The equations of motion #
We define motion to be over an inner product space, which is a vector space endowed with an operator caleld the inner product. We generalize motion to be over a field that is either real or complex, and show that three of the four kinematic equations for constant acceleration hold in complex time. The fourth kinematic equation, as of now, can only be derived in real time.
We also define an extension of the motion class to require that our functions be continously differentiable n times. In the future, we plan to define another class extension which only requires the equations of motion to be differentiable on a set. These classes are defined seperatley from the motion class to give flexibility to motion's applicability. We also don't require the equations to be infinitley differentiable, but this can be achieved by using β€ for n.
Finally, at the end we derive the four equations of motion for the case of linear translation along a line. Currently, these derivations are independent of the motion class, but in the future, they will be unified with motion and shown to be examples of their vector coutner-part.
To-Do #
- Show that the fourth kinematic equations hold in complex time with the nescessary assumptions
- Show that the linear translation equations follow from the vector form
- position : π β E
- velocity : π β E
- acceleration : π β E
- hvel : self.velocity = deriv self.position
- hacc : self.acceleration = deriv self.velocity
Instances for motion
- motion.has_sizeof_inst
- to_motion : motion π E
- contdiff : β (n : with_top β) (m : β), βm < n β cont_diff π n (deriv^[m] self.to_motion.position)
Instances for motion_cont_diff_everywhere
- motion_cont_diff_everywhere.has_sizeof_inst