Theory of topological modules and continuous linear maps. #
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We use the class has_continuous_smul
for topological (semi) modules and topological vector spaces.
In this file we define continuous (semi-)linear maps, as semilinear maps between topological
modules which are continuous. The set of continuous semilinear maps between the topological
-module M
and R₂
-module M₂
with respect to the ring_hom
is denoted by M →SL[σ] M₂
Plain linear maps are denoted by M →L[R] M₂
and star-linear maps by M →L⋆[R] M₂
The corresponding notation for equivalences is M ≃SL[σ] M₂
, M ≃L[R] M₂
and M ≃L⋆[R] M₂
If M
is a topological module over R
and 0
is a limit of invertible elements of R
, then
is the only submodule of M
with a nonempty interior.
This is the case, e.g., if R
is a nontrivially normed field.
Let R
be a topological ring such that zero is not an isolated point (e.g., a nontrivially
normed field, see normed_field.punctured_nhds_ne_bot
). Let M
be a nontrivial module over R
such that c • x = 0
implies c = 0 ∨ x = 0
. Then M
has no isolated points. We formulate this
using ne_bot (𝓝[≠] x)
This lemma is not an instance because Lean would need to find [has_continuous_smul ?m_1 M]
unknown ?m_1
. We register this as an instance for R = ℝ
in real.punctured_nhds_module_ne_bot
One can also use haveI := module.punctured_nhds_ne_bot R M
in a proof.
The (topological-space) closure of a submodule of a topological R
-module M
is itself
a submodule.
Instances for ↥submodule.topological_closure
The topological closure of a closed submodule s
is equal to s
A subspace is dense iff its topological closure is the entire space.
A maximal proper subspace of a topological module (i.e a submodule
satisfying is_coatom
is either closed or dense.
- to_linear_map : M →ₛₗ[σ] M₂
- cont : continuous self.to_linear_map.to_fun . "continuity'"
Continuous linear maps between modules. We only put the type classes that are necessary for the
definition, although in applications M
and M₂
will be topological modules over the topological
ring R
Instances for continuous_linear_map
- continuous_linear_map.has_sizeof_inst
- continuous_linear_map.linear_map.has_coe
- continuous_linear_map.continuous_semilinear_map_class
- continuous_linear_map.to_fun
- continuous_linear_map.mul_action
- continuous_linear_map.is_scalar_tower
- continuous_linear_map.smul_comm_class
- continuous_linear_map.has_zero
- continuous_linear_map.inhabited
- continuous_linear_map.unique_of_left
- continuous_linear_map.unique_of_right
- continuous_linear_map.has_one
- continuous_linear_map.has_add
- continuous_linear_map.add_comm_monoid
- continuous_linear_map.has_mul
- continuous_linear_map.monoid_with_zero
- continuous_linear_map.semiring
- continuous_linear_map.apply_module
- continuous_linear_map.apply_has_faithful_smul
- continuous_linear_map.apply_smul_comm_class
- continuous_linear_map.apply_smul_comm_class'
- continuous_linear_map.has_continuous_const_smul
- continuous_linear_map.has_neg
- continuous_linear_map.has_sub
- continuous_linear_map.add_comm_group
- continuous_linear_map.ring
- continuous_linear_map.distrib_mul_action
- continuous_linear_map.module
- continuous_linear_map.is_central_scalar
- continuous_linear_map.algebra
- continuous_linear_equiv.continuous_linear_map.has_coe
- linear_isometry_equiv.continuous_linear_map.has_coe_t
- continuous_linear_map.topological_space
- continuous_linear_map.topological_add_group
- continuous_linear_map.has_continuous_smul
- continuous_linear_map.uniform_space
- continuous_linear_map.uniform_add_group
- continuous_linear_map.t2_space
- continuous_linear_map.has_op_norm
- continuous_linear_map.to_pseudo_metric_space
- continuous_linear_map.to_seminormed_add_comm_group
- continuous_linear_map.to_normed_space
- continuous_linear_map.to_semi_normed_ring
- continuous_linear_map.to_normed_algebra
- continuous_linear_map.norm_one_class
- continuous_linear_map.to_normed_add_comm_group
- continuous_linear_map.to_normed_ring
- continuous_linear_map.complete_space
- continuous_linear_map.finite_dimensional
- linear_map.can_lift_continuous_linear_map
- continuous_linear_map.topological_space.second_countable_topology
- coe : F → Π (a : M), (λ (_x : M), M₂) a
- coe_injective' : function.injective continuous_semilinear_map_class.coe
- map_add : ∀ (f : F) (x y : M), ⇑f (x + y) = ⇑f x + ⇑f y
- map_smulₛₗ : ∀ (f : F) (r : R) (x : M), ⇑f (r • x) = ⇑σ r • ⇑f x
- map_continuous : ∀ (f : F), continuous ⇑f
continuous_semilinear_map_class F σ M M₂
asserts F
is a type of bundled continuous
-semilinear maps M → M₂
. See also continuous_linear_map_class F R M M₂
for the case where
is the identity map on R
. A map f
between an R
-module and an S
-module over a ring
homomorphism σ : R →+* S
is semilinear if it satisfies the two properties f (x + y) = f x + f y
and f (c • x) = (σ c) • f x
Instances of this typeclass
Instances of other typeclasses for continuous_semilinear_map_class
- continuous_semilinear_map_class.has_sizeof_inst
continuous_linear_map_class F R M M₂
asserts F
is a type of bundled continuous
-linear maps M → M₂
. This is an abbreviation for
continuous_semilinear_map_class F ( R) M M₂
- to_linear_equiv : M ≃ₛₗ[σ] M₂
- continuous_to_fun : continuous self.to_linear_equiv.to_fun . "continuity'"
- continuous_inv_fun : continuous self.to_linear_equiv.inv_fun . "continuity'"
Continuous linear equivalences between modules. We only put the type classes that are necessary
for the definition, although in applications M
and M₂
will be topological modules over the
topological semiring R
Instances for continuous_linear_equiv
- continuous_linear_equiv.has_sizeof_inst
- continuous_linear_equiv.continuous_linear_map.has_coe
- continuous_linear_equiv.continuous_semilinear_equiv_class
- continuous_linear_equiv.has_coe_to_fun
- continuous_linear_equiv.automorphism_group
- linear_isometry_equiv.continuous_linear_equiv.has_coe_t
- linear_equiv.can_lift_continuous_linear_equiv
- coe : F → M → M₂
- inv : F → M₂ → M
- left_inv : ∀ (e : F), function.left_inverse (continuous_semilinear_equiv_class.inv e) (continuous_semilinear_equiv_class.coe e)
- right_inv : ∀ (e : F), function.right_inverse (continuous_semilinear_equiv_class.inv e) (continuous_semilinear_equiv_class.coe e)
- coe_injective' : ∀ (e g : F), continuous_semilinear_equiv_class.coe e = continuous_semilinear_equiv_class.coe g → continuous_semilinear_equiv_class.inv e = continuous_semilinear_equiv_class.inv g → e = g
- map_add : ∀ (f : F) (a b : M), ⇑f (a + b) = ⇑f a + ⇑f b
- map_smulₛₗ : ∀ (f : F) (r : R) (x : M), ⇑f (r • x) = ⇑σ r • ⇑f x
- map_continuous : (∀ (f : F), continuous ⇑f) . "continuity'"
- inv_continuous : (∀ (f : F), continuous (continuous_semilinear_equiv_class.inv f)) . "continuity'"
continuous_semilinear_equiv_class F σ M M₂
asserts F
is a type of bundled continuous
-semilinear equivs M → M₂
. See also continuous_linear_equiv_class F R M M₂
for the case
where σ
is the identity map on R
. A map f
between an R
-module and an S
-module over a ring
homomorphism σ : R →+* S
is semilinear if it satisfies the two properties f (x + y) = f x + f y
and f (c • x) = (σ c) • f x
Instances of this typeclass
Instances of other typeclasses for continuous_semilinear_equiv_class
- continuous_semilinear_equiv_class.has_sizeof_inst
continuous_linear_equiv_class F σ M M₂
asserts F
is a type of bundled continuous
-linear equivs M → M₂
. This is an abbreviation for
continuous_semilinear_equiv_class F ( M M₂
- continuous_semilinear_equiv_class.continuous_semilinear_map_class F σ M M₂ = {coe := continuous_semilinear_equiv_class.coe s, coe_injective' := _, map_add := _, map_smulₛₗ := _, map_continuous := _}
Constructs a bundled linear map from a function and a proof that this function belongs to the closure of the set of linear maps.
Construct a bundled linear map from a pointwise limit of linear maps
Properties that hold for non-necessarily commutative semirings. #
Coerce continuous linear maps to linear maps.
- continuous_linear_map.continuous_semilinear_map_class = {coe := λ (f : M₁ →SL[σ₁₂] M₂), f.to_linear_map.to_fun, coe_injective' := _, map_add := _, map_smulₛₗ := _, map_continuous := _}
Coerce continuous linear maps to functions.
- continuous_linear_map.to_fun = {coe := λ (f : M₁ →SL[σ₁₂] M₂), f.to_linear_map.to_fun}
See Note [custom simps projection]. We need to specify this projection explicitly in this case, because it is a composition of multiple projections.
See Note [custom simps projection].
Copy of a continuous_linear_map
with a new to_fun
equal to the old one. Useful to fix
definitional equalities.
- f.copy f' h = {to_linear_map := f.to_linear_map.copy f' h, cont := _}
If two continuous linear maps are equal on a set s
, then they are equal on the closure
of the submodule.span
of this set.
If the submodule generated by a set s
is dense in the ambient module, then two continuous
linear maps equal on s
are equal.
Under a continuous linear map, the image of the topological_closure
of a submodule is
contained in the topological_closure
of its image.
Under a dense continuous linear map, a submodule whose topological_closure
is ⊤
is sent to
another such submodule. That is, the image of a dense set under a map with dense range is dense.
- continuous_linear_map.mul_action = {to_has_smul := {smul := λ (c : S₂) (f : M₁ →SL[σ₁₂] M₂), {to_linear_map := c • ↑f, cont := _}}, one_smul := _, mul_smul := _}
The continuous map that is constantly zero.
- continuous_linear_map.has_zero = {zero := {to_linear_map := 0, cont := _}}
the identity map as a continuous linear map.
- R₁ M₁ = {to_linear_map := _inst_14, cont := _}
- continuous_linear_map.has_one = {one := R₁ M₁ _inst_14}
- continuous_linear_map.add_comm_monoid = {add := has_add.add continuous_linear_map.has_add, add_assoc := _, zero := 0, zero_add := _, add_zero := _, nsmul := has_smul.smul mul_action.to_has_smul, nsmul_zero' := _, nsmul_succ' := _, add_comm := _}
Composition of bounded linear maps.
- continuous_linear_map.has_mul = {mul := continuous_linear_map.comp continuous_linear_map.has_mul._proof_1}
- continuous_linear_map.monoid_with_zero = {mul := has_mul.mul continuous_linear_map.has_mul, mul_assoc := _, one := 1, one_mul := _, mul_one := _, npow := monoid.npow._default 1 has_mul.mul continuous_linear_map.monoid_with_zero._proof_4 continuous_linear_map.monoid_with_zero._proof_5, npow_zero' := _, npow_succ' := _, zero := 0, zero_mul := _, mul_zero := _}
- continuous_linear_map.semiring = {add := add_comm_monoid.add continuous_linear_map.add_comm_monoid, add_assoc := _, zero := continuous_linear_map.monoid_with_zero, zero_add := _, add_zero := _, nsmul := add_comm_monoid.nsmul continuous_linear_map.add_comm_monoid, nsmul_zero' := _, nsmul_succ' := _, add_comm := _, mul := has_mul.mul continuous_linear_map.has_mul, left_distrib := _, right_distrib := _, zero_mul := _, mul_zero := _, mul_assoc := _, one := 1, one_mul := _, mul_one := _, nat_cast := non_assoc_semiring.nat_cast._default 1 add_comm_monoid.add continuous_linear_map.semiring._proof_14 continuous_linear_map.semiring._proof_15 continuous_linear_map.semiring._proof_16 add_comm_monoid.nsmul continuous_linear_map.semiring._proof_17 continuous_linear_map.semiring._proof_18, nat_cast_zero := _, nat_cast_succ := _, npow := monoid_with_zero.npow continuous_linear_map.monoid_with_zero, npow_zero' := _, npow_succ' := _}
as a ring_hom
- continuous_linear_map.to_linear_map_ring_hom = {to_fun := continuous_linear_map.to_linear_map _inst_14, map_one' := _, map_mul' := _, map_zero' := _, map_add' := _}
The tautological action by M₁ →L[R₁] M₁
on M
This generalizes function.End.apply_mul_action
is faithful.
The cartesian product of two bounded linear maps, as a bounded linear map.
The left injection into a product is a continuous linear map.
- continuous_linear_map.inl R₁ M₁ M₂ = ( R₁ M₁).prod 0
The right injection into a product is a continuous linear map.
- continuous_linear_map.inr R₁ M₁ M₂ = ( R₁ M₂)
Restrict codomain of a continuous linear map.
- f.cod_restrict p h = {to_linear_map := linear_map.cod_restrict p ↑f h, cont := _}
as a continuous_linear_map
- continuous_linear_map.fst R₁ M₁ M₂ = {to_linear_map := linear_map.fst R₁ M₁ M₂ _inst_19, cont := _}
as a continuous_linear_map
- continuous_linear_map.snd R₁ M₁ M₂ = {to_linear_map := linear_map.snd R₁ M₁ M₂ _inst_19, cont := _}
of two continuous linear maps.
- f₁.prod_map f₂ = (f₁.comp (continuous_linear_map.fst R₁ M₁ M₃)).prod (f₂.comp (continuous_linear_map.snd R₁ M₁ M₃))
The continuous linear map given by (x, y) ↦ f₁ x + f₂ y
The linear map λ x, c x • f
. Associates to a scalar-valued linear map and an element of
the M₂
-valued linear map obtained by multiplying the two (a.k.a. tensoring by M₂
See also continuous_linear_map.smul_rightₗ
and continuous_linear_map.smul_rightL
- c.smul_right f = {to_linear_map := {to_fun := (c.to_linear_map.smul_right f).to_fun, map_add' := _, map_smul' := _}, cont := _}
construction for continuous linear functions. From a family of continuous linear functions
it produces a continuous linear function into a family of topological modules.
- continuous_linear_map.pi f = {to_linear_map := linear_map.pi (λ (i : ι), ↑(f i)), cont := _}
The projections from a family of topological modules are continuous linear maps.
- continuous_linear_map.proj i = {to_linear_map := linear_map.proj i, cont := _}
If I
and J
are complementary index sets, the product of the kernels of the J
th projections
of φ
is linearly equivalent to the product over I
- continuous_linear_map.infi_ker_proj_equiv R φ hd hu = {to_linear_equiv := linear_map.infi_ker_proj_equiv R φ hd hu, continuous_to_fun := _, continuous_inv_fun := _}
- continuous_linear_map.add_comm_group = {add := has_add.add continuous_linear_map.has_add, add_assoc := _, zero := 0, zero_add := _, add_zero := _, nsmul := has_smul.smul add_monoid.has_smul_nat, nsmul_zero' := _, nsmul_succ' := _, neg := has_neg.neg continuous_linear_map.has_neg, sub := has_sub.sub continuous_linear_map.has_sub, sub_eq_add_neg := _, zsmul := has_smul.smul mul_action.to_has_smul, zsmul_zero' := _, zsmul_succ' := _, zsmul_neg' := _, add_left_neg := _, add_comm := _}
- continuous_linear_map.ring = {add := semiring.add continuous_linear_map.semiring, add_assoc := _, zero := continuous_linear_map.semiring, zero_add := _, add_zero := _, nsmul := semiring.nsmul continuous_linear_map.semiring, nsmul_zero' := _, nsmul_succ' := _, neg := add_comm_group.neg continuous_linear_map.add_comm_group, sub := add_comm_group.sub continuous_linear_map.add_comm_group, sub_eq_add_neg := _, zsmul := add_comm_group.zsmul continuous_linear_map.add_comm_group, zsmul_zero' := _, zsmul_succ' := _, zsmul_neg' := _, add_left_neg := _, add_comm := _, int_cast := add_comm_group_with_one.int_cast._default semiring.nat_cast semiring.add continuous_linear_map.ring._proof_13 continuous_linear_map.ring._proof_14 continuous_linear_map.ring._proof_15 semiring.nsmul continuous_linear_map.ring._proof_16 continuous_linear_map.ring._proof_17 1 continuous_linear_map.ring._proof_18 continuous_linear_map.ring._proof_19 add_comm_group.neg add_comm_group.sub continuous_linear_map.ring._proof_20 add_comm_group.zsmul continuous_linear_map.ring._proof_21 continuous_linear_map.ring._proof_22 continuous_linear_map.ring._proof_23 continuous_linear_map.ring._proof_24, nat_cast := semiring.nat_cast continuous_linear_map.semiring, one := 1, nat_cast_zero := _, nat_cast_succ := _, int_cast_of_nat := _, int_cast_neg_succ_of_nat := _, mul := has_mul.mul continuous_linear_map.has_mul, mul_assoc := _, one_mul := _, mul_one := _, npow := semiring.npow continuous_linear_map.semiring, npow_zero' := _, npow_succ' := _, left_distrib := _, right_distrib := _}
Given a right inverse f₂ : M₂ →L[R] M
to f₁ : M →L[R] M₂
proj_ker_of_right_inverse f₁ f₂ h
is the projection M →L[R] f₁.ker
along f₂.range
- f₁.proj_ker_of_right_inverse f₂ h = ( R M - f₂.comp f₁).cod_restrict (linear_map.ker f₁) _
A nonzero continuous linear functional is open.
- continuous_linear_map.distrib_mul_action = {to_mul_action := continuous_linear_map.mul_action _inst_29, smul_zero := _, smul_add := _}
as an equiv
- continuous_linear_map.module = {to_distrib_mul_action := continuous_linear_map.distrib_mul_action _inst_32, add_smul := _, zero_smul := _}
as a linear_equiv
- continuous_linear_map.prodₗ S = {to_fun := continuous_linear_map.prod_equiv.to_fun, map_add' := _, map_smul' := _, inv_fun := continuous_linear_map.prod_equiv.inv_fun, left_inv := _, right_inv := _}
The coercion from M →L[R] M₂
to M →ₗ[R] M₂
, as a linear map.
- continuous_linear_map.coe_lm S = {to_fun := coe coe_to_lift, map_add' := _, map_smul' := _}
The coercion from M →SL[σ] M₂
to M →ₛₗ[σ] M₂
, as a linear map.
- continuous_linear_map.coe_lmₛₗ σ₁₃ = {to_fun := coe coe_to_lift, map_add' := _, map_smul' := _}
Given c : E →L[𝕜] 𝕜
, c.smul_rightₗ
is the linear map from F
to E →L[𝕜] F
sending f
to λ e, c e • f
. See also continuous_linear_map.smul_rightL
- c.smul_rightₗ = {to_fun := c.smul_right, map_add' := _, map_smul' := _}
- continuous_linear_map.algebra = algebra.of_module continuous_linear_map.algebra._proof_5 continuous_linear_map.algebra._proof_6
If A
is an R
-algebra, then a continuous A
-linear map can be interpreted as a continuous
-linear map. We assume linear_map.compatible_smul M M₂ R A
to match assumptions of
- continuous_linear_map.restrict_scalars R f = {to_linear_map := linear_map.restrict_scalars R ↑f, cont := _}
as a linear_map
. See also
- continuous_linear_map.restrict_scalarsₗ A M M₂ R S = {to_fun := continuous_linear_map.restrict_scalars R _inst_11, map_add' := _, map_smul' := _}
A continuous linear equivalence induces a continuous linear map.
- e.to_continuous_linear_map = {to_linear_map := {to_fun := e.to_linear_equiv.to_linear_map.to_fun, map_add' := _, map_smul' := _}, cont := _}
Coerce continuous linear equivs to continuous linear maps.
- continuous_linear_equiv.continuous_semilinear_equiv_class = {coe := λ (f : M₁ ≃SL[σ₁₂] M₂), ⇑f, inv := λ (f : M₁ ≃SL[σ₁₂] M₂), f.to_linear_equiv.inv_fun, left_inv := _, right_inv := _, coe_injective' := _, map_add := _, map_smulₛₗ := _, map_continuous := _, inv_continuous := _}
Coerce continuous linear equivs to maps.
A continuous linear equivalence induces a homeomorphism.
- e.to_homeomorph = {to_equiv := e.to_linear_equiv.to_equiv, continuous_to_fun := _, continuous_inv_fun := _}
An extensionality lemma for R ≃L[R] M
The identity map as a continuous linear equivalence.
- continuous_linear_equiv.refl R₁ M₁ = {to_linear_equiv := {to_fun := (linear_equiv.refl R₁ M₁).to_fun, map_add' := _, map_smul' := _, inv_fun := (linear_equiv.refl R₁ M₁).inv_fun, left_inv := _, right_inv := _}, continuous_to_fun := _, continuous_inv_fun := _}
The inverse of a continuous linear equivalence as a continuous linear equivalence
- e.symm = {to_linear_equiv := {to_fun := e.to_linear_equiv.symm.to_fun, map_add' := _, map_smul' := _, inv_fun := e.to_linear_equiv.symm.inv_fun, left_inv := _, right_inv := _}, continuous_to_fun := _, continuous_inv_fun := _}
See Note [custom simps projection]. We need to specify this projection explicitly in this case, because it is a composition of multiple projections.
See Note [custom simps projection]
The composition of two continuous linear equivalences as a continuous linear equivalence.
- e₁.trans e₂ = {to_linear_equiv := {to_fun := (e₁.to_linear_equiv.trans e₂.to_linear_equiv).to_fun, map_add' := _, map_smul' := _, inv_fun := (e₁.to_linear_equiv.trans e₂.to_linear_equiv).inv_fun, left_inv := _, right_inv := _}, continuous_to_fun := _, continuous_inv_fun := _}
Product of two continuous linear equivalences. The map comes from equiv.prod_congr
- e' = {to_linear_equiv := {to_fun := ( e'.to_linear_equiv).to_fun, map_add' := _, map_smul' := _, inv_fun := ( e'.to_linear_equiv).inv_fun, left_inv := _, right_inv := _}, continuous_to_fun := _, continuous_inv_fun := _}
Create a continuous_linear_equiv
from two continuous_linear_map
s that are
inverse of each other.
- continuous_linear_equiv.equiv_of_inverse f₁ f₂ h₁ h₂ = {to_linear_equiv := {to_fun := ⇑f₁, map_add' := _, map_smul' := _, inv_fun := ⇑f₂, left_inv := h₁, right_inv := h₂}, continuous_to_fun := _, continuous_inv_fun := _}
The continuous linear equivalences from M
to itself form a group under composition.
- continuous_linear_equiv.automorphism_group M₁ = {mul := λ (f g : M₁ ≃L[R₁] M₁), g.trans f, mul_assoc := _, one := continuous_linear_equiv.refl R₁ M₁ _inst_22, one_mul := _, mul_one := _, npow := div_inv_monoid.npow._default (continuous_linear_equiv.refl R₁ M₁) (λ (f g : M₁ ≃L[R₁] M₁), g.trans f) _ _, npow_zero' := _, npow_succ' := _, inv := λ (f : M₁ ≃L[R₁] M₁), f.symm, div := div_inv_monoid.div._default (λ (f g : M₁ ≃L[R₁] M₁), g.trans f) _ (continuous_linear_equiv.refl R₁ M₁) _ _ (div_inv_monoid.npow._default (continuous_linear_equiv.refl R₁ M₁) (λ (f g : M₁ ≃L[R₁] M₁), g.trans f) _ _) _ _ (λ (f : M₁ ≃L[R₁] M₁), f.symm), div_eq_mul_inv := _, zpow := div_inv_monoid.zpow._default (λ (f g : M₁ ≃L[R₁] M₁), g.trans f) _ (continuous_linear_equiv.refl R₁ M₁) _ _ (div_inv_monoid.npow._default (continuous_linear_equiv.refl R₁ M₁) (λ (f g : M₁ ≃L[R₁] M₁), g.trans f) _ _) _ _ (λ (f : M₁ ≃L[R₁] M₁), f.symm), zpow_zero' := _, zpow_succ' := _, zpow_neg' := _, mul_left_inv := _}
The continuous linear equivalence between ulift M₁
and M₁
- continuous_linear_equiv.ulift = {to_linear_equiv := {to_fun := equiv.ulift.to_fun, map_add' := _, map_smul' := _, inv_fun := equiv.ulift.inv_fun, left_inv := _, right_inv := _}, continuous_to_fun := _, continuous_inv_fun := _}
A pair of continuous (semi)linear equivalences generates an equivalence between the spaces of
continuous linear maps. See also continuous_linear_equiv.arrow_congr
Equivalence given by a block lower diagonal matrix. e
and e'
are diagonal square blocks,
and f
is a rectangular block below the diagonal.
- e.skew_prod e' f = {to_linear_equiv := {to_fun := (e.to_linear_equiv.skew_prod e'.to_linear_equiv ↑f).to_fun, map_add' := _, map_smul' := _, inv_fun := (e.to_linear_equiv.skew_prod e'.to_linear_equiv ↑f).inv_fun, left_inv := _, right_inv := _}, continuous_to_fun := _, continuous_inv_fun := _}
The next theorems cover the identification between M ≃L[𝕜] M
and the group of units of the ring
M →L[R] M
An invertible continuous linear map f
determines a continuous equivalence from M
to itself.
- continuous_linear_equiv.of_unit f = {to_linear_equiv := {to_fun := ⇑(f.val), map_add' := _, map_smul' := _, inv_fun := ⇑(f.inv), left_inv := _, right_inv := _}, continuous_to_fun := _, continuous_inv_fun := _}
A continuous equivalence from M
to itself determines an invertible continuous linear map.
The units of the algebra of continuous R
-linear endomorphisms of M
is multiplicatively
equivalent to the type of continuous linear equivalences between M
and itself.
- continuous_linear_equiv.units_equiv R M = {to_fun := continuous_linear_equiv.of_unit _inst_11, inv_fun := continuous_linear_equiv.to_unit _inst_11, left_inv := _, right_inv := _, map_mul' := _}
Continuous linear equivalences R ≃L[R] R
are enumerated by Rˣ
A pair of continuous linear maps such that f₁ ∘ f₂ = id
generates a continuous
linear equivalence e
between M
and M₂ × f₁.ker
such that (e x).2 = x
for x ∈ f₁.ker
(e x).1 = f₁ x
, and (e (f₂ y)).2 = 0
. The map is given by e x = (f₁ x, x - f₂ (f₁ x))
- continuous_linear_equiv.equiv_of_right_inverse f₁ f₂ h = continuous_linear_equiv.equiv_of_inverse (f₁.prod (f₁.proj_ker_of_right_inverse f₂ h)) (f₂.coprod (linear_map.ker f₁).subtypeL) _ _
If ι
has a unique element, then ι → M
is continuously linear equivalent to M
- continuous_linear_equiv.fun_unique ι R M = {to_linear_equiv := linear_equiv.fun_unique ι R M _inst_4, continuous_to_fun := _, continuous_inv_fun := _}
Continuous linear equivalence between dependent functions Π i : fin 2, M i
and M 0 × M 1
- continuous_linear_equiv.pi_fin_two R M = {to_linear_equiv := linear_equiv.pi_fin_two R M (λ (i : fin 2), _inst_7 i), continuous_to_fun := _, continuous_inv_fun := _}
Continuous linear equivalence between vectors in M² = fin 2 → M
and M × M
- continuous_linear_equiv.fin_two_arrow R M = {to_linear_equiv := linear_equiv.fin_two_arrow R M _inst_4, continuous_to_fun := _, continuous_inv_fun := _}
Introduce a function inverse
from M →L[R] M₂
to M₂ →L[R] M
, which sends f
to f.symm
is a continuous linear equivalence and to 0
otherwise. This definition is somewhat ad hoc,
but one needs a fully (rather than partially) defined inverse function for some purposes, including
for calculus.
By definition, if f
is invertible then inverse f = f.symm
By definition, if f
is not invertible then inverse f = 0
The function continuous_linear_equiv.inverse
can be written in terms of ring.inverse
for the
ring of self-maps of the domain.
A submodule p
is called complemented if there exists a continuous projection M →ₗ[R] p