scilib documentation


Instance cache tactics #

For performance reasons, Lean does not automatically update its database of class instances during a proof. The group of tactics in this file helps to force such updates.

For performance reasons, Lean does not automatically update its database of class instances during a proof. The group of tactics described below helps to force such updates. For a simple (but very artificial) example, consider the function default from the core library. It has type Π (α : Sort u) [inhabited α], α, so one can use default only if Lean can find a registered instance of inhabited α. Because the database of such instance is not automatically updated during a proof, the following attempt won't work (Lean will not pick up the instance from the local context):

def my_id (α : Type) : α  α :=
  intro x,
  have : inhabited α := x⟩,
  exact default, -- Won't work!

However, it will work, producing the identity function, if one replaces have by its variant haveI described below.

  • resetI: Reset the instance cache. This allows any instances currently in the context to be used in typeclass inference.

  • unfreezingI { tac }: Unfreeze local instances while executing the tactic tac.

  • introI/introsI: intro/intros followed by resetI. Like intro/intros, but uses the introduced variable in typeclass inference.

  • casesI: like cases, but can also be used with instance arguments.

  • substI: like subst, but can also substitute in type-class arguments

  • haveI/letI/rsufficesI: have/let/rsuffices followed by resetI. Used to add typeclasses to the context so that they can be used in typeclass inference.

  • exactI: resetI followed by exact. Like exact, but uses all variables in the context for typeclass inference.