scilib documentation


pretty print a loc

meta def pos.move_left (p : pos) (n : ) :

shift pos n columns to the left

@[protected, instance]

Turn a simp_arg_type into a string.

parse structure instance of the shape { field1 := value1, .. , field2 := value2 }

pretty print structure instance

dummy declaration used as target of squeeze_loc attribute


Format a list of arguments for use with simp and friends. This omits the list entirely if it is empty.

Patch: pp was changed to to_string because it was getting rid of prefixes that would be necessary for some disambiguations.

meta def tactic.mk_suggestion (p : pos) (pre post : string) (args : list tactic.simp_arg_type) (at_pos : bool := bool.ff) :

Emit a suggestion to the user. If inside a squeeze_scope block, the suggestions emitted through mk_suggestion will be aggregated so that every tactic that makes a suggestion can consider multiple execution of the same invocation. If at_pos is true, make the suggestion at p instead of the current position.

translate a pexpr into a simp configuration

translate a pexpr into a dsimp configuration

same_result proof tac runs tactic tac and checks if the proof produced by tac is equivalent to proof.

filter_simp_set g call_simp user_args simp_args returns args' such that, when calling call_simp tt /- only -/ args' on the goal g (g is a meta var) we end up in the same state as if we had called call_simp ff (user_args ++ simp_args) and removing any one element of args' changes the resulting proof.

make a simp_arg_type that references the name given as an argument

If the name is (likely) to be overloaded, then prepend a _root_ on it. The expr of an overloaded name is constructed using expr.macro; this is how we guess whether it's overloaded.

meta def tactic.squeeze_simp_core (slow no_dflt : bool) (args : list tactic.simp_arg_type) (tac : bool list tactic.simp_arg_type tactic unit) (mk_suggestion : list tactic.simp_arg_type tactic unit) :

tactic combinator to create a simp-like tactic that minimizes its argument list.

  • slow: adds all rfl-lemmas from the environment to the initial list (this is a slower but more accurate strategy)
  • no_dflt: did the user use the only keyword?
  • args: list of simp arguments
  • tac: how to invoke the underlying simp tactic

combinator meant to aggregate the suggestions issued by multiple calls of squeeze_simp (due, for instance, to ;).

Can be used as:

example {α β} (xs ys : list α) (f : α  β) :
  (xs ++ ys.tail).map f = f  ( f).length = xs.length :=
  have : xs = ys, admit,
  { split; squeeze_simp,
    -- `squeeze_simp` is run twice, the first one requires
    -- `list.map_append` and the second one
    -- `[list.length_map, list.length_tail]`
    -- prints only one message and combine the suggestions:
    -- > Try this: simp only [list.length_map, list.length_tail, list.map_append]
    squeeze_simp [this]
    -- `squeeze_simp` is run only once
    -- prints:
    -- > Try this: simp only [this] },

squeeze_simp, squeeze_simpa and squeeze_dsimp perform the same task with the difference that squeeze_simp relates to simp while squeeze_simpa relates to simpa and squeeze_dsimp relates to dsimp. The following applies to squeeze_simp, squeeze_simpa and squeeze_dsimp.

squeeze_simp behaves like simp (including all its arguments) and prints a simp only invocation to skip the search through the simp lemma list.

For instance, the following is easily solved with simp:

example : 0 + 1 = 1 + 0 := by simp

To guide the proof search and speed it up, we may replace simp with squeeze_simp:

example : 0 + 1 = 1 + 0 := by squeeze_simp
-- prints:
-- Try this: simp only [add_zero, eq_self_iff_true, zero_add]

squeeze_simp suggests a replacement which we can use instead of squeeze_simp.

example : 0 + 1 = 1 + 0 := by simp only [add_zero, eq_self_iff_true, zero_add]

squeeze_simp only prints nothing as it already skips the simp list.

This tactic is useful for speeding up the compilation of a complete file. Steps:

  1. search and replace simp with squeeze_simp (the space helps avoid the replacement of simp in @[simp]) throughout the file.
  2. Starting at the beginning of the file, go to each printout in turn, copy the suggestion in place of squeeze_simp.
  3. after all the suggestions were applied, search and replace squeeze_simp with simp to remove the occurrences of squeeze_simp that did not produce a suggestion.

Known limitation(s):

  • in cases where squeeze_simp is used after a ; (e.g. cases x; squeeze_simp), squeeze_simp will produce as many suggestions as the number of goals it is applied to. It is likely that none of the suggestion is a good replacement but they can all be combined by concatenating their list of lemmas. squeeze_scope can be used to combine the suggestions: by squeeze_scope { cases x; squeeze_simp }
  • sometimes, simp lemmas are also _refl_lemma and they can be used without appearing in the resulting proof. squeeze_simp won't know to try that lemma unless it is called as squeeze_simp?

squeeze_dsimp behaves like dsimp (including all its arguments) and prints a dsimp only invocation to skip the search through the simp lemma list. See the doc string of squeeze_simp for examples.

squeeze_simp, squeeze_simpa and squeeze_dsimp perform the same task with the difference that squeeze_simp relates to simp while squeeze_simpa relates to simpa and squeeze_dsimp relates to dsimp. The following applies to squeeze_simp, squeeze_simpa and squeeze_dsimp.

squeeze_simp behaves like simp (including all its arguments) and prints a simp only invocation to skip the search through the simp lemma list.

For instance, the following is easily solved with simp:

example : 0 + 1 = 1 + 0 := by simp

To guide the proof search and speed it up, we may replace simp with squeeze_simp:

example : 0 + 1 = 1 + 0 := by squeeze_simp
-- prints:
-- Try this: simp only [add_zero, eq_self_iff_true, zero_add]

squeeze_simp suggests a replacement which we can use instead of squeeze_simp.

example : 0 + 1 = 1 + 0 := by simp only [add_zero, eq_self_iff_true, zero_add]

squeeze_simp only prints nothing as it already skips the simp list.

This tactic is useful for speeding up the compilation of a complete file. Steps:

  1. search and replace simp with squeeze_simp (the space helps avoid the replacement of simp in @[simp]) throughout the file.
  2. Starting at the beginning of the file, go to each printout in turn, copy the suggestion in place of squeeze_simp.
  3. after all the suggestions were applied, search and replace squeeze_simp with simp to remove the occurrences of squeeze_simp that did not produce a suggestion.

Known limitation(s):

  • in cases where squeeze_simp is used after a ; (e.g. cases x; squeeze_simp), squeeze_simp will produce as many suggestions as the number of goals it is applied to. It is likely that none of the suggestion is a good replacement but they can all be combined by concatenating their list of lemmas. squeeze_scope can be used to combine the suggestions: by squeeze_scope { cases x; squeeze_simp }
  • sometimes, simp lemmas are also _refl_lemma and they can be used without appearing in the resulting proof. squeeze_simp won't know to try that lemma unless it is called as squeeze_simp?