scilib documentation


The simp_rw tactic #

This module defines a tactic simp_rw which functions as a mix of simp and rw. Like rw, it applies each rewrite rule in the given order, but like simp it repeatedly applies these rules and also under binders like ∀ x, ..., ∃ x, ... and λ x, ....

Implementation notes #

The tactic works by taking each rewrite rule in turn and applying simp only to it. Arguments to simp_rw are of the format used by rw and are translated to their equivalents for simp.

simp_rw functions as a mix of simp and rw. Like rw, it applies each rewrite rule in the given order, but like simp it repeatedly applies these rules and also under binders like ∀ x, ..., ∃ x, ... and λ x, ....


  • simp_rw [lemma_1, ..., lemma_n] will rewrite the goal by applying the lemmas in that order. A lemma preceded by is applied in the reverse direction.
  • simp_rw [lemma_1, ..., lemma_n] at h₁ ... hₙ will rewrite the given hypotheses.
  • simp_rw [...] at ⊢ h₁ ... hₙ rewrites the goal as well as the given hypotheses.
  • simp_rw [...] at * rewrites in the whole context: all hypotheses and the goal.

Lemmas passed to simp_rw must be expressions that are valid arguments to simp.

For example, neither simp nor rw can solve the following, but simp_rw can:

example {α β : Type} {f : α  β} {t : set β} :
  ( s, f '' s  t) =  s : set α,  x  s, x  f ⁻¹' t :=
by simp_rw [set.image_subset_iff, set.subset_def]

simp_rw functions as a mix of simp and rw. Like rw, it applies each rewrite rule in the given order, but like simp it repeatedly applies these rules and also under binders like ∀ x, ..., ∃ x, ... and λ x, ....


  • simp_rw [lemma_1, ..., lemma_n] will rewrite the goal by applying the lemmas in that order. A lemma preceded by is applied in the reverse direction.
  • simp_rw [lemma_1, ..., lemma_n] at h₁ ... hₙ will rewrite the given hypotheses.
  • simp_rw [...] at ⊢ h₁ ... hₙ rewrites the goal as well as the given hypotheses.
  • simp_rw [...] at * rewrites in the whole context: all hypotheses and the goal.

Lemmas passed to simp_rw must be expressions that are valid arguments to simp.

For example, neither simp nor rw can solve the following, but simp_rw can:

example {α β : Type} {f : α  β} {t : set β} :
  ( s, f '' s  t) =  s : set α,  x  s, x  f ⁻¹' t :=
by simp_rw [set.image_subset_iff, set.subset_def]