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A tactic for normalizing casts inside expressions #

This tactic normalizes casts inside expressions. It can be thought of as a call to the simplifier with a specific set of lemmas to move casts upwards in the expression. It has special handling of numerals and a simple heuristic to help moving casts "past" binary operators. Contrary to simp, it should be safe to use as a non-terminating tactic.

The algorithm implemented here is described in the paper

Important definitions #

meta def tactic.mk_instance_fast (e : expr) (timeout : := 1000) :

Runs mk_instance with a time limit.

This is a work around to the fact that in some cases mk_instance times out instead of failing, for example: has_lift_t ℤ ℕ

mk_instance_fast is used when we assume the type class search should end instantly.

meta def norm_cast.trace_norm_cast {α : Type u_1} [has_to_tactic_format α] (msg : string) (a : α) :

Output a trace message if trace.norm_cast is enabled.

The push_cast simp attribute uses norm_cast lemmas to move casts toward the leaf nodes of the expression.

@[protected, instance]
inductive norm_cast.label  :

label is a type used to classify norm_cast lemmas.

  • elim lemma: LHS has 0 head coes and ≥ 1 internal coe
  • move lemma: LHS has 1 head coe and 0 internal coes, RHS has 0 head coes and ≥ 1 internal coes
  • squash lemma: LHS has ≥ 1 head coes and 0 internal coes, RHS has fewer head coes
Instances for norm_cast.label

Count how many coercions are at the top of the expression.

meta def norm_cast.count_coes  :

Count how many coercions are inside the expression, including the top ones.

Classifies a declaration of type ty as a norm_cast rule.

meta structure norm_cast.norm_cast_cache  :

The cache for norm_cast attribute stores three simp_lemma objects.

Instances for norm_cast.norm_cast_cache

Empty norm_cast_cache.

add_elim cache e adds e as an elim lemma to cache.

add_move cache e adds e as a move lemma to cache.

add_squash cache e adds e as an squash lemma to cache.

meta def norm_cast.norm_cast_attr_ty  :

The type of the norm_cast attribute. The optional label is used to overwrite the classifier.

Efficient getter for the @[norm_cast] attribute parameter that does not call eval_expr.

See Note [user attribute parameters].

add_lemma cache decl infers the proper norm_cast attribute for decl and adds it to cache.

mk_cache names creates a norm_cast_cache. It infers the proper norm_cast attributes for names in names, and collects the lemmas attributed with specific norm_cast attributes.

Classify a declaration as a norm_cast rule.

Gets the norm_cast classification label for a declaration. Applies the override specified on the attribute, if necessary.

push_cast rewrites the expression to move casts toward the leaf nodes. For example, ↑(a + b) will be written to ↑a + ↑b. Equivalent to simp only with push_cast. Can also be used at hypotheses.

push_cast can also be used at hypotheses and with extra simp rules.

example (a b : ) (h1 : ((a + b : ) : ) = 10) (h2 : ((a + b + 0 : ) : ) = 10) :
  ((a + b : ) : ) = 10 :=
  push_cast at h1,
  push_cast [int.add_zero] at h2,

Prove a = b using the given simp set.

Prove a = b by simplifying using move and squash lemmas.

This is the main heuristic used alongside the elim and move lemmas. The goal is to help casts move past operators by adding intermediate casts. An expression of the shape: op (↑(x : α) : γ) (↑(y : β) : γ) is rewritten to: op (↑(↑(x : α) : β) : γ) (↑(y : β) : γ) when (↑(↑(x : α) : β) : γ) = (↑(x : α) : γ) can be proven with a squash lemma

Core rewriting function used in the "squash" step, which moves casts upwards and eliminates them.

It tries to rewrite an expression using the elim and move lemmas. On failure, it calls the splitting procedure heuristic.

The following auxiliary functions are used to handle numerals.

If possible, rewrite (n : α) to ((n : ℕ) : α) where n is a numeral and α ≠ ℕ. Returns a pair of the new expression and proof that they are equal.

If possible, rewrite ((n : ℕ) : α) to (n : α) where n is a numeral. Returns a pair of the new expression and proof that they are equal.

meta def norm_cast.derive (e : expr) :

The core simplification routine of norm_cast.

A small variant of push_cast suited for non-interactive use.

derive_push_cast extra_lems e returns an expression e' and a proof that e = e'.

meta def tactic.aux_mod_cast (e : expr) (include_goal : bool := :

aux_mod_cast e runs norm_cast on e and returns the result. If include_goal is true, it also normalizes the goal.

exact_mod_cast e runs norm_cast on the goal and e, and tries to use e to close the goal.

meta def tactic.apply_mod_cast (e : expr) :

apply_mod_cast e runs norm_cast on the goal and e, and tries to apply e.

assumption_mod_cast runs norm_cast on the goal. For each local hypothesis h, it also normalizes h and tries to use that to close the goal.

Normalize casts at the given locations by moving them "upwards". As opposed to simp, norm_cast can be used without necessarily closing the goal.

Rewrite with the given rules and normalize casts between steps.

Normalize the goal and the given expression, then close the goal with exact.

Normalize the goal and the given expression, then apply the expression to the goal.

Normalize the goal and every expression in the local context, then close the goal with assumption.

the converter version of `norm_cast'

theorem ite_cast {α : Sort u_1} {β : Sort u_2} [has_lift_t α β] {c : Prop} [decidable c] {a b : α} :
(ite c a b) = ite c a b
theorem dite_cast {α : Sort u_1} {β : Sort u_2} [has_lift_t α β] {c : Prop} [decidable c] {a : c α} {b : ¬c α} :
(dite c a b) = dite c (λ (h : c), (a h)) (λ (h : ¬c), (b h))

The norm_cast family of tactics is used to normalize casts inside expressions. It is basically a simp tactic with a specific set of lemmas to move casts upwards in the expression. Therefore it can be used more safely as a non-terminating tactic. It also has special handling of numerals.

For instance, given an assumption

a b : 
h : a + b < (10 : )

writing norm_cast at h will turn h into

h : a + b < 10

You can also use exact_mod_cast, apply_mod_cast, rw_mod_cast or assumption_mod_cast. Writing exact_mod_cast h and apply_mod_cast h will normalize the goal and h before using exact h or apply h. Writing assumption_mod_cast will normalize the goal and for every expression h in the context it will try to normalize h and use exact h. rw_mod_cast acts like the rw tactic but it applies norm_cast between steps.

push_cast rewrites the expression to move casts toward the leaf nodes. This uses norm_cast lemmas in the forward direction. For example, ↑(a + b) will be written to ↑a + ↑b. It is equivalent to simp only with push_cast. It can also be used at hypotheses with push_cast at h and with extra simp lemmas with push_cast [int.add_zero].

example (a b : ) (h1 : ((a + b : ) : ) = 10) (h2 : ((a + b + 0 : ) : ) = 10) :
  ((a + b : ) : ) = 10 :=
  push_cast at h1,
  push_cast [int.add_zero] at h2,

The implementation and behavior of the norm_cast family is described in detail at

The norm_cast attribute should be given to lemmas that describe the behaviour of a coercion in regard to an operator, a relation, or a particular function.

It only concerns equality or iff lemmas involving , and , describing the behavior of the coercion functions. It does not apply to the explicit functions that define the coercions.


@[norm_cast] theorem coe_nat_inj' {m n : } : (m : ) = n  m = n

@[norm_cast] theorem coe_int_denom (n : ) : (n : ).denom = 1

@[norm_cast] theorem cast_id :  n : , n = n

@[norm_cast] theorem coe_nat_add (m n : ) : ((m + n) : ) = m + n

@[norm_cast] theorem cast_sub [add_group α] [has_one α] {m n} (h : m  n) :
  ((n - m : ) : α) = n - m

@[norm_cast] theorem coe_nat_bit0 (n : ) : ((bit0 n) : ) = bit0 n

@[norm_cast] theorem cast_coe_nat (n : ) : ((n : ) : α) = n

@[norm_cast] theorem cast_one : ((1 : ) : α) = 1

Lemmas tagged with @[norm_cast] are classified into three categories: move, elim, and squash. They are classified roughly as follows:

  • elim lemma: LHS has 0 head coes and ≥ 1 internal coe
  • move lemma: LHS has 1 head coe and 0 internal coes, RHS has 0 head coes and ≥ 1 internal coes
  • squash lemma: LHS has ≥ 1 head coes and 0 internal coes, RHS has fewer head coes

norm_cast uses move and elim lemmas to factor coercions toward the root of an expression and to cancel them from both sides of an equation or relation. It uses squash lemmas to clean up the result.

Occasionally you may want to override the automatic classification. You can do this by giving an optional elim, move, or squash parameter to the attribute.

@[simp, norm_cast elim] lemma nat_cast_re (n : ) : (n : ).re = n :=
by rw [ of_real_nat_cast, of_real_re]

Don't do this unless you understand what you are doing.

A full description of the tactic, and the use of each lemma category, can be found at