
vshas_le α
→has_le αᵒᵈ
→has_btw αᵒᵈ
has_lt α
→has_sbtw α
→has_sbtw αᵒᵈ
vshas_lt α
→has_lt αᵒᵈ
→has_sbtw αᵒᵈ
The fields are propeq, but not defeq. It is temporarily fixed by turning the circularizing instances into definitions.
Antisymmetry is quite weak in the sense that there's no way to discriminate which two points are
equal. This prevents defining closed-open intervals cIco
and cIoc
in the neat =
-less way. We
currently haven't defined them at all.
What is the correct generality of "rolling the necklace" open? At least, this works for α × β
β × α
where α
is a circular order and β
is a linear order.
What's next is to define circular groups and provide instances for zmod n
, the usual circle group
, and roots_of_unity M
. What conditions do we need on M
for this last one
to work?
We should have circular order homomorphisms. The typical example is
days_to_month : days_of_the_year →c months_of_the_year
which relates the circular order of days
and the circular order of months. Is α →c β
a good notation?
References #
Tags #
circular order, cyclic order, circularly ordered set, cyclically ordered set
- btw : α → α → α → Prop
Syntax typeclass for a betweenness relation.
Instances of this typeclass
Instances of other typeclasses for has_btw
- has_btw.has_sizeof_inst
- sbtw : α → α → α → Prop
Syntax typeclass for a strict betweenness relation.
Instances of this typeclass
Instances of other typeclasses for has_sbtw
- has_sbtw.has_sizeof_inst
- to_has_btw : has_btw α
- to_has_sbtw : has_sbtw α
- btw_refl : ∀ (a : α), has_btw.btw a a a
- btw_cyclic_left : ∀ {a b c : α}, has_btw.btw a b c → has_btw.btw b c a
- sbtw_iff_btw_not_btw : ∀ {a b c : α}, has_sbtw.sbtw a b c ↔ has_btw.btw a b c ∧ ¬has_btw.btw c b a . "order_laws_tac"
- sbtw_trans_left : ∀ {a b c d : α}, has_sbtw.sbtw a b c → has_sbtw.sbtw b d c → has_sbtw.sbtw a d c
A circular preorder is the analogue of a preorder where you can loop around. ≤
and <
replaced by ternary relations btw
and sbtw
. btw
is reflexive and cyclic. sbtw
is transitive.
Instances of this typeclass
Instances of other typeclasses for circular_preorder
- circular_preorder.has_sizeof_inst
- to_circular_preorder : circular_preorder α
- btw_antisymm : ∀ {a b c : α}, has_btw.btw a b c → has_btw.btw c b a → a = b ∨ b = c ∨ c = a
A circular partial order is the analogue of a partial order where you can loop around. ≤
are replaced by ternary relations btw
and sbtw
. btw
is reflexive, cyclic and
antisymmetric. sbtw
is transitive.
Instances of this typeclass
Instances of other typeclasses for circular_partial_order
- circular_partial_order.has_sizeof_inst
- to_circular_partial_order : circular_partial_order α
- btw_total : ∀ (a b c : α), has_btw.btw a b c ∨ has_btw.btw c b a
A circular order is the analogue of a linear order where you can loop around. ≤
and <
replaced by ternary relations btw
and sbtw
. btw
is reflexive, cyclic, antisymmetric and total.
is transitive.
Instances of this typeclass
Instances of other typeclasses for circular_order
- circular_order.has_sizeof_inst
Circular preorders #
Alias of btw_cyclic_right
The order of the ↔
has been chosen so that rw btw_cyclic
cycles to the right while
rw ←btw_cyclic
cycles to the left (thus following the prepended arrow).
Alias of btw_of_sbtw
Alias of not_btw_of_sbtw
Alias of not_sbtw_of_btw
Alias of sbtw_of_btw_not_btw
Alias of sbtw_cyclic_left
Alias of sbtw_cyclic_right
The order of the ↔
has been chosen so that rw sbtw_cyclic
cycles to the right while
rw ←sbtw_cyclic
cycles to the left (thus following the prepended arrow).
Alias of sbtw_trans_right
Alias of sbtw_asymm
Circular partial orders #
Circular orders #
Circular intervals #
Closed-closed circular interval
- set.cIcc a b = {x : α | has_btw.btw a x b}
Open-open circular interval
- set.cIoo a b = {x : α | has_sbtw.sbtw a x b}
Circularizing instances #
The circular preorder obtained from "looping around" a preorder. See note [reducible non-instances].
The circular partial order obtained from "looping around" a partial order. See note [reducible non-instances].
- partial_order.to_circular_partial_order α = {to_circular_preorder := {to_has_btw := circular_preorder.to_has_btw (preorder.to_circular_preorder α), to_has_sbtw := circular_preorder.to_has_sbtw (preorder.to_circular_preorder α), btw_refl := _, btw_cyclic_left := _, sbtw_iff_btw_not_btw := _, sbtw_trans_left := _}, btw_antisymm := _}
The circular order obtained from "looping around" a linear order. See note [reducible non-instances].
Dual constructions #
- order_dual.has_btw α = {btw := λ (a b c : α), has_btw.btw c b a}
- order_dual.has_sbtw α = {sbtw := λ (a b c : α), has_sbtw.sbtw c b a}
- order_dual.circular_preorder α = {to_has_btw := {btw := has_btw.btw (order_dual.has_btw α)}, to_has_sbtw := {sbtw := has_sbtw.sbtw (order_dual.has_sbtw α)}, btw_refl := _, btw_cyclic_left := _, sbtw_iff_btw_not_btw := _, sbtw_trans_left := _}
- order_dual.circular_partial_order α = {to_circular_preorder := {to_has_btw := circular_preorder.to_has_btw (order_dual.circular_preorder α), to_has_sbtw := circular_preorder.to_has_sbtw (order_dual.circular_preorder α), btw_refl := _, btw_cyclic_left := _, sbtw_iff_btw_not_btw := _, sbtw_trans_left := _}, btw_antisymm := _}