scilib documentation


Matching expressions with leading binders #

This module defines a family of tactics for matching expressions with leading Π or λ binders, similar to Core's mk_local_pis. They all iterate over an expression, processing one leading binder at a time. The bound variable is replaced by either a fresh local constant or a fresh metavariable in the binder body, 'opening' the binder. We then recurse into this new body. This scheme is implemented by tactic.open_binders and tactic.open_n_binders.

Based on these general tactics, we define many variations of this recipe:

The open_* functions are commonly used like this:

  1. Open (some of) the binders of an expression e, producing local constants lcs and the 'body' e' of e.
  2. Process e' in some way.
  3. Reconstruct the binders using tactic.pis or tactic.lambdas, which Π/λ-bind the lcs in e'. This reverts the effect of open_*.
meta def tactic.get_binder (do_whnf : option (tactic.transparency × bool)) (pi_or_lambda : bool) (e : expr) :

get_binder do_whnf pi_or_lambda e matches e of the form λ x, e' or Π x, e. Returns information about the leading binder (its name, binder_info, type and body), or none if e does not start with a binder.

If do_whnf = some (md, unfold_ginductive), then e is weak head normalised with transparency md before matching on it. unfold_ginductive controls whether constructors of generalised inductive data types are unfolded during normalisation.

If pi_or_lambda is tt, we match a leading Π binder; otherwise a leading λ binder.

meta def tactic.mk_binder_replacement (local_or_meta : bool) (b : binder) :

mk_binder_replacement local_or_meta b creates an expression that can be used to replace the binder b. If local_or_meta is true, we create a fresh local constant with b's display name, binder_info and type; otherwise a fresh metavariable with b's type.

meta def tactic.open_binders (do_whnf : option (tactic.transparency × bool)) (pis_or_lambdas locals_or_metas : bool) :

open_binders is a generalisation of functions like open_pis, mk_meta_lambdas etc. open_binders do_whnf pis_or_lamdas local_or_metas e proceeds as follows:

  • Match a leading λ or Π binder using get_binder do_whnf pis_or_lambdas. See get_binder for details. Return e unchanged (and an empty list) if e does not start with a λ/Π.
  • Construct a replacement for the bound variable using mk_binder_replacement locals_or_metas. See mk_binder_replacement for details. Replace the bound variable with this replacement in the binder body.
  • Recurse into the binder body.

Returns the constructed replacement expressions and e without its leading binders.

meta def tactic.open_n_binders (do_whnf : option (tactic.transparency × bool)) (pis_or_lambdas locals_or_metas : bool) :

open_n_binders do_whnf pis_or_lambdas local_or_metas e n is like open_binders do_whnf pis_or_lambdas local_or_metas e, but it matches exactly n leading Π/λ binders of e. If e does not start with at least n Π/λ binders, (after normalisation, if do_whnf is given), the tactic fails.

meta def tactic.open_pis  :

open_pis e instantiates all leading Π binders of e with fresh local constants. Returns the local constants and the remainder of e. This is an alias for tactic.mk_local_pis.

open_pis_metas e instantiates all leading Π binders of e with fresh metavariables. Returns the metavariables and the remainder of e. This is open_pis but with metavariables instead of local constants.

meta def tactic.open_n_pis  :

open_n_pis e n instantiates the first n Π binders of e with fresh local constants. Returns the local constants and the remainder of e. Fails if e does not start with at least n Π binders. This is open_pis but limited to n binders.

open_n_pis_metas e n instantiates the first n Π binders of e with fresh metavariables. Returns the metavariables and the remainder of e. This is open_n_pis but with metavariables instead of local constants.

open_pis_whnf e md unfold_ginductive instantiates all leading Π binders of e with fresh local constants. The leading Π binders of e are matched up to normalisation with transparency md. unfold_ginductive determines whether constructors of generalised inductive types are unfolded during normalisation. This is open_pis up to normalisation.

open_pis_metas_whnf e md unfold_ginductive instantiates all leading Π binders of e with fresh metavariables. The leading Π binders of e are matched up to normalisation with transparency md. unfold_ginductive determines whether constructors of generalised inductive types are unfolded during normalisation. This is open_pis_metas up to normalisation.

open_n_pis_whnf e n md unfold_ginductive instantiates the first n Π binders of e with fresh local constants. The leading Π binders of e are matched up to normalisation with transparency md. unfold_ginductive determines whether constructors of generalised inductive types are unfolded during normalisation. This is open_pis_whnf but restricted to n binders.

open_n_pis_metas_whnf e n md unfold_ginductive instantiates the first n Π binders of e with fresh metavariables. The leading Π binders of e are matched up to normalisation with transparency md. unfold_ginductive determines whether constructors of generalised inductive types are unfolded during normalisation. This is open_pis_metas_whnf but restricted to n binders.

get_pi_binders e instantiates all leading Π binders of e with fresh local constants (like open_pis). Returns the remainder of e and information about the binders that were instantiated (but not the new local constants). See also expr.pi_binders (which produces open terms).

get_pi_binders_nondep e instantiates all leading Π binders of e with fresh local constants (like open_pis). Returns the remainder of e and information about the nondependent binders that were instantiated (but not the new local constants). A nondependent binder is one that does not appear later in the expression. Also returns the index of each returned binder (starting at 0).

open_lambdas e instantiates all leading λ binders of e with fresh local constants. Returns the new local constants and the remainder of e. This is open_pis but for λ binders rather than Π binders.

open_lambdas_metas e instantiates all leading λ binders of e with fresh metavariables. Returns the new metavariables and the remainder of e. This is open_lambdas but with metavariables instead of local constants.

meta def tactic.open_n_lambdas  :

open_n_lambdas e n instantiates the first n λ binders of e with fresh local constants. Returns the new local constants and the remainder of e. Fails if e does not start with at least n λ binders. This is open_lambdas but restricted to the first n binders.

open_n_lambdas_metas e n instantiates the first n λ binders of e with fresh metavariables. Returns the new metavariables and the remainder of e. Fails if e does not start with at least n λ binders. This is open_lambdas_metas but restricted to the first n binders.

open_lambdas_whnf e md unfold_ginductive instantiates all leading λ binders of e with fresh local constants. The leading λ binders of e are matched up to normalisation with transparency md. unfold_ginductive determines whether constructors of generalised inductive types are unfolded during normalisation. This is open_lambdas up to normalisation.

open_lambdas_metas_whnf e md unfold_ginductive instantiates all leading λ binders of e with fresh metavariables. The leading λ binders of e are matched up to normalisation with transparency md. unfold_ginductive determines whether constructors of generalised inductive types are unfolded during normalisation. This is open_lambdas_metas up to normalisation.

open_n_lambdas_whnf e md unfold_ginductive instantiates the first n λ binders of e with fresh local constants. The λ binders are matched up to normalisation with transparency md. unfold_ginductive determines whether constructors of generalised inductive types are unfolded during normalisation. Fails if e does not start with n λ binders (after normalisation). This is open_n_lambdas up to normalisation.

open_n_lambdas_metas_whnf e md unfold_ginductive instantiates the first n λ binders of e with fresh metavariables. The λ binders are matched up to normalisation with transparency md. unfold_ginductive determines whether constructors of generalised inductive types are unfolded during normalisation. Fails if e does not start with n λ binders (after normalisation). This is open_n_lambdas_metas up to normalisation.

Special-purpose tactics #

The following tactics are variations of the 'opening binders' theme that do not quite fit in the above scheme.

open_pis_whnf_dep e instantiates all leading Π binders of e with fresh local constants (like tactic.open_pis). It returns the remainder of the expression and, for each binder, the corresponding local constant and whether the binder was dependent.

open_n_pis_metas' e n instantiates the first n leading Π binders of e with fresh metavariables. It returns the remainder of the expression and, for each binder, the corresponding metavariable, the name of the bound variable and the binder's binder_info. Fails if e does not have at least n leading Π binders.