scilib documentation


The unify_equations tactic #

This module defines unify_equations, a first-order unification tactic that unifies one or more equations in the context. It implements the Qnify algorithm from McBride, Inverting Inductively Defined Relations in LEGO.

The tactic takes as input some equations which it simplifies one after the other. Each equation is simplified by applying one of several possible unification steps. Each such step may output other (simpler) equations which are unified recursively until no unification step applies any more. See tactic.interactive.unify_equations for an example and an explanation of the different steps.

The result of a unification step:

  • simplified hs means that the step succeeded and produced some new (simpler) equations hs. hs can be empty.
  • goal_solved means that the step succeeded and solved the goal (by deriving a contradiction from the given equation).
  • not_simplified means that the step failed to simplify the equation.

A unification step is a tactic that attempts to simplify a given equation and returns a unification_step_result. The inputs are:

  • equ, the equation being processed. Must be a local constant.
  • lhs_type and rhs_type, the types of equ's LHS and RHS. For homogeneous equations, these are defeq.
  • lhs and rhs, equ's LHS and RHS.
  • lhs_whnf and rhs_whnf, equ's LHS and RHS in WHNF.
  • u, equ's level.

So equ : @eq.{u} lhs_type lhs rhs or equ : @heq.{u} lhs_type lhs rhs_type rhs.

For equ : t == u with t : T and u : U, if T and U are defeq, we replace equ with equ : t = u.

For equ : t = u, if t and u are defeq, we delete equ.

For equ : x = t or equ : t = x, where x is a local constant, we substitute x with t in the goal.

Given equ : C x₁ ... xₙ = D y₁ ... yₘ with C and D constructors of the same datatype I:

  • If C ≠ D, we solve the goal by contradiction using the no-confusion rule.
  • If C = D, we clear equ and add equations x₁ = y₁, ..., xₙ = yₙ.

For type = I x₁ ... xₙ, where I is an inductive type, get_sizeof type returns the constant I.sizeof. Fails if type is not of this form or if no such constant exists.

theorem tactic.unify_equations.add_add_one_ne (n m : ) :
n + (m + 1) n

match_n_plus_m n e matches e of the form nat.succ (... (nat.succ e')...). It returns n plus the number of succ constructors and e'. The matching is performed up to normalisation with transparency md.

Given equ : n + m = n or equ : n = n + m with n and m natural numbers and m a nonzero literal, this tactic produces a proof of false. More precisely, the two sides of the equation must be of the form nat.succ (... (nat.succ e)...) with different numbers of nat.succ constructors. Matching is performed with transparency md.

Given equ : t = u with t, u : I and I.sizeof t ≠ I.sizeof u, we solve the goal by contradiction.

orelse_step s t first runs the unification step s. If this was successful (i.e. s simplified or solved the goal), it returns the result of s. Otherwise, it runs t and returns its result.

For equ : t = u, try the following methods in order: unify_defeq, unify_var, unify_constructor_headed, unify_cyclic. If any of them is successful, stop and return its result. If none is successful, fail.

If equ is the display name of a local constant with type t = u or t == u, then unify_equation_once equ simplifies it once using unify_equations.unify_homogeneous or unify_equations.unify_heterogeneous.

Otherwise it fails.

Given a list of display names of local hypotheses that are (homogeneous or heterogeneous) equations, unify_equations performs first-order unification on each hypothesis in order. See tactic.interactive.unify_equations for an example and an explanation of what unification does.

Returns true iff the goal has been solved during the unification process.

Note: you must make sure that the input names are unique in the context.

unify_equations eq₁ ... eqₙ performs a form of first-order unification on the hypotheses eqᵢ. The eqᵢ must be homogeneous or heterogeneous equations. Unification means that the equations are simplified using various facts about constructors. For instance, consider this goal:

P :  n, fin n  Prop
n m : 
f : fin n
g : fin m
h₁ : n + 1 = m + 1
h₂ : f == g
h₃ : P n f
 P m g

After unify_equations h₁ h₂, we get

P :  n, fin n  Prop
n : 
f : fin n
h₃ : P n f
 P n f

In the example, unify_equations uses the fact that every constructor is injective to conclude n = m from h₁. Then it replaces every m with n and moves on to h₂. The types of f and g are now equal, so the heterogeneous equation turns into a homogeneous one and g is replaced by f. Note that the equations are processed from left to right, so unify_equations h₂ h₁ would not simplify as much.

In general, unify_equations uses the following steps on each equation until none of them applies any more:

  • Constructor injectivity: if nat.succ n = nat.succ m then n = m.
  • Substitution: if x = e for some hypothesis x, then x is replaced by e everywhere.
  • No-confusion: nat.succ n = is a contradiction. If we have such an equation, the goal is solved immediately.
  • Cycle elimination: n = nat.succ n is a contradiction.
  • Redundancy: if t = u but t and u are already definitionally equal, then this equation is removed.
  • Downgrading of heterogeneous equations: if t == u but t and u have the same type (up to definitional equality), then the equation is replaced by t = u.

unify_equations eq₁ ... eqₙ performs a form of first-order unification on the hypotheses eqᵢ. The eqᵢ must be homogeneous or heterogeneous equations. Unification means that the equations are simplified using various facts about constructors. For instance, consider this goal:

P :  n, fin n  Prop
n m : 
f : fin n
g : fin m
h₁ : n + 1 = m + 1
h₂ : f == g
h₃ : P n f
 P m g

After unify_equations h₁ h₂, we get

P :  n, fin n  Prop
n : 
f : fin n
h₃ : P n f
 P n f

In the example, unify_equations uses the fact that every constructor is injective to conclude n = m from h₁. Then it replaces every m with n and moves on to h₂. The types of f and g are now equal, so the heterogeneous equation turns into a homogeneous one and g is replaced by f. Note that the equations are processed from left to right, so unify_equations h₂ h₁ would not simplify as much.

In general, unify_equations uses the following steps on each equation until none of them applies any more:

  • Constructor injectivity: if nat.succ n = nat.succ m then n = m.
  • Substitution: if x = e for some hypothesis x, then x is replaced by e everywhere.
  • No-confusion: nat.succ n = is a contradiction. If we have such an equation, the goal is solved immediately.
  • Cycle elimination: n = nat.succ n is a contradiction.
  • Redundancy: if t = u but t and u are already definitionally equal, then this equation is removed.
  • Downgrading of heterogeneous equations: if t == u but t and u have the same type (up to definitional equality), then the equation is replaced by t = u.